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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, GKO. n. ;, M. i., Homeopathie I'hysieian. Ofllce and reildenoo over C. miss & Son's jowelry store, Ann Arbur, Kioh. ■itt H. JACKSON, DeBtlBt, snrrofsor to 0. B. W . Portar. Office comer Main nd Wnshingtcui-sls., over the store of llich k Abel, Anu Albor, Ifteh. Anesthenoh admlnistered lf reqnlred. CGEORO, ir. I., Phyaiciaq and Bnzgecm. . Office and rosMenoe No. 7 (Vaehington streef, luur iloors raBt of Mail), Ann Arln?r, Micb. EÜGENE K. FKUKAri'!1', Attorncy at IW, Notar; PllMlo. aml Oommissionor of Doods for Pennsylvatiia. Consultations iu the Germán or Enfflish lsognage. Office, HUHe Opera-FIoune, Aun i. __ Wsr. LEWITT, M. I)., PhyBician and KnrKCon. OMcf over Watts' Jcwelry Store, Ilaiu ëtreet, Ann Arbor. A NN AKROlt MINEBA1. SI'IITXGS, Morris XJL Hale, M. ])., Superintendent. Olllcc iu building corner Mann and West llurou streets. WiNKS & WORDEN, 20 Sontu Main Btreet, Ann Arbor, Web., wholesa'.e and reta'l dealers in Dry Goods, Cárpete and (iroceriee. MACK & SCII1MTD, dealers in Dry Goods Oroceries, Croctery, &c, No. 54 South Slain street. . SUTHKEIA N'D & WHBDON, Life anil Fivo Insnrtnc)"l%enl8, and dealers in Real Estáte. Üffloe oTi Tluron Ftrect. BACU & A KT., dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, &c, No. 20 South Jlain strect, Ann Arbor. -ir?.r. WAGNKB, dealer in Rfdy-Mad OlothW inp, ClothB, Cassinieres, A'esliugF, Trunks, Carpet Bftgs, &c., '21 Houth Main street. JFREDEIÏICK SfHAlillKlïM;, teacher of . the PIANO, VIÖMS AND (HJITAB. Kesidence sonthwest corner Main and Mberly Btreeta, Ann Arbor. NOAH W. CHEEVEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor. MUS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Office and Residente No. 88 Ann 8tecl, corner of Jngalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. ST-.- office houre 8 to 10 a. m.f aud 2 to 4 p. m. Iïeferences - Prof. Sager, Prof. Palmer. r . w 'w "t " i "r f JOHN ti. UAJLjJj, Dealer iu FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausages, fcc. Orders solicited anti promptly fflled with tkebest meats iu the inarfcet. Cor. Hurón oud Fonrfh-st.., Ann Arhar. J. FBED. BBOSS, BCaDUfactiuer of CARRIAGES, BUCCIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cuttors, Slcighs, &c. All work warranteil of tbe best material. RppalriM' prompUy aod rcattonubly. All work warnted to givc perfect pulisíartiuu. CS South Main eiree t. GKOOKEKY, GLASSWARE AND GEOCEUIES. J. & P. DONNELLY llave in store ;i large t;(nck of Crockery, Glaneware, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Qroeeiiea, &cT êv.., nll to fee eold at annsmUj low prlcoi. Ni. 11 Kast Jluron-s! , Ann Arbor. HENEY MATTHEWS, Dealer in RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smokccl Ham, Sausago, l.ard. etc. liaron. Streel, nexl to Leonard House. Orders left by cusloiucrs prompUy iillod. HENKY MTLJKPHY, Dealer in fROCKRIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, A'o. 9 North Main Nreet, Ann Arbor. Produce takcu iu cxcliango. EVER YBC)Ï7y SAYS IHAI REVENAUCH IS TUK Boss Photographor of Ann Arbor. 28 Easl Huron Streel, up stairs. W. A.Ï.0VEJÖT, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN 1JOTII FINE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, SNTJFF, PIPES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOE, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILING Woul'l inform bis numerooH friends and f lio public gi d rally he haa ötted up Uw toro tatedy cen]u- d by J, C. Watson & Co,, J8 Eaet Hurou-bt., as a Bakery ai Confectionery Store, tnl lindes bya wti-ict attention to bnslfites to merlt and receive a share "f p:itrüuaf,'e. Particular attentlou win be iuid to the Ice Cream Department. Ung Cake, l'jramidH, all kinds of Fruit Cakef aud iet Oream ramiPked fanillM or partios 01: i'H-t uolice. Krosh Fruits and CoBfeotiooévy ' vaya on hani, Qoodfl deUrereé trivof charge te any part of the city. REMEIMBER THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St., ANN AK150K.


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