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O o % ; .■( il o ft - g & S S o g 1 3 x 3 r, fe r m - Ö M T e '= PS ■ j fH t o Q t t B Oh EDWAKD)UFFY HAB JUST KECEIVED AN Entire New Stocli Ot goodd consistiiig of Teas, Coff ees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, BoughtinNEWYORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VBRY SLÍGBT ADV over New York Oost. Also a full line of I,AT)IES and (UNTl.EMEN'S WK AH in BOOTS & SHOES, AH of whifih be íh offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to by their roods tot Caali. Cali aud exuiuine gooda Hüd priC6B( aiid I WILL INSUEE SATISPACT ON (ioods delivered to any part of the City free of charge. KDVVAHI) DUFFT. " Mtiyuard'e Bloek cor. Maiu hdü Aun streets 1534 Ann Arbor, Micb. NEW ARkIVAL . OF SPRING AND SÜMMER CLOTHING. WK. WAGNES is Juut Kuceived A F8JME STOCK, Whieh mu r umi will besoldtU PBlCJfc TO SHIT THE TIMES Also t f'ill stock of Cintila, to be OUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Htylu und Wovk warranted to suit. Also a Full Line oí' Furnishiag tioods. CVLtTthI O. VVM. VVACiNER, 21 South Main St. Ann Ahhok. 1496 FOB SALE. Ali:IK4HI I) VO'i'FAUl) with very tinely shftK'd ffrouads, BAftr Ihe l i)i verhit y, (. ïuw vactiiii and will be suld very luw. Euquire uf A. B. PBESCOTT. C. BLIS3 & SOIT are now reaiïy for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods conaisting oï eiiOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRT, Silver & Platefl Ware anda erin e: them at prices never befoie offered in the markets tíomething ul-w id TEA. SETS and at a great reduction from former priee. -irlf enieiuber we have the I.urgeNt Stuck ui city. Cali and see for j uunelvet. REPilRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLÏ DONE. C. BLISS & SON. 1Ó22 0 Al. E OF THE Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern RAILRO&D. ITS PROPKKTY AND FRANCHISES. In the District Coort of the United States for the Eautern District of Michigan. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of the Toledo, Au'ti Arbor and Northern Railroad Compauy, a bankrnpt. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the fourteeBth day of September next, the under.signed, aaslgnee of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company, a liankrupt, will offer at public sale ai m o'clock in the foreuoon of said day, and uill Bell to the hlghest bidder at the south front dooi of the 1'iiurtHonse, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said district, all the 1 ilit, title and iuterest in me vested, as assignee in baokruptcy of said hankrupt, and all the right, tille and interest of said bankrupt, in and to tbe fullowing property, to wit: Certain prumissory notes given in payment of subscriptions to the stock of said compauy In the sum of about 84,809. Subscriptions to the capital stock of said company in the slim of bout S20,:29. Certain judgments obtained upoo subscriptions as afuresaid in the sum olabout $3,500. Certain agreements to take stock in said company in the sum of about $U,602. Outstanding aubseriptious to the capital stock of said company in the sum of about $6,62. About thirty-eight miles of the road-bed of said bankrupt, lying in the city of Ann Arbor and between said city of Aun Arbor and the Ühio State line, near Toledo, which has been separately conBtTucted, with the right of way secured and incident thereto. About 70,000 raiiroad ties, situated at different points along the line of said road-bed. About BW cords of soft wood, similarly situated. i'i-rlain proini.ssory notes, whose payment is 0OBditioned upon the plaeing of the iron on the said road-bed, in the sum of about $40,000. A lot n the Third Ward in said city of Anu Arbor, in said district, known as the Clinton lot, alueil at S800, and encumbered in the sum of $200. The aborfl uientioned property (possessing iu chicf value in being controlled by a unity of interest in tbe construction of said road) will be ott'ered and sold in one parcel as albresaid. A full and schedule of said peosonal property and real 'state niay be seen at the law oMce of the iindersigned, in thé city of Ann Arbor, in said district. This sale will be made pursuant to an order of said court made on the thirteeuth day ol' AttgUSt, A. D. 187ñ. Datfil, August 2:i, 187.. EDWARDD. KINNE, lMS-wt. Assignee. Estáte of Keyers, Minor. TATE Oí' MI0HIOAN, County of Washtenaw, as. At a sesión of the Probate Court for the county of Waehteuaw, holden at the Probate om'ce in the city of Ann Arbor. on Thuraday, the twentyBixth day of August, iu the yearone tbousand eight huudred and seventy-flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. lu the matter of the estute oí Julia R. Reyer, Theodore A. Kejer, Amanda E. Reyei, and c acai J. Reyer, minors. Anna tí. Miiler, executrix of the last will and teètamestof John ü. Miiler, deceased, oomes into court and representa that the ts now prepared to I'i'IkIhI' t.h' Hnnl iiiK'iiiiiit nf aiii iIpihhuí ud mm. dian ol s;iid minor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the twenty-thirdday of September uext, at ten o'olock in the fuivuoon, be aaained for examinin and allo win é? such account, and that the next of kin of emití minora and all uther persons iutereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court. then tu be holdeu at the Probate Office, ia the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, íf any t hen bu,why the aaid account should not be allowed. And it ia further ordered that aaid Anna G. Miller givtj notice to the persons intereated Ín sutd estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereüf, by causing a copy of thia order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspnper printed and in uaid county thrue sucoeBdive weeks previoue to uaid day of hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1M5w4 Judge of Probate. Sheriffs Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, sa Altrad W. Üanmer va. James W. Case. By virtue of one wiït of execution ïBsued uut Of aud under the öeal of the Circuit Court for theeountf of Waahtenaw, in the above entitled cau8e, to me directed and dülivered, I have on thia ;(il day of August, A. D. 1875, levied upon all the rijlit, title and interest ot James W, Caat', in and to the following deacribed real estáte situated in thecoimtyof Washtenaw, State oí Michigan, to wil : Thé east half of Iota number aïx hundred and nint! and aix hundred and ten in Follett, Vought aod Holmes' addition to the city of Yplmili, Michigan, which above described land 1 wiïl oilt-r for sale to the highest bidder, at the soutu door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, ou the 28th day of Heptember A. l). 1875, at ten i.vlot'k A. M. ot' said day. iJated AUHt3d, 1875. 1542 M. FLEMINU, Sheritf. W8S0LUTI0K. rpHEcopartnenhip'of M.aml A. Well has been ' I disfiolved this day by nnitiiul consent, nmi tht ' hiisiiicss will be nu kuiger carried on under theiï ' uanit's, 1 Ann Arbor Angustio, 187ï. t MKHAEI, WEIL, l AAUüN WEIL. i . c I IVE CiEKSE FEAXHJSKS Ij '■Miftmitly in Imiid aud lui nnlebr ' BACBS ABEL.


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Michigan Argus