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Mortgage Sale WHEREAS Patrick Fallen of 'thP i Lyndon, Wwhteuaw couutv t , Mhini gan did execute and del:ve, to Thom.0'' nmdentuieof murtpge bearing do ivji eentb day of November, A. D ui-ï e "ii heiein deapribed as all oí those cerúi,? i''H) and knowD and detcribed a inll , piew 3 he west half of the northeast nu]?' """"lyeaat half ot Ih aouthweat ,!„ ' " the uuthwest qualter ol the iiorihwjt , " ection niimber twenty-sevcn, arij :f art 01 part of the nortlieiist quarter of t tS!t ast quarter of section thirty-f0Ur '„'""U. ate in township number one sontb of r' !1;H' at. in the i-Hate of Michiffnn, oontato??gt ""' wohuudred and aeen acre oi land m, " ■ which aaid mortnage wan ouly record'td i,",,'" ll" ster'Botiicc lor the couuty of Wanliten l!said, in libel nurnber ülty-oue of Diom" I, al"(pa-.-e four hundred and tifty-six, on th get' t { February, A. I). 1870, ai S'a o'clorlr d"r ;hat day. And whercus dut'ault has he ■'' in the conditionti of said mortgage bv " menta of raoneya thereby ecured tu be m,!"?1! by the powor of aule therein contnined W eti operative. and ihere ia now, at thu dut notice, clüimed to be due on aaid niortüam . ï thi of flve hundredand seventy-four dollars ï 5 uc ty-one cent8,besidea an attorney leeifhiit ■ severi" lars, in said mortgaire txpressly afreed to h io' as of ten as any proceedings shouM be t.? pli roreclose the same, or any part thora,f an!i ll ceeding at law or in equity ha ving been b„S ir" to recover the aame or any part thereof ■ L . therefore given, t li at on the twentythird dn '" ; ber, A. D 1875, at ten o-clock in tL ?oreZ„ tlfc day, Htthesouthdom-u! the Uourt U,," f !" city of Ann Arbor, (that beini the pin ,,' ? '- iüK the Ciromt Coart for 3iid cdiiiuv of ?'' nwl, I thall Mll at public auotion, to the hüS bidder, the premiaea describid in said mork above aet forth, or suoh part oí parte tK," nhall be necesaary to aatiafy aaid ainuust niil telcat, coala and expenses allowed by Uw " Duted Anu .ibor, July 18, 187S, THOMAS 5 i Root & Ghanoek, S' Att'ys for Mortgagee. Estáte of Rachel McCormick UTATE OF MICHIOAN, County of Washt ö sa. Atasessionof the PrüüHte Court fc county oí Waahtenaw, holden iit the Probate (is in the city of Aun Arbor, on Mondny the t sixthday of July, in the year one tho hundred and seventy-tive. Treuent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Rachel jumick, deceaaed. Zin F. Kinjj, administrator de boni mn of u-i estáte, cornee into court ;nd represent that l now prepured. to rendt r nis tirst accuunt as nuch f ministrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Monda? ,l thirteenth day of September uext, at ten oVlÏÏ in the forenoon, be asBigned for examic lowmg auch account, anrithut thebdntlm!d deeeased and all other persons interes!, ,. tate, are ruquired to appeur at n sessioo then to be holden at the Probate Ofl city of Ann Arbor, in 3iii] county, aad u cause, if any there be, why the said cüt shotild Dot be allowed : And it is furtber dered that said Zina P. Kin; ;ive noticetaí persons intereated in aaid estáte, of the m dency of said account, and the hearing thmï by cauaing a copy of this order to be pu the Michigan Argus, a newapupei printed anda culating in said eounty, three succewive tL previous to said day of heariny. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHKKVRR 1541 w3 Judge of Protite Mortgage Sale. WHEREASdefaulthaab en made in the fc tiona of acertain indentuie of mortgagei ing date the secondday of January, A. ecuted by -laniee Coleman, of the city bor, County of Wanlitenaw, Htate of Mi Luther J aniea of Lima, couiity and State aforaii and reoorded in the otfice uf the Regiaft oí said county of Waahtenaw, at ï ' , on the ISth day of January, a. d. 1872., in li..., I of mortgages, on page 37, which naid mi duly assigned by said L ut her Jumes to Slawson.on the tenth day of Uctuber, A.í.yi I and the instrument of afHinment therft in said Kegister's onice, on the JUt day A. D. 1874, in liber 4 of asaignmentö ot B on page 417, and there is due and unpaid on mortgage, at the date of this notie, tb three hundred and tiity dolíala and ' centa, together with thirty dollars as - attorney lee, in case proceedmgs ahonl; tó foreclose aaid mortgage, and do pro law or in equity has been instituted to i debt seeured by said mortgage, or any p u Notice is therelore hereby given thai of the power of sale in said mortgage c shall, on Saturday the ointh day of Oet 1875, at ten o'eloek in the forenooiijaf sai at public auction to the highest bidder es described in aaid mortgage to sati-ify tht? au. I of principal and interest with the cb&rg and attorney fee of thirty dollars, the I hereinaitor described. at the touLh dooi of ■ I Court House, in said city of Ann Arbor ! Housa being the place oí holdiug the i i: within aaid county of Washtenaw), all Ui pieces or parcelsof land deBCribed as follón: b ing lots-number eleven and twelve, ia I ber three uorth of Uit ron street, in raD'e hul: four eflst, according to a recorded plat ol CnuwcityJ of Ann Arbor. Dated Ann Arbor, July löth, 1875. LUMAN R. SLAWSON, Aapi I Edward R. Slawson, Attorney for Assignee. IA Mortgage 8ale. DEFAULT having been made in the condiint of a certain mortgflge whereby the power Ü in contained to eell has Decome operatic by William Plimly aud Jane l'liraly, hiainfi the city oí Ann Arbor, in the couuty of I naw and títate oí Michigan, to John McCoa ' of Salem, in said county and SUle, dated thli I day of January, A. D. eighteenhuudteii eight, and recorded on the tenth day of Jan-, f A. D. 1968, at nine and one half o'clookj.x I the orfice of the Register of Deeda for the om1 [ the State of Michigan, i of mortgages, on paje 224, which bhí ■! was duly assigned by stid John McCunuiái.f Rachel Mciïormick, by deed of aeeigni tiie seventh day of February, A. t. Rigl dred and seventy-one, which assiijnnieDi recorded in the ottice of tht said Registe on the ninth day ot May, A. i. 1871, t one half o'clock a. m., in Hber three of aa of mortgages, on page 119, iipon which gage there ia elaimed to be due, at ! notice, thesum of four hundred and thii lara and Öity cents, and all uuita or prowedu? which have heretofore been inslituted ; covery uf the debt at-cured by aaid mü:!been diecontinued, and no uit or pi"1 law or in chancery having be?n iDflta said discontinu anee to recover any ptrl Notice is therefre hereby given.thti' the power ot Bale contained in said m shaïl, on Saturday the twenty-third da] ber, A. I). 1875, at ten oclock in the forei at public auctiou to the highest bidder [I take place at the south door of the Court BHJ ie the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid cw Couit House being the place of holdil cuit Oourt for said county ot Waahteii mises described in said mortgage, or ■■ thereof as shall be ueceeary to Batist} due on such mortifage and lega! cobt a of such aale, together with an attorne] ty dollara, covenanted for therein ; thal foliowing described pieee or purcel oi 1 1 lot number tifteen, (15j in block numl. I'artridge's addition to the ciiy uf Am cording to th recorded plat thereuf. Dated this B7th day of July, A. D. I& Adrainistiator oi AjP D. Habriman. Att'y lor Administrator1______' Mortgage bftlo. WHEREASWilliamU'HaraandHanoraO'Hw hiawife.did exeuute and deliver tu l]' Huson, an indenture of mortKage, bery ninth day ol April, A. D. 187ot on prenin tnewj described as all that certain pieee or parcelo! i sitúate and being in the city of Adh Arw ■ the oounty of Washtenaw aud State ol Mg described as wit : Beinjfthe" fourths of lot number three (3), iu block nuffig one, eouth oí Hurón Btreet, and rauge J va two east, nccording to a recorded plato! vT. fnow cityj of Ann Arbor, wiiicti ""S, was recorded in the Register's office tot tot1 ""■ of Waahtenaw, aforesaid, in líber 4U pil on page 382, on the ninth day of April, A. - at 2:40 o'clock f. m., and wliereas defaultljj JJ made in the condition of aaid mortgagt, payment of moneys thereby aecutea to rjZ wheieby the power of sale therein "rl become operative, and thei e ia now, at _ tw ■■ thia notïce, elaimed to be due od sw : the sum of eleven hundred and twenlT m eighty four centa, besides an attorney f"% (j) dollara, in said niortgnge expresaly fl?rcE s, paid aa olteu as auy proceediug shouW JjJ foreclose the same ; and whereas an a!1 ■ . (joojt bankruptcy haa been passed in the Distr of the United States for the Baöteru WJ Michigan, in bankrup cy, agaioBt the tó ü'Hara, aince which adjudicitiun the en : ' O'hara haa deeeiiaed. Now. therefore, proceediug having be-eu instituted at M the debt now remainin secured by saJ or any part thereof, and leuvn hvíng " , ., by an order of the aforesaid court, ou tht & [; nf Tmiu A Ti iftr-. tu fAruiilnW tfSIÜ IÜöriSP . UI O UUÖ. 1. ÍS . Ml'', W 1V1 - - , advertiaeroent, in pursuance of tlie al'. State of Michigan, in sucli case ma"'10 ,}tit,, Notice is hereby given that to satisfy '"" , ,r; aum due on said mortgage at "1! dalí inteiest, and aaid sum of thirty dollars, " ti, fee, andallothercosts and expense "„;:;: law. alter deducting the amounl of S" n ahall have been received by the " mimi ' named, on account of the inortgaged Pm y, ajl der authority of the aforeaaid ""jfatt? mortgage will be foreclosed by s , e ? gt gaged premiaea ubove deacribed , to toe n'iroUS( V der, at the outer aouth door of the Coun theoountyot Washtenaw, in the tfi „, in aaid oounty (said Court House "SJTm of holding the Circuit Court witlu" ""L, l in which the above describe! ■ aituatedi, on 8a(urday the l'ourtl"i"Lrnooo. ber, A. D. 1875, at oue o'clock in the '?, Dated, Ann Arbor, Jue lOth, A. P-JSSjg. FBEDKKK'h. Hl ■ ;,r, Roox & Grangeb, M" liïfi Attorueys tor Mortagee -" Bheriifs Sale. LTATE OF J1ICH1GAN, count}' of W i O a. John T. Eaywalt vs. Alva A. rf aül By virtue ol one writ of execution ■, t0, of and under the eeal of the Ciwu the oounty of Waahteuaw, in tte cause, tome directed imd delivered, 1 ji the itth day of May. A. D. 1875, le"eÍ,,Soiii" right, title and interest of Alva A. lu,ieJ to the followiliR dc-acribed real wtï wicbií"' 'Í thecounty of Washteuaw, State ol ""jüblin' wit : All that certHin tract of lucii,' ,'!,,t,' number eighteen of the village of ue tenáw connty, State of Michigan, tnu and des.nbed aa tollowa, to wit : "',liwu, . theeaatBide of said block nuniber e % b„. aouth side of an alley twentv '"S of dred and seventy feet from tlie 1UI"S „„rtli'1; street or Aun Arbor road, i"1'11."" "f„e l.unJ''1 ty-lour degrees west along said "' ". lrt mf and eighty-tlve and a lia ' f' , l" aU twenty and a half degrees weat ajoui ,illt tweuty feet wide, and l-MhS f! jaid block, forty and one liat teel :, Q]ie p ifty nineand tliree-fourths degreue j ïred and eighty-six and afourtn ree ljDe n(tj ine of said block ; thenoe along saw beí!iBB, Iveanda half feet to the V%"ae lor f t hich above described land I ■ eIPJwr rf the hiEhet bidder, at the """l"Arbor, tí I Jourt House, in the ci'yf' ?Septemb, I i.elock A. M. on the 2Sth day oí sI" Dated Augut 3d, IS76. fleMIjV(J, 3b


Old News
Michigan Argus