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Gossip Of The Day

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WiiEsr Audrow Johnson woe Governor oi' Tenneeaee, an ex-blacksmith was ChiofJustico of tho Supremo Conrt, aud tho Goveraoï tritfa Iris own hands made a vest for the Chief-Juutiee, whila tho ChiefJusticu went to n forge and made a shovel and tongues to present to tho Governor. A singüIjAH nflliction has befollen the groeery keepers of Brownsville, Texas. Swarms of boes infeat their stores, stinging tho customers and driving them iuvny. A perpetual war is being waged upoii the Bugar-seefcers, but so far uow fomers arrivo {aster than they enn be killed off, and evory grooery in Brownsville luw been taranaformed into a smoke houso. A man -vlio narrowly esoapod drowning in üie reeenl flooda reveagos himaelf by perpatrairag tbia parody on our schoolboy calendar ditty : 11 líirty durn hath Beptembftr, April, Juno aud Novomber, Aud frnui mitll May Tlio rain lt rainctli overy l:iy; All ihe reat hart1 thlrty-ono, Witlï pearce a single gleam of Bun ! Aud if Hily Bhould hare tllirty-two, ThfyM be dull ana dlrty too." The editor of tho Ogdon (Utah) I&ccvian has accomplishe.d more in Ihe iasl six montlifi than osoally fulla to tho lot of even tho hardest-worked of the profession, judging from tho following extract from that Journal : "Be it recorded as part of the history of Utah, that a Virginia boni and bred lady eame into Utah unacquainted with a singlo soul, and, within a period of six monUiu, organized, eetabliahed, and conduetod tho Ogden Frceman, took charge of tvo infant sons, and gave birtfa to a third." A trrrrjE boy named llobert Gordon, eight years of ago, deteotcd in placing pebbliis on Üio rails of the Midland (England) raihvaj', for the purposo, as hc said, of hearing thom "go smudge" when tho train passod over them, was fortúnate enough to bo bronght beforc one of thoso mereiful and just combinations of humanity, the English clergyman-magistrate, who let him off with the light sentenco of ono month in prison and flvo yeors in a house of correction. And so tho cause of God was promoted and the majesty of tlie law vindicated ! They teil a pretty story of a Chicago girl at Watch Hül, E. I. Sho is said to be ahout 18 ycars of agi, and tho pretticst girl at tho placo. For n long time a yoiuig doctor followed her about, though kcepiug a respectful distance. He had nevcr been introduced. But one raorning the sly miss went bathing when the young doctor was witliin easy hailing distance. Young miss waded into deep water, lost her footing, turned her pretty toes up to tho sim, and dug gi-avel with her taper fingers. Horrible ! The young doctor rushed to the rescuo, pulled the girl ashore, revivcd her, and íb going to marry her. Was it maiden forothonght, or innocence ? An amusing episode roeontly occurrod in tho British Parliament. Dr. Kenealy, who Í3 a firni beKcver in the validity of tho Tichborne claimaiit, protested against the leuiency of Ooi. Bakcr's sentenco, as Tichborne was sentenced to hard labor, whilo Baker waa only imprisoned without hard labor, which Kenealy considered no punishment at all. At this juncture a member aróse and mentioned the unpleasant fact that when the learned doctor was found guilty of brutal treatment of bis Ilegitímate son and sent to prison for a montli, he thought the penalty severo onough, though there wae no hard labor in it. The Doctor stammeringly replied that he. thought this reference to his past history unnecessary and nngentlemaiily, and then quietly subsided. Otiieu countries beside Amorica, it seems, are subject to grasgjioiper plagues. A líoumanian oorresp'onAent of the Londou Times, wriÖng from Galat a on Aug. 1, describes a swarm of locusta which he had witnessed that day, that WB8 from threo to four miles wide, flfteéfi miles long, and frtiB about fivo hours ia passing. The correspondent says : " All over this part of the country lately all the horses in the villago have been kopt saddlod, and tho instant tho locusta are reported in the noighborhood all tho paople turn out and gallop after them, and raiso an awful din with pots and pans, aaid so on, to prevent them l'rom nlighting. If onco tho ilock alight it is uil up ; bat by this means thoy manage to frighten them from alighting, and causo them to move on ejaewhtííe." This a romedy for grasshoppers our Wostom farmers Jiavo never tïied. Rboently, two religious exhorte tb wero arrestod in Lawrence, Kansas, for beatinga man. In dcfense thoy stated that the Lord had revenled h them an earnest desire that Uiis particular man should be converted, and that having used all tlio eornest porsuasivcness within their power upon tho obdumte sinncr without effect, they thought th;mselves justified in trying tho experiment of corporal punishment for tho salvation of the man's bouI. The Judgo disagreed with them in tho justico of thoir proceeding, and sent the to jail. And now anothcr egotistical interpretcr of holy inii, named llynders, a pastor iii Havana, 111., refuscd to take tho oath when produced in court as a witness, it being in conflict with his belief of the express instractions of Bcripture, and the Judge sent him to the Couaty Jail for thirty days for contempt of coiut. These threo fanatics undoubtedly consider themselves martyrs in tlio cause of tho Maeter. The long-dcbted project of connecting Great Britain with the continent by means of a railroad tunnel beneath the Euglish öhanncl afiéumea deftnite shape. This will betlio greatest engineering ever uiidertuken in the world. iiut the nalions tluit joined the two shores of the Atliintie with an elcctric cable; that cut a ship canal through tho isthmus of Suez, and penetrated througk tho towering A1])R, aro committedtoitsoonsummation, and üie work will go forwurd, doubtless, to ultímate oompletion. The soundings already mailo give the greatest depth of water in tho channcl as 185 feet. Investigation on either shore reveáis a chaUs formution huudreds of f eet below the face, and this formation doubtleBB extends beneaib tke intorvening twonty miles of water. Whcu the tunnel ia cxcavated, howevor, it is quito likely many unlooked-for diflieulties will oppose the engüteero, bot these will only ronder tlieii" iiiiii I truunplí more completo. I5efore many ycars elapso, wo may hopo tho cara oí' our English cousihs will bo gfeeted with the exclamation of tho railway conductor, "All aboard f or Paris!" Tho complelion of tho work will doubtlcss inciense to a surprising extent tho already univeraal Rpirit for travel and chango of bohío, and greatly aid in hastoniug forward tho happy day when tho prosont linos of natioual difference and projudioo will bo forover obliterated, nnd the human race become ono family, indissolubly tmitod in reaching forward to ite highest earthly aim, that of "lile, liberty, and the purpuit of happinoas." Anothor great work is ongaging tho attention of tho inquiring and ecientiilo mlnds of Europe. The project proposes to connoct tho vast desert of Sahara, in north western África, into nn inland sea, upon whoso shoros busy cutes sliall UBurp the placo of tho wild donizens of tlie junglo, and above Iho Bkeleton reinains of tho Roon-to-bo-forgotton caravan tho whito wings of commorce shall safely penétrate to thc heart of this va-st and comparatively uuexplorod región. Wíld as tliis schomo may appoiir in its supposod general resulte, a.'j a work of engineering it is triñing in oomparistm with tho skill nnd labor necessary to the succcsaful tuimeling of tho English channel. It has long boon known that thc vast bed of thc Groat Desert of Sahara in below thc surface of tho Atlantic ocoan, and that at one timo it must havo fonned a portion of it. A bar forming on the present norÜrwestem coaat of África ages sinco íinally cut off this portion from tho paront ocean, and the inland sea was eventnally. di3sipated in evaporation exorted by the equatorial sun, leaving in its stead tho vast and barren African desert. To restore tho condition of things which prevailod in África so long ago, it is only necessary to make a canal of somc six milos in longth tiirotigli the ancient bar and presont shoro of the Atlantic, and the depression will be again íilled up with tho briny Avaters of tho ocean, furnishing a means of transit by steamer and sail over a territoi'y which has so long been a hugo cometei-y for adventurous traders and fin ir faithful camcls.


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