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Financial Wrecks

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THE BANK OF CAIJFOKNIA. A San Francisco disputch gives t]ic following partieulars of the oollapse of the Bank of Culfornia, the leadiqg finaneial institution of the Pnciflc coa,st: Tlio Bank of California has fajled. Tlio city is oonvulsed with cxcitement, and rumora of the wildest nature aro in circulation. Tlio whoie city is diBcussing the situation, and Monlgomery street is blocked with the throng. The burning of half the city conld nothavo cuuscd more intenso feeling. One reason for tliis is tliat so many here are intorested in specailativo enterprisee, which must I all feel the shock. It has long been known that Ralston's management of the bank was the reverse . of conservative, and for months rumora of frouble have been quietly circnlated. The excitement in Novada mining stocks and tho bursting of the "bonanza" bubble of last yoar aro known to have entiiiled heavy losses apon the bank; whfle Paciiic Mail speciilations in lands and railways, and tho building of costly -'palaco" hotels have also had their iníluence. No ono knows what the liabilitics aro; they are estimated all the way from 15,000,000 to $75,000,000; and' tho assots froni $10,000,000 to S'25,000,000. Wluui it bcamo known to tho ofScers of the baak that the coin in their vaults vftm gone, they made every effort to secure relief from other banks, and also from tho United States mint and subtreasury, but without avail. The other banks, wliich for years have looked with jealousy and distrust upon the Baak of California, were only too glad to soo it go umler, but it is doubtful if this was wiso, for the ruin which luis befallon tlio giant, bids fair to destroy the pigmies. Ralston, the President of the bank. is blamed fov his extravagauce, and to tíiat is attributed the fuilure, but it will probably appear thnt a few of the trustees and offioers of the institution have feathered their nests and proiited, while the depositors and stockholders have lost their all. The bank 's capítol is $5,000,000, and ite deposita about that sum. It has dono a large foreign business, and in connection with the immense wheat, tea, sük, and generul trade of this port has issucd bilis on English, Germán, Chinese, Japanese, and South American cities. The bank has notified its agencies all over the coast to stop paynent, iind this will necessarily proeérate msincKS east as well as west of the Sierra íevadao. Ralston tries to bear up uuder his adversity, but he feels his i'all leoply and will neithershow himself nor give aríy infox-mation as to the affaire of he bank. He hns spent money laviahly and foolislily, and thoso who have lost ïave been heard to utter tlir(;ats against lis lif e. If it should once appear that ie had been more than extravagant, that ie has been dishonost, thnt there has )cen fraud, Ralston wereld probably dom a lamp-post. Luckily the clu;s of epoátorB of tho bank comprises those vho can better afford tolose thanif they vero poor. The workingmen are not argely represBnted among the deposiors. Tho morrow is looked forward to ith fear and txembling. UICLDE OF W. C. BALSTON, PBESIDENT OP TUE BANK. A San Francisco díspatoh of Aug. 28 gives the following particulars of the uicide of Ralston, tho President of the uspendcd bank : About 10 minutes past 5 a close carago drove rapidly to the side floor of tho Bank of California, a gentleman jmnped out in a state of exeitcment, mul into tho bank. In responso to inquines, tholhaokmansiiid ho liad just lcft tho body of Kalston iu charge of au offioer on the bcach, near tho smelting works, in tho aouth part of tho city. It was quickly learned thnt Ual.ston rodo to Sellig'K Smeltiug Works wharf and jmnped off tho dook. From tho bost information, it appears he want to ii sea-bathing establishment at the ïiorth beoofa, about t:25 p, m., ondreoaed, wout into tho wator, swam about 200 yards, and disappeared boliind a vossel. ooon uftor, his body was discovcrod floating by tho Selby Load Works, and was bronght ashore, t.ill alive. A physiciun was summoned, bnt efforts to rosiiMcitato him failod, and ho diod at 10 minutes to 5 o'clock. A boy-named Festas Mazzelo states tbat ho saw Mr. ivul;tm boforo ho reftched Ulo bath-house ; paw liim sit on tho clay bank noar tlio Hinoltiug works ; khw him t'iir np severa! papero and throw the scraps into tho water. A oloso soarch w.-is made for the pieOes, but nono could b( fotmd. IIo ia also reportcd to havo been Boen to driuk the contirnUs of ii pliial boforo giing into tho wator. Tho general impression is that hc took poison boforo eatemw the water. The board of directora of tho Bank of California held a meeting to-day. Ralston was re quested to roaign as Prouidont and Director, which ho did. HEAVY FA1LU11E IN liAMIMOHE. StirUng, Ahrcns & Co., of Baltimoro, the largest sngar iroporting Jionso in tho United Sbitos, liave enspended payment. Tlio üftbiüties amtmnt is #2,500,000, of wbioh .$1,000,000 is duo in Baltimoro tx mordíante, banks, and private banking houHos. Tho ürm cmployod 350 men in thoir rtifmerios and barrel factory. It ík said tho business of the flrm footod up S40,000,000 por year. Thoy wero propriotors of two largo sugar reflneries, the Mcrcliants' and CheSapeake, and agente of two others, the Carverf and Maryland. It is thought that if tho assets aro judiciously administorod üu; croditors can ultimately be paid for dollar. Tho failuro is attributod to tlio gííneral depressioQ of business and tho shrinkago in of coffoc and sugar, of which tho flrm have largo stocks. They havo also a largo amount of real estáte not at present availablc.


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