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THE ANUÍ ARBÜR SAVINGS BANK , nu Arbor, TIiehi;in. Receives deposita of One Dollar and upwards anc aUowa Five per cent. interest ou alt deposits lenutinin three moiiths or louger. Interest Conipounded Semi-Annualiy. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupuns, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchftnge. Also se lis Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Tkkland, Gekmany, or aiiy other paft of the Europfun Continent. This Bank is oiganized under the Genoral Banking Law of this State. The Stook holde rs are individuully liable to the amouut of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while withBank.sof issue, the capital is invested fortín; Mt;urity of bill-holders. Th is fact nuikes this Institution a VL-ry safe dcpository of monies. Murrk-ii Wuinen can deposit subject to their own dr&fts only. iTIoiiey to Loan on Approved Securities. D1UECT011S : li S. Smitu, C. Mach, W. W. Winks, li. A. Hkal, W. D. Hakuiman. D. HlSOOCK, W. Deubel. OFFICKKS: R. S. SMITH, Pres't. V. Mack, Vice-Pres't. C. E. IIiscock, Teller. the Te wTYñolañ iTrañge witli EHevated Hot Closet, comblning all thelatest, uu)--! valualjle and ecouoinieal iitipruvenients in Cooklng Ranges, The new MORNINC GLORY beautifully mounted, and acknowladged to N e ut' the leadlng Ilrat cluss Cuok Stores. TEE WOODLAND COOK A De Irsl clusWoodStove; for a, low priceil stovc It cannot be beat. It lias all tin; iñodern mprovements. The abovestores all have the xww Patent iihlusivi' Oreo Finen, by whlch the oven is sure to be cv.-nly heated at all times, mattng them the inot peneel Bakexa In the maxket. The LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER Is;i parftxjl saneen. Kvery laily who uae a wringer should gel one al Pease's. Thusf in reasona forgotting Wetd'8 Carpei Bweeperareyetgood ones. (ai.vanizkd iko.n Toilbi Sets, are certainly the mosi durable. M Portable Batb Tubs are the beet and obeapest and" should be Indispensable. Those metal Water Fllteri every fatiiily should get t-illt' ;lt R. .1 . PEASE'S. 46 Sou 111 fluim Street. For Sale Gheap. The subscribe! oflsn ule hls HOUSE A.ITD LOTS on West Huron itnet, next westofR. P ewett'i resldence. The is one oí the best, and pleaaantest, for the sise, i ti the c-üy. Will bu soM for 8SO0 lesstiian cost. b.i partlcalars apjily to John N. (iott, or 1530 A. D. BESIM1CR. I)1NSEY & ÖEABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY - AND - PLO UK & F BED i-TOHK. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC , FÜR WHOLESALE and KKTAIL ïltADE. We shall alo keep u aupply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHKAf FLOUR, UYK KUHIK, BÜCKWWHEAT FLOUR, C'iRN MHAL, FKEU, &c, &c. At Wholesale and retall. A general stock of GROCER1ES ANO FKOV IS1ONS eonstautly cm haud, whiüb will sold on as reason ible term as at nny other house ïu tbiscity. Oash paid tor Butter, Egg, and Country l'roduce generally. JfciT Goods deüverod to any pnrt of the city without extra charge iiivM'v & si: ikoit. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 1514tf s A Lecture 3É5r TO YOUNG MEN Jus' l'ublishfd, in a Sealed Envelop. Price rixewtê A Lecture on tlic i;iii r-,'l reuuiieii t, and Radical cure oí Stiiuiniil Wcukiu'ss, or Sperrniitorrhoüi, induced by Selí-Abiise, (nvoluntíiry Kmis3Íona, Impotuncy, Nervous Delulity and Impedimenta to Marriiige ; (,'onnuii.ptiun, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental iud Physical laoapacity, &c - By ROBERTJ. CULVERU'IiLL, M. l).,autborof tbe " tíreen Book," &e. The world-renowned author, in tliis admirable Lecture, cltjjirly provea trom luw own experienoe t luit tlie awi'ui constíquencea of St'lt-Abuse may be eitectuülly removed without medici ne. and without dar gerouH aui-gical op;r:itim, bougies, ntrumeuta, rings or cordials ; p'ntin out h inode oi'cure at once certain and etfectuul, by whicb evcry aufferer, no matter what bis nondirion may be, inay curehimself cheaply, privfitely and radicall . $$r'l'his Ltcture wiüprowa fioon to thousands and thouêands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any iuïdresa, post-paid, on receipt oí aix eents or two postage stamp. Address the Publinhers, (HAS. .1. C. KMSE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; Post OtHce Box 45Mfï. 1 1M IC M 1,1 AND 1M Hl NI, NS Ij A. BIST O T BOOT & UltANUEU, having Becured the exclusive use ot' ROOT'S AHSTRACT HFJOR BOOKS tor the county of WiiMhteimw, wliich they have carei'ully revistid, potttod and periectcd, and li;iioir, witl au fcxteuöive anü reliable correapoudence, opened a General Business Agency at No. 6 West Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will atteud promptly to the sale, poröhaH and leaHing oí' real estáte, the loauing oí monoy, collections.negotiiitionö, contract ing and conveyaitoing, Life and Fire (nauranoe, and to the practice of Luw in the varioua Gourtfl of thifl State. Aun Arbor, May 1, 1476. TRACY W, ROOT, B. V. GBA.NGEB. jVi:tLL; 1IOISI1S FOK SALE. Alargo and very wt:ll built bnck house, with Lwo oi more lots. Two lturge framed bousea. Also a good sized brick house und frame ; and a amall frame house ím a good lot, intendud lor adi.l 1 1 1 lt a front. For aalo on fairterma and a reasouable credit. Also other building, lot, aud property. 1UÍ !: V V A T li S Su many wiliing tü bovrow ïuoney ïpply to DM that í can n-mlily obtainfui Un íersgood tótiflfactory investmentB at ten per cent. intPrest. E. W. MOIWÍAN. Ann Arbor, Anril 23, 1873. 1423tf $r , tfctWk Per day at boate. Termb free. Ad Ol tpvdreas (j.SriNSON A'o., Purtluud, Me 0 tí s 0 o i 3 Hltíg M Coi? ö Pu o H 1 5 3 I . 2 gg íi FLOÏJËT The Quallty oí' our Flour ÍHAUE A MPEl'UIn' J. M. SWIFT ft CO., of ttie late lirm of Oeubel, Swift & Co., offwr to the public h tirst elftBa brand of Flour. Order for FLUIR AND FEEÜ! muy be leftat the Poat Office, ín our Box. mtirked J. M. Bwilt & Uo., or at the mili, wliich will bu mude ii epecialy. DKLIVKRY KliRE-TKBMS CVSH. 1525m6 f. TI. SWIFT .V C. Sheriffs Sale. STATB OV MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, 88. Alí'red. W. HmiTuer vs. James W. Case. By virtue oí one writ of ezeoution usued out oí ml untler the aeal of the Circuit C'ourt for tbe ooonty oí Wahtenaw. in the above entitlod enuse, to me directed tiad dellveiT'd , I huve un tliis ;i.i dj of A.osiMt, A. 1). 1S75. levic.l apon all the riffhtj title üiid interest ot James W. Cufle( in and to the followinif desoribed real estute aitmitod in thecouutyof Waahti'iuiw, Sttite oí Miohigan to wit: Tliè eaat half of Iota nnmbet íix hundred and niue and six humlred und ten iu Follett, Vought uod Holmea'udditiou I" Ihceityof Ypslliuiti, .Michigan, which ivbove deacribed lund 1 wiil ollar for aiile to the bighest bidder, ai the aout ■ door of the Coiut House, in the city of A7111 Arbor, onthe2Sth day of Septomber A. 1). 1S75, ut ten o'clock A. M. of aaidduy." ÍJated ASuat3d, 1875. 1542 M. FLEMING. Sheriff. CI.ARK, Justiee of the Peai'e, Nolary PubUcsnd Conveyancer, Will loan money for I others 011 real estáte aecurity.


Old News
Michigan Argus