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JüDOE (jiLBEKT, oí lirooklyn, in the case 01 a coloreil man who applied for a mandamus to compel tho Board of Education to admit hi son to a school &ct apart for white ehildren, decided that the systemof common school eduration was estabhshed for tho public, and all persons had access to it. The Board of l'MucuUon had 110 power to excludo any. Oait. John C. Jonks, of New orlc city, comtuittcd suicide by jumping over Niágara Falla, a few days ago. . , .ïlircc men wcro killed aud a numbor wouuded by Iho exloaion of a celluloid factory, at Newark, N. J., last week. On, City, Pa., had :i destructivo tire recently. in wliiúh tlio works of tho Imperial Üil Kefiuiug Compauy were consumed, with a loss of about Í 200,000 on machinery, stock, etc. Forty thousand barrels of oil went up in the blaze The Fall lüver (Mass.) operatives return to work at a reduction on tho opening of the hops provided tiiey can rchiin their old poaitions .... A fatal cattlo diaease has broten out in the vicinity of Khinebcck, N. Y., and severa! drovea liave died. ]3ui)j Doble anuounces that Goldnith llaij wül never start in anothei race. . . .The townof Middlebury, Vt., haa been viaited by a dlgaatrous lire. A pa]er mili, a woolen mili, tiiirty business liouses, two public halls aud six dwelUngs were swept iway. Loss, $170(000 ; insurance, 82,000 Dr. Hcuibold, of "liucliu" fame, has commencod suit against the partie.-) who were ooncerned in his iucarceratiou in an iusane asylum. Tuk lightning mail train from New York to Chicago, over tho Fennsylvania railroad, lma oommonced running, and ie making tho schedu!o time Two huudred more Euseian Menuonitea have arrived, bound for Dakota. Tke iirm of Slallory & Bntterfield, of New York, tho largest dealers in paper-board in the United States, has failed. THE WEST. The Commissioners appoitited to treat with tlio 8ioux Indians for the purchttse of the Black Hills arrived at lied Cloud Agency on tho 5th of September. About 1G,000 savagea had collected at the Agency. The Commissionera were hopeful of benig able to malse a treaty A aerious Indian outbreak is reported in Eantern Nevada and Western Utah. Gen. Schofleld haa aent troops to that región, and wül himaelf go to the scène of the disturbaneea .... Tho amount of grain in store in Chicago on the 8th inst was GJ 1,717 bushels of wheat; 1,517,G89 buahels of corn ; 311,125 bunhels of oats ; 58,855 buabels of rye, and 32 080 buahels of barley, making á grand total of 2,531,4CG bushels, againet 2.983,958 buahels at the same period laat year. A numiieu of serions railroad accidents occurred on tl:e Northwestern road in the vicinity of Harvard, 1)1., on the night of the Sthinst., all them c.iused by rain-atorma and defectivo bridges. An express train ran off the cud of an embankment iuto a croek. Henry Morris, engineer ; James Fury, baggage master ; W. J. Gronse, a paaaenger ; and Mr. Black, news agent, weie inatantly killed. Hall, expresa messengc-r ; Frank Gieh, flremau ; James Banons, conductor ; and ecveral passengera werc very serionsly injnred, but it is hoped not fatally. A freight train ran into a break in a ciüvert, üaatantly killing the engineer and iireman. Another freight train ran into a similar trap and twelve cars wero wreckcd, and a brakorean named llen'ick killed. Still another train found a wateryreception near Jïeloit, Wis., on the same fatal uight. The engine and several cars were wreckod, but fortuuately no one was killed The f rienda of the Lite W. C. Eakton held a meeting in San Francisco last week, and I passed reaolutiona eulogistic of tbe deceased and denimci&tory of tiio Evening Bulletin and Mormng Cali for their " brrtal and unjnstifiably attacks upon tho character of the deceased." l'itoi-. C. V. Rlley, State Eutomologist of Missouri, informa the editor of tlie Chicago ■Toui'HCil, that the swarma of graasheppera recently scen flying over Illinois are not the rapaciouH kind l'rom the Wentern fi'ontier. . . . The great Inter-Stati! Expos:tion at Chicago, oii the 'Jtk iust., was attended by an immense throng of people. Tbc Chicago papers describe it as a magniËocnt diapluy of arto, industrial ingenuity aud attractione. The great show wil] remain open to tho public until Oct. 8. A cimi.ision of two trains on the Ohio and MiKsissippi railroud, near Dillsborough, Ind., a few days sgo. caused L1.3,000 damuge to engiues and l'reig'nt, besidea killing threc boys who were riding for pleaaure. One of the most heartrendiug circamstancea com:'ctud with the terrino Ktorm vrhioh reoéntly swépt over LaUo Jlic'iigan. was tlje lBS 0t the propeller Equinos, with all on bcard. Tho i]l-starred vessel left Sagiaaw, Mich., on Sui day, Sept. 5, her cargo cotisisting principally of aalt, and was overli'.kMi by t!ie gale when oiï I'oiut anSanble, on the night of Thursday, tlie Jth. The Equinox had in tow tho schooner Emma A. Mayes. Capt. Laak, who commanded the Mayos, i;tütc;i that lio liever ex]ierieuced so terrible a galo beforr. The night loomed ap befure them hke u black mountaiii. The wavea na to ■ fc.ul'ul height, aud frequenüy broke ovtr the bark. Whcn tbc storm bogan lo riso in the ovcniug the ot'tuvrs and ere1.1," of i soliooncr oh vratcb obfeerved thu tho propelloi wati oii.linlJy laboring. Klic v,;: sra-, to runsudáenry to tbe Ircward, then rct'dviT her ROurse. ihc would then run to the windward, and occasionaliy lie to for a few momonts. Ai about 2 o'clock abe was euddenly obeerved t"K t tha windward, berUghta showing her location. About thie time Capt, ljiisk let go his tow line. Tlie propeller was seou to turn nead to tbc wind. A moment afterward she waalying bet ween two monstrous wavea. She oareened, an 1 pitohed upward. lier foresail dipped into tho water. Cries of distress from tlioso on board were plaiuly heard by tho Omcers and ore of the ' Mayes. Tlie ahrielts of tho hapIcsH nomen could bo plainly distiuguished above tbc hoarao ioar of the wave and the bowling of tho winda. Tho impenetrablo darkneea incraafcd the horror of the scène. It was impossiblo for human aid to Have. Tho unfortunatc sbip for a moment lay poised on tbe eurface of the black watera, then her lights disappeared, and the terrifying slirickH of tbose unhappy belngs was heard no more. The bravo men who witnestied tho oataatrophe say it was the most appaliing moment c T thoir lives. Not a eigu or vestigo of Ihe ve.:.el was scen afterward. Tlio schooner Mayes wan alHO in danger of .foundering. It required the constant attention aud the utmost energy of the offioeri and men to keep hor boforo the wind and to attend to navigating her. The l'Vuinox was connnande.1 by Capt. Dwight Scott, oí Cloveland. Therc woro twenty-five persons 011 board, including two passengere, a daughtor and granddaughter of Oart. Scott, hotii cf them young ladies. B. F. MrEPHY, of Chicago, lias, like lus late partner, 13. F. Allen, joined the grand army of bankr.pts. Liabilities, Í425.000; asacts, Í5Ü0, MnsUfiag of personal property and clothing. .... Mi. Abraham Liucoln has been released from iho aeylum at Batavia, 111., and is uowthe gnest of her sister at Springfield.. . .The eecond t.ial of I'. I'. Wintermnte, for the nrader of (on. MeCook, at Yankton, Dakot.a, luiH ro-u'.ted in a verdict of not gnilty. Next to the Iosh of the propeller Equinos, the most eeriouis disaster caused by the recent hurricaue ou Lake Michigan was Üto wreek of the propoller Jlendota, oiT Big l'oint Sanble. j The number of persons on boaid the propeller previous to the disaster was twenty, includiug the oüicers, passeugeiu aud crew. 01' this number o:ily seven were saved by taking to the boats, B3d after remaining on the lakc for twenty-nine hours, were picked np by the schooner Addie, off Jfanitowoc, and werc taken to that port. The remaining tUirteen went down v.ith the vessel. XHJK SOUTH. A BISI'MTCH from VickKbui'g, Míkh., dated September 7, says : "A white man named Heffer is reported lynched at Utica j'esterday morniüg. Two negroes are also reported killed at Kayr.iond last night. One of the negroes who mutilated the body of Sivcly, at Clinton, ík reported killed. John Ncal, one of the whitcs woundcd at Clinton, is nee dead. The total m:iHt;i ui uegxueia kiiiou in uit; ngui itv iiiiluii b ïiow CBtimated at twenty-iive. AH ia quiet iow in the lately disturbed districts, and the legróos are suing i'or peace. Nu furtbcr rouble is apprehended in anj' quarter. Gov. Unes ha:, issucd a procliimation calling on all budics of men, organized in deiiance of aw, to diaperse. This bank of F. I). Hancock & Co., at Green-ille, Ky., v.'an recently entered by burglam mdrobbad of $31,160 Jeff Davis delivered m addreas boforo the Agricultural Society at '.)p 8 '-J, Mo., on tlio 8th of September. ïh of-iccrH of the secret sorvico reecntly nade a raid upon a gang of oounteríeitere :it Dccatur, Ala., aod eaptured eleven oí tíie numjer. The prigoners are men of proniinenco in ;hat locality, Tjeing weaíthy fanners and landDwnera. Tbe operations of the gang were ex;ensive, for owing to their well-known "respeotability" they were not suspected of manufacturing or shoving " the queer." Tu" Bupreme Court oí West Virginia has looided that the act removing tho capital from Sbarloston to Whecling is oonstituticnal and ralid. A Cinoinsati dispatch saya tho pooplo of the Southwest are uot altogether satisfiod with the Cast niai! arrangementH. Tliey charge Pst mastcr-Gcneral Jewell with dlsorímibatiag igains:t thcir soction o f the country in favor of Chicago and the West. A DISPATCH from Naihvillc, Tcnn., says five more counterf citers havo been arrested at Tuscalooüii, Ala. A banketf ui of spurioua nioney was alïo capturad. WASHINGTON. In accordance with tho request of the prees, it has boen decided to hold the seHHions of the comrris'jicn to investígate the charges made by Prof. Maish in public. GENE1UL. Tn Philadelphia experiment of shipping peaolias to EDgland lias proved a failure. The fruit all rotted before reaching Liverpool. Goveruor of MisBissippi, Adelbert Ames, telegraphed to President Grant, on the 7th Lost., regardirjgthealleged dometitic violeucein Ilinds aud Yazoo counties, and inquiring if bis proclamation of December last was still in force, and statiug il' it was not, he would at once malse formal application for Federal aid in accordance with the provis.ons of the Constitution. The President replied that the proclamatiou of Deceniber was not in force. Guv. Ames ímmediatciy telegraphed back thatdomestic violence prevaüa in varioui parts of the State beyond the pover of the State authoritiea to suppresp, and !n;'de formal application for suchaid froir. the Federal government as may be necessary to restore peace to the State, and protect ita ciijens. A Washington dispatch says a gang of Italiann has gone Weet, for the purpose of passing off a lot. of well-executcd counterfeit notes on tho First National Bank of Philadolphia. Look out for them The American Pomological Society has just held an interesting session at Chicago. A largo number of delegatea were present from all parts of the country. Cazil-k rates from New York to England and France havu been reduced to one shilling sterling rür word.... The recent storm on the lakefci crv.sed serious loos to shipping in the vidhiiyof Chicago, and a number of disastera are roported. Seven vessels were stranded and oue s..u off that city. Tho loss of ttfe was fortun&tely very small, compared totlie number of ahipwreck. Hir. Heney T. Blow, a wealthy and prominent citizen dï St. Louis, ex-Member of Coagraa and ex-Minister to Venezuela, diea last week at Saratoga, aged 85 years. . . .The single scull race for the championship of the world ':etween Morris and Coulter, at PittHbiirgb, h-.ijt week, resulted in a victory for the fornic-r Cable rates between the United States end the United Kingdom havo been redueed to ene shilling per word. fOLITICAL. Tük New Yoili Ropublican State Ccnveution S9emb!ed .: Haratogaon the 8th of September snd ■ minatedthe following ticket: Secretary ol' State, FnWerick W. Seward ; Comptroller, Fnui s K. Spinner; Treasurer, Edwin A. Merritt: ' ttoiiiuy-dcneral, Georgo S. ]anfoitb; i'iigiiïfer ftnd Surveycr, Oliver JI. P. Coniell: (lanal Oommiseiónor, Wm. L. Tineley; Inspector of Etato Piisons, Benjamin D. Ives. The platform pronounces against an increpo of the cr.rrency, favors a speedy return to rnecio payments, aud opposes the elecüon of a President for a third term.... The Bemooifcti! and lïeformers of Wisconsin held their convention at Mihvaukcc, on the sth ini-t. The present Mate oflieers were nomioated by acolamation, :i follows: Governor, Wm. :'.. .'ivlov; Lieutenant-Govcrr.or, Charles 1). Parkor; Secretary of State. Peter DoyJe; State Treasurer, Ferdiuand Kuhn: Attorneyöeperal, A. Scott Sloon; Superintendent of Publia Instiuction, Edward Learing. The platf "i favors a sound currency, in coiu or equivalent, a tarifi for revenuo only, and the BOVereignty of the State over corporations of i oretttioii. Tn.: Democratie Stato Convention of PennBylva3Í&, m session at Erio on tbe !)th of September, nominated Jndge ('ynis L. Pirshing. of (' :.:' i':; ouuty. for Govornor.on tbo elevi'iitli ballot. The platform opposes a further ruilt; e .':■)■.', of '.lic fiirroin'v. (üvors the pt-rnianent .; I Diueul of all natinmil banlc ciroulation aud tb tion of legal-tendf-r, and deniam'. i ion of the'preseni national bank i I Wihmeiit ia tbr stead of a Bystea of free ban -. onder suchregulationsaa ; respeotívely may iwèecribc. Vu .- a ('. Pou - r i:-i tbe Democratie candidato for Ifcftto Treaeorer ;i Pt'imyh'ania. 31c is tiie leader of the Grange movoment in the State, PlEEliEPOMT, on the lüth juut., telegraphed to Gov. Ames, of Mississippi, that vnited Stales troop had beeji put in readi:i ■ . tud :: ;Uing him if there was such an insnrdotioii against the govcrnnicnt as could not bo put down without l'Vdernl aflstotanoo Beceiviug no reply, the A.ttorney'QeneraJ agaiu telegraphed to the Hamo effeot on tho llth. On tte 12tb Amea replied in a very long tologranr. jr."iug an cxplanation Iliat it wa ;i tion of race, and he slill tbought thero was D6oo8tiity for tio(i's. The oorreapondd&oe wad al) tui,;4 Vur t9 Priwident firant. FOKEIGJi. Tuk Itussiaus have gaincd a great victory over tho Kbokand rebels iu Contra] Asia. ...A dispatch frooi Constantinople saya order hu BgsiD been oompletcly restored in Bosnia; aud almost roatored in Herzegovina. Tuf. harveBt in Swcden and Denmark in over. The yield is a bonnteous one, botli eouutricH i having a largo surplus of wheat ior export. Maii, advioos from India bring news of a disaMtrons öre at the town of Breeirugger, by whioh 1,500 houses were destroyefl. . . t is reported from Vienna tbat tho Pope has iustructed tho Catholic Biöhops iu Bosnia and Herzegovina to use their iniluenee in calming the people, and to facilítate the pacilication of those Provinces. Tuf, i'ooi-aud-mouth discuHO is still playing j havoc with tho eatt'o of Oreat liritaiu, all efforts to stay lts progtesi having failed. The south of Frauce has had another fliüastrous flood, as have tho Jtodit.errancan regions generally. . . .Eleven pernoim recently perisbed i f rom gas in tho Downington Wood ('ülliery, in Shropshire .... The latest report from the inBurrection in Herzegovina representa the insurgente as gaining strength all the timo.


Old News
Michigan Argus