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A Singular River

A Singular River image
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A Ñew York llerald correspondent, vriting f rom the Black Hills, saya : "A Bost reniarkable stream was discovored mil appropriatoly named Amphibious sréek. Ite waters sink into and riso frora lio earth niuny times in tlieir journey irom :lii-iv original spring to tho south i'ork of the Cheyenne. A well-worn bed estenos Ú the wiiy, showing thut in the wet sea3011 a torrent flows on the surface ; but iit the present time not a vestige of the Biirrent may be seen for miles after ít lïisappeare, until it suddenly bubbles up again trota, tho rocks, and rolls ouward to the next poiut of deaccnt into ita Bubterraöean channel. Streams of this eharacter are so common on the grcat plains that they are not thought remarkable, but they aro rarely found among mountains, for tho rcason that the snbstratii is usmilly composed of solid rock lying not far bolow thc surfuce, and altbrding no room for a subpaasage through the sand, if that should happen to compose tho soil."


Old News
Michigan Argus