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The Chicago Inter-ocean, With

The Chicago Inter-ocean, With image
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scious sarcasm, alludes to Congressman Burroughs as " the talented young orator trom Michigan, who has recen tly done uiost effective work upon the stump in behalf of Republieanism in California." The Meridian Mercury contains a proposition to Governor Ames. It is tliat he shall give peace and order to Missis sippi by leaving the State forever. It Governor Ames can be induced to leave Mississippi, the Vicksburg Herald will undertake to guarntee the State against all acts of burglary or violence for the next ten yeara ! t. - ' ■■ -■■- - Maine's vote is not one of tendency meiely ; it is a decisive one. A 2,000 minoiity in an aggregate vote of 100,000, against a 11,000 minority one year ago, is no result of chance, but the plaiu fruit of resolut inteution. It will have the samo influence, both at home and abroad, that a clear victory would have had. Upon all voters in this time of general judgment its effect will be unniistakable. Massachusetts will answer to Maine in the sume strain in November. The Springfield RepuMican thinks the luckiest swap Grant has ever given the country was wheu he exchanged Landaulet Williams for Edward Pierrepont. If Williams had been running things in the Atterney-General's office when Governor Ames' (lespatch carne to Washington, there is little doubt several regiments of United States troops would before this have been hurried into Mississippi, and we should have had another " Southern problem" of the ugliest sort on our hands. The E. B. Ward contested will case has finally conimeuced. A jury has been drawn. It is thought in Detroit that the fight over the spoils of the dead man's estáte will be very protracted and that the main profits in the case will go iuto the pockets of the attorneys. This is one of those cases which brings up the suggestiou whether it is beneficial or not to leave large accumulations of property for one's heirs to wrangle over and to breed a bitterness which lasts to the grave. On Wednesday, September 29th, will occur an annular eclipse of the sun, being the last solar eclipse of any magnitude visible in this oountry duriug this century. This eclipse will be only partially visible' in this State, the sun rising partly eclipsad. The eclipse will be annular in a large portion of the center of New Yc.rk, the northern half of Massachusetts, the southern half of Vermont and New Hampshire and a small portion of southern Maine. Vice-President Wilson cultivates the arts of popularity as constantly as Cincinnatus cultivated cabbages, and we can hardly say that we are surprised to learn that ho recently took the high moral ground of paying his fare in a Brooklyn horse-car. He had, in fact, paid it before his id-mtity was diseovered by the conductor, who immediately engaged the distinguished but tedious statesman in the toils of amicable speech, striving to persuade him to take back that five cents. But it was unavailing. He always paid his fare, he said, and was opposed to dead-heading. The New York World says that Jay Gould's plan for buying Pacific Mail stock cheap, by causing it to be rumored that he and his chums in the direction are going to gut the company, is ingenious but not original. The chiuiney-sweep in Punch, immortalized years ago by John Leech, can claim priority of invention. Crusted with soot from head to feet, that enterprising speculator entered the pastry cook's shop, made up his uünd which of the pies would suit him and plunged his dirty finger in it ; asking, with the innocense of an inquiry for the quotation of Pacific Mail, " How much for this here damaged tart ?" Private despatches were received in New York from Havana a wnek ago announcing that the edict against the importation of foreign potatoes into the island of Cuba had been raised on the 7th instant, and permisBion had been given for the entry of American potatoes. Acting upon these advices several firms in that city have made immense snms by shipping potatoes from New York to Havana, where they sold at $22, gold, per barrel, the cost in New York being $1 50 per barrel. During the past week nearly 15,000 barrels of potatoes have been sent from that port to Havana. The New York Evening Pont, commenting on the nomination of Lucius Robinson for Coinptroller, by the Democracy of New York, facetiously says, " it will give Mr. Spinner the opportunity which he so much desires of passing tho next winter in Florida. The 1'unt also accepts as a reason why Mr. Soinner should not be elected, his own assertion that he is unfainiiiar with the duties of the office, as well as his other declaration that he has received new light on the currency question. We need scarcely add that the Post enthusiastically endorses the platform of the New York democracy, and cordially Rupports the ticket it has placed in nomination. The Bangor (Maine) Whig on the subject of the recent election says : "We have seen the worst, and it is enough to Wiirn U8 of the danser which we have escaped. There is no evidence that any couttiderablfi portion of the Republicans of Maine have abandoned their princi pies to join the Democratie party, and tho miiuner iu which that dangerous orgnnization will show its hand within a short time will dispose of all the Republican apathy which remains after tiie lesson of last Monday. We have now to look forward to a national contest of vital import next year, and having tested the peril of negligence, must not delay the work of organizing fur an overwhelming victory in 1876.


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