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Subscribís fok the Abh:s. - The High School of this city lins 17-') nonrrsident pupila in attendanoe. lïesident Angel] with lus Family returned irom the Kast early in the week. - A new safe in the drug store of h, S. Lerch is oue of lts improTOmonts. - Theflourmg milis of this city are running dny and night, at their full capacity. - Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bliaa celébrate their 4Üth wedding anniversary this eveniuy. -The Eev. C. H. Brignam will conduct the 8,.1-vices at the Unitaria ohurch next Sunday, niurumg and evening. - W. A. Broubo will bring out the drama of The Druukard; or the Fallen Saved," at Light Guard Hall, Ypsilanti next week. The colored Wesleyau .Ueihodists laid the corner stoue of their uew church on Sunday last at Ypsilanti - The latter part of last week saw some heavy troste iu this county, which did considerable damage to late coru atld tomatoos. - The Student's Lecture Astociatiou course opens Friday eveuing, üct. 8th, with a grand concert by the eelebrated Theo. Thomas company. - Vioi. W. W. Bemau has been spending a portiou of hia sunimer vacitiou at New Haveni Goun. He returued to Aun Arbor about a week ago. Prof. W. H. l'ettee, the newly elected proiessor in the Schoul ot Mines al the Uuivereity, arrived iu the city with hls iniuily on r'nday last. - Frank Donhovor and Win. iiowman, wayfariug men, wero drunk and disorderly on gitorday. Ten days each, at the county jail was the retnedy. - A lad uamed Wm. Kaudolph, from Dexter, was sent to the Reform School on SaturJay till twenty-one yeara of age, by Justic McMahon ior vagrancy. - The J unior class of the High School organized tlie firat week of the school yoar witli tlie following officers : President, G. H. Hutchniga; Secretary, E. K. Whcelock. - The literary dep artinent of the Univer. sity opens next Wednesday. The examiuations tor admission commenced yesterday, and will continue until Tuesday noou. - Banaeldon Cooper, of Ognawka, IU., was adniitted to the bar iu this city on Tuesday. Mr. Cooper graduated trom the law deparl" nient of the Uuiversity with the claas oi '7'). - The anuual iair of the Easteru Michigan Agricultural Society will be held at Ypsilauti next week, commeiiciiig 'Tuesday and closiug Fnday. 'The railroad will carry passengers at half iiiri'. - Jethro Maybee was brought into cour Wedesday moruiug, and his new trial taken up ior the alleged murder of Kicliard Fiannory. The case will probably go to the jury sometime to-day. - Ou Saturday last a f riendly game of base ball between tne Junior and Senior classes of the High School, in which the latter class were defeated by a score of 21 to 19. We unilfci'stuud anothet game will be played soou. - The anti-Masons will hold a State eonvention at Ypsilanti, cominencing üctober ■l'ih, and contiuuing three days. Object: to iuure Masoury. Result : Masonry will be a stronger and more popular institutiou than ever. - The new boat club are doing wonden in the way of rowing already ; the nde we enjoyed with them on Monday will attest to this. The river provides a very suitable course for practice m spite of uufavorable apprehen- The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company tank tlit; tirst premium on the following artii Ikh : Heckemlorn plow, etraw cutter and corn cultivator anda second premium on their corn slieller. They took premiums' on all they carried to the State fair. - Mrs. Traver and Miss Mattie Williams were ruu away with on Wednesday wlnie riding along State street, and tlie carriage was dashed against a tree, the result bt-in that Mrs. Traver was thrown out falling between the hovse and tree, and sufl'ered a narrow escape from üeath. - A base ball club oí yonngsters, calliug themselves the Excelsiors, carne from Detroit on Saturday aud played a match gaine with a young club here, the iEtniis. The game was quite well played aud dievv a large crowd of ipectaton. The result was a victory for the Etnas, the score smnniing np, 17 ngainflt 11. - The Senior class perfected their organization on Monday oi this week. The following are the officers : President, C. J. Keyuick . Vice-President, Miss Jessie Kennedy ; Secretary, D. A. Garwood ; Treasurer, S. H. Culver; Poet, Callaghan ; Historian, Miss Aimee Martyn ; Orator, J. W. Smith ; Seer, ï. G. Allen ; Toast master, C. A. Fyke. - Conundrum for the Courier: The New York World says : " A new rumor of the discovery of Charlie Ross reaches us from a small Michigan village, ' a few miles from Ypsilanti,' the telegram says, as if anybody but the most minute and industrious geographer kuew where Ypsilanti was." Will Bro. Beal examine Ids map aud eulighteu the World on this lubject F - A little altercation occurred in a hall or saloon at Ypsilanti last week, with rather unpleasant resulta. A gentleman by the name of Martin invited a McCarty to take a walk with him, aud as they were proceeding peacetully along the street, Martin stepped back and struck his companion. and afterwards so severely pouuded him that hls life is despaired of. At last accouuts Martin was in Chicago. - Jacob Paul, an old resident of Scio, tlie father of Henry Paul of this city, was buried n Sunday last. He leaves a direct living descent of seventy-five persons. He has liad teai cliüdren, forty-one graudchildren and fortyniue great grandchildren, of whom there are shll living tive children, thirty-oue grandcliildren and thirty-nine great graudchildreu. Mr. Paul built the secoud house that was erected in the township of Scio. - James Britton "tramped" into this city last week and borrowed a coat and some tools ol men at work at the University- borrowed without leave - and white ho was quietly enjoyiug the warmth of the coat and the prospective use of the tools, he was invited to cali at the Justice's oflice and recoive information that would be of benefit to tlie public. He was directed to spend uinety days at the Home ot Correction ín Detroit. - Twowomenof Frecdom toolc advantage i their freedom as citizens of this free couu ti")', a few days siuce, and weut from " scold ing'' as the witnesses termed it, to the brand isliing of cluba and to the abundant use o threats. Catherine Ubermiller, one of the orthiee, was arreeted by the other, Mrs liulliuger, lor assault and battery. A jury o SIx wiH empnnelüd, the case was thoioughl; "vestiuatt;d, both in the Ei'glish and Genua t'fflKue, and a verdict ftnally rendered ior th deiendsnt. Mr. Eugene K. Freuauff conduct eil the case for the dufense. - The l'hiloniathian society of the Hig School meets in tlie acenstomed place ever 'nday eveuing. The orlicer are : Presiden Wm. Crandall ; Vice-Preaident, B. U. En 'lera ; Secretary, Miss Miiime Thatcher . Th Muestion for discussion thia evening is ; "Re olved, that the United States should acknow eige and defend the Cuban Kepublic Speakers: Affimative-Wm. Urandall, W W. Bradley. Negativo- W. Jenniaou, W. H Jenkiaa. - On Tuesday, Sept. 28th, and on that day only, the Michigan Central Eailroad Co., will sell tickets to the Chicaso Expositioii this city, at $9.85 for the round trip, good to return Oetober lst. - We cali the attantion of our readers the advertisement in another column oï Oomstock's 8G Spring Bed which we are informed has attained a sale, wherever iutroduced, not approached by any other bed. It is construrted upon a novel principie unitiug twó springt in one, which are made of the beit steel wire, is noiseless, will not sag and in fact surpasses iu many points of excellence any spring bed in market. We advise all who wish ese and comfort to try one of these beds. - David F. AUniandinger is enlarging his house and shop, for the pnrpoïa of increasing he capacity for his growing business. It will he remembered that he lately sent a pipe rgan of his own manufacture to Canada : he s engaged in the construction of another for a hurch in the same country, while he has oonracte for building three. He has for sale a violin of his own roake which is hard to bat n the volume and quality of its tone. He is pending his odd moments upon auother. - The Alpha Sigma Society of the High School discusses the followiug questioo this vening : " Resolved, that Lafayette deserves more praise than Washington tor the part aken iu the Bevolution." Speakers: Afl'mntive- J. W. Smith, Frank White. Negntive - C. A. Fyke, Mr. Hoffmon. The society is in flourishing condition, being well supported ;y many active, earnest memers. The offiers of the society are : President, C. A. M. Spencer ; Vice-President, Miss Aimee Martin Secretary, Miss Jessie Kennedy. - A lightning rod swindler " took in" a WOman near Ypsilanti a few days ago by inducng her to purchase a supply of his rods and hen to sign a note, she having property of her wn. The agent did the work, he said, on the uthonty of the husband, 80 the woman SU3ected nothing wrong. On the return of the ord of the hous-ehold, he denied all knowledge f the matter, and a " fuss"' ensued iu which ae woman's integrity in the business was uistioued by her sovereign, whereupon she avo liim a thras'iing. After making up, they et out iu search of the agent. - An agent called at the mili of Win. Due)el, in Ypsilanti, last week, and told hira that Fender machine i'or puntying middliugs, which Mr. Duebel was using, was an infringe ment upon the patent of a machine which he was selling, and that he, Mr. Duebel, was liale to prosecution forso doing. But Mr. Agent, eing kind-hearted and not disposed to go into ie law, said he would pass the whole matter y, if Mr Duebel would pay him a certain sum f money. The latter gentleman, however, relied that he had bought liis machine in good aith and paid a good sum tor it, and that he id not proposo to give away anything in addiiou. When he found that he could get nothïg from Mr. Duebel, the agent left. It bas mee transpired that he bas been trying the ame procesa, but with as fruitless results, on he proprietors of the milis at Scio, and on Mr. iurkitt, at Dover. - A mimber of the sportsmen, amateur and therwise, of this city have been for some time hinking about a club. Such un organizatiou vas effected last week, and a constitution dopted which derives its essential features rom the constitution of the Forester club of jondon and the Credmore club. The guns to e use will be the choice of the individual rom these three, the Eemington, Sharp 'and [aynard. Shot-gun as well as rifle practice will be an object of the club. An effort will be made to rent the shootiug grounds of the Germán Schutzenbund of this city. A pigeon loot will be arranged soon. The association will be known as the Ann Arbor Shooting }lub. It starts out with about twenty memers, and has the following officers : President, , olm F. Lawrence ; first Vice President, Kiclird Beahan ; second Vice President, Michael leming ; Secretary, Charles H. Manly ; 'reasurer, Dr. W. B. Smith. - Crimináis don't always have a long time ;o brood over their misdeeds iu jail before ;heir trial, and so Win. Pennion found it last eek. This gentleman, colored and ragged, auted to get a snit of clothes the cheapest id quickest way. This was his method : he uiotly stole the wedding suit, together ivith a Iver watch and chain, all wortli one hundred ollars, of Casper H. übersiaiüt ot Scio, his nployer, and as quietly disappeared. This ïeft was committed on the lOth. On the veiling of the I7th tlie thief was captured by eputy Sheriff Mclntyre at Jacksou, jrought efure Justice McMahon on the following orning, examined, sent to the circuit court, leaded guilty, received some good advice rom the judge and a sentence to the State 'rison tor two years, and was then quite jeedily conducted back to Jacksou. So that while one night found him in the above ained city a free citizen, the next wrapped er dark robea around lnm, a dusky criminal, ehiud stoue walla and irou bars.


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