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Finance And Trade

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Tlio (Iemand formoncyaiul the general Jiuancia.1 market is deoidedJy quiet, Jtoney in nlmudant. an.l i'or primo aceurity can lio had at (i por cent. Street raten, 7@10 por cent. But llttle eurronoy gQlug to the cojintry. Govevnlncnt bondï aio lirmly held, aud thore Is amodei'ato dematid. IMEAtWrlïl'1'3. Tbr ghiili malkela have tlocn 'l.hfi donter of BohêidCraÜE biterwrt and áfetentlon froiö ipeoo' tators during liib past woelt, and fluctustloitó in Values have bccil frotinent. Spring wlicat haa iteen dcclinüig throughtiut, an average tioupf fnlly Pc per bu bcing siwlained. The speculative clement ahowed but littlo conHdonce in the raarkist, and wero sjiitiooa to 8ell, l'.afii in adviers nnfavorahle. Ckjlll WU highor and lower, 1)11,'A :il)o;it Ie lowor. Oatn were fairly actfve, ruling irregular, howover, in sympatüy with the auctnaUona in corn. Bya and burley Avare fino and prices wero bjgher. The ivoatiier hiul a good deal of inllucnce with OOTB and oatM. Tho following table hIiowh tlio priora enrrent at tho opening and ut tli clono Öf tho paul woek : Opening eten No. 2 li'u ■'. CR)1 5 (?1.lSt "■ ; ( ' No 2 BoUèfSeptemlicr @a.lö irfl.i".! NOSScilerOctobct.. ii.i'i 1,07; No. 2 nnl-ii, civsh C1 -$4 @ .59 No.2 corn, seller Kopt .6!) g .Í93S (!% .SfiJi Ho.2,cOfn8eUerOot.. .68 ü A'4 .r.7 '; bid No. 2 oats, cash 33i@ .S' f .3T No. 2oa(s, s. 8ept.... {S .30 (9 No. 2 oats, s. Oct 31 & Mys uh.xíNo. 2 ryc, cr-nh (3t .7fl .Wjí .V7 w o ,.i. ii.llr.r Runt iïil 7!ï'.' ííí. .70 No abtfley, oh.... (S1.Í2 1.12 @l.ia No. ïlwrlcy, b. Srpt. .. (31.10 1.11 @lvW No. a.burtey, a. Oot... 1.0RX4U-06 ftWWJtf No. :i brirlcy, cash..,. a .75 @ .7H PKOTiaiONS. CouBiderablo interest was shown in tliiH markct during tho past week. and a fairly active businees wiiM ropoitctl. l'riecs a comparcd witli last week were a shado liglitcr, but at t.lio i samo time vcry irregular. Cash me park closed at .$21.05, and seller September nomiually the sarac. Selkr Oetobrr eloscd at $21.66 and sellor the year at .18.15. Cash lard closed at $13.G2}. soiler September at 13 55, Beller Ootober at $13.55, and selkr the year at $12.00. TKODUCE. There were but few important aalep oT butter made during the past week, bnt at the samo time a firm feeünp; pervaded the market, and priooe for the Detter qualitien showed ablü improvement. Quotable at 24@30 for extras: 19@2So for flrste 17@18cfor pecond, and llftilOc for tliirdn. Croon oorn wa quotaljlo at 10@12o for No. 1 to extra hurl ; '.)' , (' 10Jc for good to ehoioe etalk braid, and S@ 8Jc for crooked. 'ïherc was ouly a modorato trade in cheese. and prices were a abade oasier. The supply I was fair, aud qnottions raufro at 5(ï8c for poor to common, 9(10c for fair to prime in lots. and 10@l(Xc Ior choieo in a rotail iv;iy. The mov.ment was lisht in dned fruitp. and ] prices sniTered a slight decline for all avticles. The market closod at 'Ji-c for prime Michigan i aud New York applos; 8(í7)8Lc for Obio, aud i sales were made at l)4o. for uow Southern. l'cuchoR quotable at lOfálOJc for halves, and blackbemes at llWc. Dried peas remain dull I at 2.00@2.10 foVchoice green, and $l.G0@ j 1.75 for marrowfat. Eggs wero in lighter i ply, and during the lattor part of the weel; prices were considerably firmer. Quotable at I 14K@15e for clioice fre'sh laid. Featlier met witfi a good demand. Oanie qnotable at .;! 50((ï3.75 per dozen for prairie chickns. fï.25@1.86 for pigeons, $2.50@2.75 for mallard dncks, and 1.75@2.00 for small. Creen fruit havo been in good demand, with the exoeption of apples. There was no ohange of importance in prices. Sales for the week ranged at $1.00(ffi2.00 for common to fair apples, and $2.25@2.50 ior good to choieo. Pc:w)Ues closed at about S(2.00(2.50 per box, in j lot, according to quality. Plums stcady at fl.00@1.15 for ,'i-bu basket. Poars quotable j at f 8.00@9.00 per brl ior choice New York Bartletta, and 48@70b for banketH. GrapfS $2.50 for 86-quart cases of ConcordH and 3.25(33.60 for Delaware iu the samo sized j pnekages. There was a good demand for hides and a fairly active business was reported at 8Vt'c for green 'salted and 6%c for damaged. Thero was uothing of eongeqnoocé done In hops- ble at 15@20c for Wisconsin, accordiug to quality. Potatoea were dull and but few Bales were reported. Quotable at abont 75c@ fï.00 per brl. Salt was fairly active and steady at $1.50 for Ouondaga and Saginaw fine; f 1.70 for ordinary coarse. Tomatoes quotable at 30(M0c per bushei; turnips at 75c@ + 1.00 per barrel, and onions at 75c per barrel for k'ood yeüow. SF.EDS AND HICtUWINES. Timot'-y closed at $2.0@2.4Ó for poor to good, 2.45(i'2.5ü for prime and $2.S6@2.60 for choicc; clover was inactivo and cntircly I nominal; flax Bold at fl.25(1.50 for poor to I primo. HighwiiioH were Bteady and fairly ! tivo at a Blight decHno'in value. Quotable at 1.16. COOrEKM'.E, LUCHES AND WOOD. Thcro was but little doing in tbc first ! tioned market durrag tlio pust week, and tlioro j was nu essential eb&nge in prioe. Tlio olTeriiigH wcre ouly moderato. Qnótablo at 81.12J-Í ((Èl.löforpork brie, 1.35(ál.4O ferjard tos, I $I.90@2.10 for whisky bil, and 45(??5!c íor flour brls. Trade waa firm in lamber, but 1 uvera oro luiwillliag to concedo to any advanoo in priccH, and tlicvc was uo (mange of consoquence established. ïhe market closed abont asfollows: $7.75 for joint and soantling, 7.75 in Jii.fii) for conr.non to choico mi1! run boards and strips, $2.00@.70 fot shinglcs. and 75o@ (1.60 for lath. There waa -but litüc done in wood, aml i)ri'CH roiuain unchansed. Qaotable n,t Í8 00 per cord for hiokory, $7.00 for ina]l(, SC.OO Tor beccli. ind 9S.W (rMafa atllieymd. Telosrajihir Markcl ïtoports. NEW Y011K. Bkkvkh f II OIS 00 i Hoos- Dreneed 1" 8 H Oottos J2 A 18 Floür- Superfino Western 4 50 (-fl S 00 Wiikat- Xo. 2 Chii-aRO 1 21 (4 1 13 COB '2 @ 74 ÜATS 51 @ 6 Kvk 9 '■ 9 POBK- Kew Miss 21 38 0M1 50 Lard- Stcam 13i(S ML ST. LOÜIÍ5. wheat- No. 2 Kca l 52 @ i r,r, CottN- No.2 M 60 Oats- No. 2 B5 @ 37 Rye- No.2 76 @ 7(! PoiiK- Mess : 2150 @22 00 Lard 12JL@ 13K HOQ8 7 25 @ 7 75 Cattle 5 2.) @ 6 25 MILWAUKKK. Wiieat- No. 1 1 14 @ 1 in No.2 1 0!) (4 1 12 OORN- No. 2 57 @ 09 Oats- No. 2 3rt ( 37 Kyk 50 @ 78 Uaiilky- No.2 1 16 @ 1 19 OINCINNAl'I. WjikaïNcw 1 15 Al SB Corn M @ fi7 Oats 35 f 60 Eye : .: 75 @ 70 POBK-MeBS 21 25 @21 50 LAM) 13 @ 14 nu, EDO. Wheat- Extra 1 31 @ 1 34 Amber 122 @ 1 26 Oorn 511 (é, S2 Oa.s 30 US 41 DBTEOir. Wheat- Extra 1 33 @ 1 85 No. 1 White 1 21 @ 1 13 No. 2 Wliito 1 13 @ 1 Hl Amber 1 24 @ 1 20 0OBS 61) @ 6'2 Oats 40 C4 44 Bahleï-Xo. 3 1 CO @ 1 02 Poek- Mess @22 50 CLEVELAND. Wheat- No. 1 Roa @ 1 :i" No.2 Red.... @ 1 20 Cobn 69 @ 71 Oats .- 42 @ 45


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