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Mississippi Troubles

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The íollo-wing is tho letter from Attorney-General Pierrepont to the Governor of Mississippi, in reply to the latter's applicatien ïor nid to eupprese the reoent riots in that State : TuGov. Aluf-s, -ïai-lison, Miss.: This liour I havo had a dispatch from the President. I eau bent convey to }-ou lira idoas I by extracta from liin dispatch: "Thewholej p'ubhe aio tired outwith tlienojumual outbreaKs in tho South, and a great inany ara reudy now tocondemn any interferenco oiitlie part of tlio govermr.enfc. 1 heartily wieh that peaco and good order may be reatored vrithout iasulug tlie proclamation ; but if they are ï.ot, the proelamatiou must be tosaed ; but if it i, I shall inBtruct the commandcr of tho forcea to have no j childista play. If ia a neccBBity tor military iutorferencc. there ia juntieo in such intcrrerence as will deter all evü-doers. I wotud anggest tho eending of a dispatch or letter by a private messongef to Oov. Ames, ivrging him to strengthen bia own positlon by exhaustíng his o resonroea in restoring order before he receivoH governm.Mit aid. He might accept the aeeietaace offerod by the citíaena of Jaohson aihl elsewbere. Qov. Amea and hi adviBers canbo perlcotly seoure; au man; "f tlu1 troop dow in MiBsismppi m he deerns neoeesary may bc cnt to JacliKon. If ho ík betrayed by those who offer assistance, he will bo in a poHitiou to defeat thcir end and paniah them.'' ÏOU will aec by this the mind of tho President, withwhicb I and every member of thoCabinet who had been ooosnltod, uta in ful] acoord. Yon Heo Uu', diliioulüeH. Yon seo the res] - sibilitieB whieli vmi aésume. We cannot see why yon do not atrengllion yonreoll in the. way the President suggest, nor do we eee why yon do not cali tho IiOginlature together and ebtáui from them whatever powera and mom y and arma yon nood. The Coiwtitutioii w explicit hul the Executiva of a 'talo aan i!l upon the President for aid u Bupprossing domostio vioiiii'i' oiilywhrn tho Legislatura rannot bo oonrened, and lbo law expreaaly BayB, in oase of ui iimuirection in anvbtato agaiuHt tbcgovernnent thcroor, it shali bc lawful fer tho Presilont, on application of the of snoti ■ihite, nr of tho Exeoutive when the Logtelaturo lannot bo cmivenod, bo tiend troopH tp suppreea nch vlolcnpo. Tt in the plain meaning of tlio Donrtitutioti a'vl tho Uwg, when taken 1 ctbcr, tbut tho Kxecutivo of a State inay cali Upon the TroHident for miïitary lid to qiiell (lotüoHÍic. Viólenos only in 'iisb of ali infturfection in any State iijriiliiBt lbo goVOfninciit thcroof Wben tbo IjogifllaUire eau bc eiilled togothot. Voii make qo aüggeslions eiaa thafc there i any iiiHiirfebÖoii á(;aini;t the góveljunent of the Stato, or tliat the Legislfttnrè wonld not Hiippoït you in any mcafiiires yon might propose, to picHcivo tUe public order. I Kücst that yon talie all lawfnl raoaiiB and :ill ncodod measnrea to preservo tho penco by tbo fotoe in TOOT own State, and let tbe country sce that i bc inhabitanta of Misswaippl, who aro largely ltepublican, ftre favorable to t'ood rdèr, and havo thé éourago and tho mannood to ii;;ht. for thflir State rightB, and to destaroy tbo bloody ruliiaiiB Uo mnrder itB innocent and anoffondiug froedmon. Evorything is in readinees. Be careful to bring yonraelf strictly witbin lbo ('ni.ltntirn ;'id the lawn, :md if tbsro h Hui-.h reaistance to yonr Stato authorilioi au you cannot hy all the meana at yonr conunanu siipprosn, the Propidont will Hwiftly aid yon in cmshiiig lawless traitors to human rights. Telograph to mo on rcccipl of Una, and state cx])licitly Wbat you nood, Verv rciMpocf fnlly vours.


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Michigan Argus