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Wllhoft's Anti-Pebiodic or Fevej: and Aüue Tonic. - This invaluable and standard family medicine ia now a honschold word. and maintaius its reputation uulmpaired. It íh indorded by the medical profesfcioii, aud prescribid daily in the Cuarity Hospita! and otlier JTospitals in New Orleaus. Wilhofts Tonie in tlina highly recommended by the leading medical men of tbe country, and is worthy of mch indoi'sement. Wheelock, Finlay & Co., Froprietors, New Orleans. Fob sale by all, Dbugoists. We cali attontion to the car d of Messrs. Buckwalter & Co., bankers and brokers, 10 Wall street, N. Y., whom we are informed are a most reliable firm, and that any business intruated to tbem will bo promptly executed. They are large dealera in railroad stocks, bonds, gold and atock privileges, and can give the best of references; and they Holicit correspondence with any who may wiuh iuveatmenta made in Wall street. Sendfor their circular. Manï persons suffer with sick headache and nervous headache, usually iuduced by cqftiveness, indigestión, etc. 8uch persous will iind relief if not cure, by keeping the bowels open with rnnall doses of Parsons' Purgalive PiUt. Have you inflammatory sore tliroat, stiff joints, or lameness from any cause whatever ? Have you rheumatic or otlier pains in any part of the body ? If so, use Johnson' s Anodyne Liniment, internally and externally. Veoetine does not deceive invalids into falso hopes by purging aud creating a fictitiousappetite, but assists nature in clearing and purifying tho whole system, leading the patiënt gfadually to perfect health. Fikst Grand Exposition of tlie Tradesmen's Industrial Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct. 7, closes Nov. 6. Addresa A. J. Nelüs, President. Víctor Emmanüel prefers to eat his meals in solitude, and never touches anythirjg at State dimiers. Howto Gkt a Home. 8ee advertisement. SCHK.NCK'S PUI.BIOXIC SYRUP, KOR TME CURK OP COIVSl MIPTION, COCGI1S AXD (dl.i)S. Tbe great virtue of this medicine i9 that it ripens the matter and throws it out of tho system, piirifies tbe blood, and thus effects a cnre. Sohenck'b Sea Weed Tosic. fo tbe Cüri of Dypí:psia, Indigestión, Etc. The Tonic produces a healthy action of the itomach, creating an appetite, forming: chyle, and curing the most ol)8tinate cases of indigestión. SCHENCK'S MiNDRAKK PlLLS, FOR THE CORE OF I.IVER COMPLiINT, ETC. These Pilis are alterativo and produce a healthy action of the Hver without the least danger, as they are frse from calomel and yet raore efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are a certain cure for Consumption, as the Pulmonic Symp ripens the matter and purifies tho blood. The Madrake PUls act upon the liver. on$te :i healthybile, and remove all dieeasesof the liver, oftn a cause of Consumption. The Sea Weed Tonic Sives tone and strength to tlie stomach, makes a good ifïetion. and pna bles the organs ti) form grod blood ; and thus creates a healtliy circulation of healthy blood. The combined action of these merticines, as thus eiplainml, will cure every case of Consumption, if taken in time, .and the use of the medicines persevered in. Dr. Schenck is professiunally at his principal office, corner Blxth and Areh Streets, Philadelphia, every Mondiiy, where all letters for advice must be addressed. Schenck's medicines for aale by all Druggists. BjJ8itJ3 The Atlaniic Cable is a national töirlylS;Il?XlrDear ■HHMikui AIsii, iry Wire'tj'uiltpd Soles. Millions of dollars would hobJliC'"L "t]"!J- saved veiirly if all ïvould buy ÍKCJLT 5 V 9% 3Í CAllliK SCKEW " rl5Rl?$iïfH5frn U.kiLs ::mi Muit".. 'i'hi iMtiiebt.KPLfcv ma pft't'J dryest and most durable Hhno ()Vt"rTf?53l worn. RSJA if H K m A13O, try Wire Quilted Soles. twgfcyWn $O O A A JIONTH, KM) AUTICI.ES: O U AddrossE.N. RAMSRY, Detroit, Mich. WABiTÏÜD AGESTS. Sampla and Outfit frtt. Keiler than Gold. A. OOULTER t CO., Ctalomeo. Ö! C +r ÈOn a diiy at linme. Samples worth $1 sent vpO 10 &Al) tree. STIN8ON i. üo.. Portland, Me, áiQfk pri'WrckSalary, Male or Female. CircutflOKJ ar free. Address C'rystal Co., Indianapolis, Ind. "1 f C íC perdav Send for Chromo Catalogue. 4) iU " H t U). I!. iirmisD's SOMB, liuston, Mass. EVERT PAMIÍ.Y WANT8 IT. Monejln. UlüDli. AddrcMll.ï!.r.OVEIJ„ Erla.Pa, 1 O a la V at home. Airents wnntpd. Ontñtand term V I free. Address TRUIS i CO., Augusta, Maine. CO dHRllLt InCCand Kenia! everynhero. Address THK UNION PUB. CO.. Newark, N. J. TVIVOROES legally obtalned for incompalibility. etc. ; j resideren unneceisary ; fee alter decree. Address P. O. box 1037, Chicago, IU. STAR. OP THK WEST, the best Strawberry. Milüons of trees end plante at Pomona Nursery. Send tor Circular. WM. PA11RY, Cinnaminson, N. J. WITirmff nn(1 lórphino habit absolutely ai:d iEUli!a3 Kpeedly cured. J'jiiitlf-ss ; n. pabicity. llfl Send stamp for particular. Dr. C'irlW tLVUA tonf ]8Ï wnshinston St„ Chicase, 111. FIRST GRAND KXPOSITION of the Tradesmfn'b Industrial Institote, Pittfburgh.Paopens Oot, 7, closes Not. G. Address A. .1. NECLK, Pies. T. I. I. j,_,_ PES WBKK ÖÜARANTEBD to ABenls. (Fnn Male and feOrjle. in tlicir own loCJllttJ. Jh f f Ternis and OUTFIT FR1ÍH. Atidn-ss fll P. O. VICKKRY i CO., AuKnsm, Maine. CLARR'S BOOK KEEPiNG &L!& Prlcc SI. 00 post-piid. Smul for circular. W. S. C'IjARK Si CO., In Plum street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ï& i fifi A M0ST1Í in.i EXPF.XSUS t,. all. Articlei I(jrÍJUj.N;r'ON, NiAV VORK or CHICAGO. CINCirflVATiTKJlíliARWEKKI.Y STAR. An Independont Family ííewspaper. H Pnges. 48 Column of Reading. 1 Vrv ÏE1R. Sie''ini-ii f.'iipy FHKE. C!5_L Free of postaie. Address The "STAR" CO., Ciiielnni, OUfo. THIS Paper Is printed with Ink made by O. B. Kn A Co., 121 Dearhom Street, Chicago, and for salo by ui in Urge or small qnnntities. OHICAtiO NKW'SPAPF.R UNION, 114 Monro Street, Chicago, 111. MATRIMONIAL IÍIFEMCITY. Speedy relief to all in Probate f'ourts of Utah. ResiciencB tbere not required ; all publicity avoided. lncompatibility sufricient causp. Divorces valid. Address W. CUSHINC. Attorney, Corlnne, UUh. rf!P CAIC Chicago Suburlian Lots at $11)0 eacb, I I t 11 V #HtLl$l-") down ml t5monthlyfor balance, j witbin a siiort d;stance of City Umtts, uilh bonrlv liain 1 und cheap (are. Sond for circulan. I!5A BKOWiV, 112 LaSallo-6t„ Chicago. IU. Dr. Diino!c .t W tiirrill, lii.fl lio. N. Y. ', Geö, p. Rowella Cg. i e,-. R h B e-, frSinltii Cuiwd Al { uní', j K'i I I 'UNciiiiiblii!ly. Tii.ic suort. Tenns ■ ü %3 ÏPfcmoiier.ile 1,1 uu testimoniáis, öth " " ye.w r.i iiiiiiji[;i]]i;(] euccess. Describe c;ísi Addres.s Pr. F. K. MarBh, Quiney, Mich. 0% H 9 S S S ffis " i SRl W itie mostsccessful 9 I 0 rhj %a W m I L per en Opium j ing. I'rol'. D. Meelcei-, P. o. Iïox 475. L-ipoHe. Ind. l B bHOc' pnces- Lar ■ '" Tnerica -suuie nrticic -nloii lrdecoo,,t in. lar to Ron. ■ MAPS &CHARTS' l-uw I Rnm f'Küncr. "Trntli is MigMy, and will Prevail." VEGETINE PURIFIES THE BlOOD AND RESTORES TïLs HEALTH. SEVENTÏ-ONEYEAKS OF AGE. East Marshfïeld, Au. 22, 1870. air .1 R. Stevens: íeur Sir- I am seventyono years of ape; have Btifipred many years with Ktdney Oomplaint, woakness in my back and stomach. ï was induced liy ïriends to try your Veoetine, and I think it the best medicino f or wwa-kness of the Kidneys I ever used. T have tried many remedies for this coinplaint, and never fuundsomuch ilief as from the Vkgetine. It strengthenB and invitforntea the wnole Bystom. Many of my acqua in tunees have taken it, und I belleve it to he good for all the complatilla for wbicli il a lecnnunended. Ycuis truly, JOSIAH H.MIERMAN. EXPEEIENOE OF YEAES. OHAltLEBTOWN, MaSB., Maren 19, 1869. Mr II. It Stfvknb: This is to certify that I have us&d your " Blood Prepiratlon" (Vegktine) in my family for severa! years, and thlnk tttot léi Scroftila or Cankerous Hmnors, or Ilheumtktic cannot tm escollad ; nnd as a blood I.unrier ind Spring medicino, it 3 I lio best thing I have ever used:8nd I havo used almoat everything. I can cheerfnllv tecommend it to any in need of anch a medicine. Youra respeotfuHy, MRS.A. A. DINSMORE, 19 Kussell Ktrett. WHAT S NEEDED. BOBTON, Feb. 13, 1871. Mr H. R. STEVENS: Dear Sir- Aboat ene year sincO I found mypelf ma feeble condition from neneral debüity. VKGETINK was stronRly recommended to me by a triend wbo had been much benefited ty it use. I procured the article and, aftíír usinjí fvral bottles, was restored to health, and discontinuod il a use. I foei Qiüte ennfident that tlire ís no medici superior to i: for tttose compUints lor whicb. it ís esptciilly preparad, and would eheerfully lecommend it to th'iBe who iel that they need something to restore them t-o perfect health. Respectfully youra, U.Xi. PKTTlNCÏlLL, l'irmof S.M. rettinBJH ACo., 1U St-ato-st., Boston. Veoetine extends its influenca into every part of the human ortianism, conunenfing with i;s foundation, ;orrecting disensed action nnd restorin-K vital powers, croatin a henlthy formation and puriacation of th? biood. drivinK out disnase, and leavinp Nature to prform iia allotted task. Veöetine is Bold by all drufigista. THE "WHAT IS IT.-Somethirtff w. Sella at sight. Bij? inducciuents to Agent? .Samples, 4; cents and stamp. Ajrents wanted. j íor Catalogue, ü. S. SPECIALTY CO., 11 Centr-j íu, Boston. FIRE AND WATER-PROOH Ijiiiiglt'y's PiLtt-nt Slute Puint Stops the leuks ín an old Shingle Roof and makes a new one last twiceaslong; Is also tb e moBt durable paínt made for Tin and Iron. Send for pamphlet. Agents wanted WILLIS G. JACKSON, ieneral Agent, 169 Washington street, CIIICAIX), ILLINOIS. riÜRDS.-50 white or tlnted Bristol, 20 cU. ; 50 j SnowÜake, M.irble, liep, or Damaek, 35 ets. ; 50 Glass, 40 ets. ; with your name beautifully prinied on them, and 66 samples of type, agenta price-liat, etc., sent by return mail on reueipt of price. Discount to Olubs. Bestofwork. W. C. CANN0N, 46 Kneeland Street. Boston, Itefers to S. M. Pkttengill A Ck. IHf A HTIPRAfiFATS FOR THE iflf ffi mki H llbest-solling Prize Packff BdB Wn H Pi_BMflce in the worJd. ItcnnVW ni W BnUtains 15 SheeU Paper, 15 Envelopes, Golden Pen, Pen Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Meaeuie, and a Piece of Jewelry. .Single Package, with elegant Priü, post-paid, 'A!i cents. Circular free. BRIDE A CO.. 76Ö Broadway. New York. Á C E N T8WANTËD All men out of employtnent can make Urge wages slling Ha.shtWa Chari4, Pictures and Frames. The latest and bestselling Mopê nnd Chart in the country. Address the proprietorp. O. C. Haskell & Co., 64 Lalie-st., Chicago, mu -b-, - -9 imlmijb Vou want to make HBk S%k HkH1 ljnrge I'HOKÏT Hl lil Selling the best article m JU VV B vSÊ I everofferedto Agents. Wmr J ■ W ■ One Agent mado $15 in three hours. Try it. Address, HOOI) & JOSK.PH, Indianapolis, Ind. RE70LVERSSSS25Ö ed New BníTnlo Bill RevolverlPfill W With 100Cartridpes,$:i.iH;20,C0ÜsoId; every one warrand ;saasfactinffuarantwd. IIlvlrutet Catalogue Fres. AVEteTKKIS OI71I "V ÜRKS, Chicngn, 111., 6Í) Dearborn-st., (McConnick Block). THE $5ÖoFbONANZA . „ - Tnvested in Wal! Street, V+ II S%JJ F„H nnrticulara sent free. Address V. lf. PE,DKT(I, 74 Maulen Lañe, Nevr York. 1P ÏOÜ WA8TT to know about the standing of lnsuraiice companiej, gubscrilie for THE KERALD. Publishcdlij Goo. I. Ypager, 2U2 La Salie -st., Chicaco 111., at $2.50 per annum, payable in advance. Send Ló cents for sample copy. how S1O to 5O investedU' I pald and will na) J.iírBc Y ■ U lU Proflts. Kailfnad Stocki, I TITlTTn Bmds and Gold boupiht cn4nnn UUU J Margina. Interes Six(Pul pnP.P lloved on uei.o..JV' I Í IIJJU sits subject totigbt drnlts. lyUUUi BIXKWM.TEU % CO., Banken and Brokers, No. 10 AVall Sireet, Xctv Vork. SU TT A T?T?TQ9 . 1. JuLiLJtt.OiJ.t3 Improveiï t'hlcugo FIR1Ï umi DÜRGLAR anrt VAÍiliT DOOIIS ure tlie BEST am! t:iIEPRST. :nnl Sales n i,L:Ü 6 :Eat ü.ici :H.h :.. (:liicngo. Ir. WARNEU'S .-ttw SANITARY GORSET, Jgt Self'AdJastiiig Puds. W The only Ooraet constructed upon w physiological principies, it secure júLxxáéíLfó? health and comfort of body, with graco flftüíM ■ and beauty of form. Lady agents HiiT1' W SÍzíí,bymaiI.S1.5O. Addrrs-=, FT ïï j I WAKKER BUOS. ; JU. V j ■■■SBHBB 'i'bts new Tniss Is worn j BKB8'39QnK with l'örferf uamiort inght ÊÊmX k. R T TpBai1' Adpt itself to n JS xj A O i 1 v &■ evwrv motion oí ilití body, flB Y E. U S S . JHPretainingrupUiTeunderltie Tfc- i-p-M--wry liaifiestexeixieeorKevereet ' Wml&BL?Mnyrm B!ril'n "nl" pennanentlj NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sant by mail. Gall or lend for Circular and be cured. THE OLOEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA ! TUK SATURDAY EVENINa POST. n:;nï vui coxtaisb Onntfnned Staties by thé BestWriten, Shori Sketches, HistoHcal Items, öentennial News, Bright Pictuies, lashion Píate and Ietter, Science, Nnw. Humor, ' apiri', ünvs anti iürln I)iiartmeiit, Jirimful of good : i;iinw.-. Splendid Chrumo, i9x5, o e;ry oabsorlbor. Th reo dollars a year, postpsld. Oti trial four months, ffi Qood AKnts wartd everywherw. AddressRKKD, WiCKKRStÏAM A CO.,726 Sansotn-st., PhUadelphia. C AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENiyjAL HISTORYoftheU.S. i be reit mtorost iutne innJliiiKhit-loiyof onrcimntry ' maltes tb is the rastest selling hcoï ever nnblished. i' ooataina tfvsr 4(K üaa hittorical engMvuigs And ÍMX) pages, wrth :i f uil ucfimut oí thenpprimi-iiin grand Gentennml oalebt&tion. Send tei a mi] dwortpoon nd extra tenau todümats. Najionai. í'l'ulibhinu Co., (;hi.'its, "■. or St, í.iM!Ís, ma, DITSON & CO'S SCHOOL 3IUSIC BOOKS Coustitute a perfect series, pitividing Ín the best manner for every class in cvery Moboolf Acadeniy nnd Serninary. American School Music Da'kJavc I" 3 Boot, oiwhioh Book t(85 nCdUCrbi conls) is admirably amnged for Friiuary Soliooln. liook II. (60 cents! aml Book 111. ) centifï íor Grammar or younlturHigh So&Ool or Acadeniy ctwsw. t'ompilf d ly I: O. Emkkson and W. S. Tiluen. Cheerful Voices, JPfiSL&fc a capital collection of Scbol Songs for Common Schools. The High School Choir, (J 001 ly 1ÍMEKS.1N an.l W. 8. TnjIK, is fully ■mal feo 'Jèir last book, Thk Ifuf'R or BINOIMO, wliicb soe years hiis been tbe nlnuclai d book. The present ,,oV like the ol her, I, íor HIGH SOHOÓLS, AC.VDE MUÍS, and SEMINARIAS The National Hymn and ■■vik Qtélr (40 cents) furnishes tbe best I UnC DOOK; collection of Sacred Muslo ijfant lor opening and closins schcolfl. - Anf book itnt, poíl pld, fot rttl! prtot. __ MVII 9!?0N 60.. OHt, H, PITSQN ♦ CO., ,t "NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY' This Cordial U a CERTAIN CURL fov Coughs, Colds, Inflammation of tho I.mifCá, Soro TUroat and Jtltn-t, Bronchi. lis, and lf taken In time, wlU arrest thut fatal clísense ConsumpUon. The bstli ol ihls medicine la a prepara! ton of Taroh. taiiiert by a peculiar prof % f rom the sa of the Fine Tree, the medicinal proper. Hes of whlch are well known. %Vltli ihu poiverful element are thoronfirhlv lncorporated several othervegetable rncfedlrntf, each of grillen . possesses fcOólbln and licallns attributen, tlmg innklnff li thtmost POTENT, ANTAGONIST to .11 dlseagea of the pnlmonary organs ,lht ha yet been iiitroduccd. DR.-L. O.-.O. WISHAET'S ' PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is not a new remedy tliat has never been honril of before, but an' OLD. RELI. ABIiE, AND WEIX-TRIED medicine tlint has fcen In dally use ly famillei aud intelligent physiclans for the last slxtorn years, and is spoken ' of In tho 1 highejt terms by all who liave nsed lt, aa thonsands of TJNSOL.XCITED TESTIMO. IÍIALS prove. If y ou suffer front any dlieaM'for ■which thls Conllal Is roeonimended, wt unhesl(atinely say: TRY IT, TPI KNOW IT WILI.DO YOU GOOD. A single bottle -vlll demónstrate ita tIu. able qualitleH. 5GLD IT HU öflllGGISTS UNO STBREKEEPEBS.' PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 232 North Hecond SU, Philud'a. FT AT A il TT 7!1 BROADWiT, Xe„y„rt . l 1 JinH I mannfacturerofSOMDBOu, JEWKlJtYofewMïdeBoription. The stock ilrge.,eiv choice, and is offerod at r;'tailat trade pricestokeepour workmen goinfr. Bills under $15, P.O. order it) adfance Over 815, C.O'.D. privilsge to examine. Catalogue fret HOW TO GET A H0ÏË IOWA J.A.VDS, 80ft,000 ACHEs" Hlcn Soll, Ri)od Olinmte. excöllenl Water, crowing Rtüf jjftnts, good Schoola. We offer tho L&naa of tw 81ou City and St. Paul R. R. and the MoGragor ind Aimii River R. R. at $4 to %H per acre, on easy paTmuta. Tiro yeara rent wlU buy a 'arm. Apply to DAV I USOS! & CALKINS, R R. I.nd OiSca Slblei. OaceoU Co., lUt HXrQTTIR'E FOR W.AJEOWN&W UMBHELLAS. PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK.-Th8 qualtties maiked with tbeir name are confidently recommended. MlLLERS Visiting Cincinnati during the Exposition, or t }w time. ïre invited to cnll at the STRALB JULÏ ÜRKS, Corner of BVontand John-8ti.,wberethf[ will see one of tht largest and most complete BI KR STO.VK FACTOISIKS in thu country; aln. the mest complete MANUPACTORY OF MILII(i MACHI1VBRY AND MILLEIIS' ,PmJK,. iriL[ co Sh Bl F. & F. Bief & Co., Grwm, áfftA Buxton,fipy;- "Your Sa Ton m (tna Kjy.ft perfect satisfaclion." Kis excellent. ■G-.MUW CoiitrlU & JHumfoidjj ; ■"■ tfjHJL SeaVoaitiis woinierfal. Óur sales I7ural I are immen e. Kveryliodypraiseslt." ysSayi I a "It maltes Breed R.cher.Lighter, k,HOHBry Whiter, Putri-, Sweeter, andMo 15m??vO Wholesomfl Jli.nn any ether iray." 1 0LI#.M Tht; Kantest tbii'g to tellyouewr vffftw . I M saw Spiiö t once mrCircalartt) lMi#lmMr gko. gaktz & co., Él&h Best Iiifte Worli. iSi l!0"(fSendforSampleCar. SSSsteffiE 7- Branch Offices and ?ac iWSEMU6T ï'lcs- dOO West Btreet, 'e ííSSUEÉT Vork; 210 SontliTMnl-a, 'WSrvSt. L.iW M".. ■ ■""JÉ" Van Uuren-Bt,Clilcaeo,Ill, Et SK THE BA XCELSIOK LAMP CHIMNEYS. They nre made of !ïc let I.ead G1M1 wlll Stand Heat hrtter than any othtr. 1ÏTË WANT AGENT8 a,TJB ■ S I ud Ltr.:cs, to e!l our Dook, LIFE ANO AOVBNTURESOF KitCarson I B THE OHLY AUTKQRIIED EOITIOI. Written from foctj dictawi bj Cao hinuílf. Ful! of ■■ lag adTenture, and woaderful escapes. AgetltS EveT Whore cnnnot fall to maïe irnrafT. 35,000 80LD; New Agenta " f= 20 50 "&. OUTFIT FR E E tó all that tIH ork. Scc.l Tor lüniuntrt Cirur nUh lrge Krms, to nenreit olüce of DJ7STIN, CUMA 4í CO., Habtfokd, Com., Cbicago, Iu-i ob CurciNïin, ft tatr3fTrcStw -j Volcante nrs ivhiili CrJf%'S System bythxir violent (.'tliaritic actlon. """"„T-i-, taken tor Con&tipalion. Tile miW.sootUiilg"" P"" operation of . Turrant's Effervesewit AporiMii isexactlywhat, is reQiiired, and 11 eedilj c"' most chronlo cases. riOLU BY AU. ÜRUfiGISTa i fSI llfïïi-liIsVï' s,I.faLï.iïi? f ip3iilii c.n.ü. í V"i:v VRrriffP TQ.AOVKRTWgf YdIu ay jfou saw bu JvírtMMf


Old News
Michigan Argus