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Finance And Trade

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Thcre ia a fair deniaud for eurrency from country banks for inoviDg crops, and a fair local movement. Interest ratea quotable at G(gW per cent., aceording to time and security. Goverument honda flrm, aud a moderate trade was reported. BBEADSTUFFH. The grain market attracted a largo degree of atteution frora speculators during the past week, and liberal trading waa reported. Tho markets, however, have been more or lees nosettled, and fiuctuations were quite frequent and at a rather wide range. Spring wheat waa flrmer, and the closing quotations show an average advance of about 8c per tm. The corn market waa lower for iinmodiate delivery, but the longer futuros - November and aeller the year - were tjtroug and higher. Cash oata sold up to 38töl0c on Thuraday, tho market for September being fairly llcornered.M Subaequently a decline of 7o waa austained aud cloaed easy. Bye and barley were dull and lower all round. The foüowiug table shows the pricea current at the opeuiug and at tho cloae of the past week: Opening. Closimj. No. 2 ep'í wheat, caBb i @1.07% $ @1.12 No. 2, 8elJcr Octobcr.. @1.04% @1.08'.,' No. 2, Beller Nor @1.04 (njl.O7); No. 2 corn, cash @ .56 .55 @ .■r'íl)l No. 2 corn, b. Octobor .53 @ .54 .55 bid. No. 2, sellerNov 47 @ .47 ' ■, @ .50 '■„ No. 2 oats, cash (g .55 ;;, @ .33 No. 2 oats, b. October. @ .32 @ .32} No. 2 oato, Beller Nov. .31 @ .31JÍ C .31Ja No. 2 ry cash 73j @ .74 @ .72 No. 2 rye? a. Oct (ñ .72 @ .72 No. 2 barley. cash @1.10 1.00 @1.02 No. 2 barloy, b. Oct. . . 1.07 gl.O8 @ .90)i No. 2 bnrley, 8. Nov . . .935í@l.OO @ .97 PROVISIONS. Caab moes pork closed quiet at $22.75 for car lots, Beller October $22.30@22.35, andsellor the year at $19.37@19.10. Cash lard closed fiteady at $13.50, seller October at $sl3.50@ 13.00, and Beller the year at $12.35. Butter quotable at 24@30c for extras, l'J@23c for firsta, 17@18c for second and 14(g;lCc for thirda. llroom corn quotable at Il@lí3c for No. 1 to extra hurl. BeanH remaiu very quiet, bat prices under light offeriugs were steady and unchanged, quotable at 1.80 for prime Eastern mediums in a small way, and Western Bold at $1.25@1.70, aceording to qiiality. liagging waa dull and rather easy, Stark A quotable at $28.00, Otter Creek, Lêwiston A. Montauk and Ludlow AA at $26.00, and ] wool sacks at 50@52c. There waa a firmer feeling developed in the market for cheese. Quotations range at 5@Hc for common to fair ; 10@10c for good ; ll@lljc for prime in Iota, and 12c in a retail way. Cranberries were in fair supply, but sales were rather Blow at $2.5O(á3.ÜO per bu. Cider also uold rather slowly at $5.50@6.00 per brl. The movement in dried fruits was not very brisk. Quotations range at 83@'Jc for Eastern applea ; 8o for Ohio, and 7(a7Jo for Southern. Peaches about 9c for halves ; 8c for mixed, and 10@15c for pared. Blackberries cloaed hrm at 12}o. Diied peas ruled dull, with several lots of new on the market. Quotablo at $1.65 per bu for green, and $1.25@1.40 for yellow. Eggs cloaed at about 22c. Prime live geese feathers were in good demand and firm at 56@58e, but the other descriptions were rather duil. Game was in fair aupply, and met with ready sale at S3.75 per dozen for prairie chickens : $3.00 for mallard ducks ; $2.00 for small, and about $1.50 for Biiipe. Apples quotable at $2.50@2.75 per brl for good in lots. $8.00 for choice, and f 3.25@4.00 for good to choice in a retail way. Peaches were rather dull, owing to the common quality of the offerings ; the market closed at $1.00@1.25 for %-bu boxes in lots, and $1.30@1.5ü in a amall way ; large baskets sold at 50c@isl.00, aceording to quaüty. Michigan pears sold at 50c@1.00 per basket, and New York at $8.00 @tl.00 per brl, aceording to kind. Grapcs closed at 25@50c for Michigan baskets, $1.25( 1.40 for 20-lb baskets of Ohio Concord, and $2.50 for 30-lb cases of the same. Delaware sold at $1.75@2.00 for 20-lb baskets, and $3.50('3.7ó for 30-ft cases. There was a fair demand for hides, and me marliet was nrm at 8% e tor green-salted all round, and 6'@63c for damaged. Houey was dull and slow aale. Quotable at 20(i;23c per 1b for strained. Hops were quiet and elow sale ; quotable at 8@15c for fair to very olioice. Potatoes remaiii quiet at 75(atl.00 per brl. Sweet potatoeo quotable at 30(ü;40c for yellow in )-bu boxes. Barrel about $2.00@2.50 for 'yellow Illinois and $3.75 for Jerseys. Salt was in fair deniand and steady. Quotable at $1.50 for Onondaga, $1.70 for ordinary eoarse, and #2.75(33.00 for dairy, without bags. Vegetables remain dull and uuchanged. Tomatoes quotable at 30@40o per bu; cabbage at #3.50 per 100, aud corn at G@6Jij0 Pev dozon. Wool was also duil. Quotable at" 38@42c for washed, 28@32e for nnwaslied, and 40(a!)50c for poor to choice tub-waslied. 6EEDS AND HIQHWINES. Timothy seed closed at $2.00@2.35 for commou to good, and firin at $2.40 for prime. Clover about $6.00@6.50 for common to prime medium. Flax $1.20(0)1.35, and Hungarian nominal at about 60c. Highwines were dull, and limited aales were reported at the close at 1.16. COOPEBAÜE, LÜMBEK AND WOOD. There wat a trine more iuquiry for packing descriptions of cooperage and prices were fa, but without esbential change. The other kinds were in fair demand and steady at the given quotationa: Port barrels, SI. I2}dl. 15; lard tierces, 1.35@1.45; whisky barrels, $l.!)0@2.10, and flour barrels i'45@55c. There Was a good attendance of both country and local buyers on the lumber niarket anda fairly active business was trausactod. Prices were nrm, but not quotably higher. Quotabla at Y8.25 for joist and seantliug, $7. 75@15.00 for poor to choice run boards and strips, $2.00@2.70 for shinglef, and $1.50 for lath. Wood was without essential chauge. Hickory, %7.50@8.00; maplo, ÍC.5O((Í 7.00; becch, $6.00, and slabs $4.50 at the yards. Telegrapliic Market Reports. NEW YORK. Bef.-ïes 10 @ 13 Hoos- DreBBcd H $ 11 Cotton 13 @ U Flour - Superfino Western 4 50 @ 5 00 Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 25 @ 1 28 OOBN 67 @ 69 Oats 4" @ 53 Kye S9 92 Pork- New Mess 22 00 @22 25 Laud- Stcam 13V 14 UT. LOUIS. Wheat- No. 2 Red 1 56 g 1 60 Cohn- No. 2 54 @ 56 Oats- No. 2 85 @ 07 Rye- No.2 70 @ 73 Pohk- Hees 22 00 @22 50 Lari 13 @ H Hoos 7 75 (t, 8 25 Cattle 5 25 a 6 25 MLLWADKEE. Wheat- No. 1 119 @ 1 20 No 2 1 11 @ 1 12 OORN- No. 2 57 @ 68 Oats- No.2 33 @ Dr. Bye 73 (al 75 Barlkt- NO.2 1 05 @ 1 10 CINCINNATJ. Whkat- New 1 80 @ 1 42 Cohn W @ 60 Oats 30 M 45 RïE 7.") (, 80 I'ork- Mcbs 22 25 @22 73 LAlil) 13 @ 14 TOLEDO. Wheat- Extra 1 38 @ 1 53 .mber 1 27 @ 1 Corn 66 @ o Oats 88 @ 40 DETROIT. Wheat- Eitra 1 35 % 1 37 No. 1 White 1 24 @ 1 2(i No. 2 WWte 1 15 @ 1 16 Amber 1 25 @ 1 27 Corn 64 @ 67 Oats 34 % 3Ü Barley- No. 3 1 25 (S, 1 ;!0 Pork- Mcbs W 50 @24 00 CLEVELAND. Whkat- No. 1 Red @ 1 35 No.2Red !i 1 24 Cohn...., 08 4 ia Oats 45 @ 40


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