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Wilhoft's Fevbr and Agüe Tokio.- i This medicine ia usod by construction ! nies f or the benefit of their employés, when j gaged in malarial districte. The highest testimonióla have boen given by contracto and by the Presidenta of some of the leading raiiroada in tho Boiith and West. When men are i gregated in large numbers in the neighborhood of swamps and rivers, Wilhoft'a Tonic will prove a valuable addition to the stock of medicines, and will amply réward the company in the saving of timo, labor and money. We recommend it to all. Wheelock, Finlaï & Co., I Proprietore, New OrleanB. Fob saus by all Dkugoistb. 1,500 per cent. profit was realized upon a "put" on 500 8hares Mo. Pacific K. R. stock during the lirstweek inOctober; then whygoto th! silver mines of Colorado or the gold mines of California, when you have a mine of greenbacks at home. Explanatory circular, "How I it is done," sent free by Buckwalter & Co., banker and brokers, 10 Wall St., N. Y. A Missionaby, just returned, says he regards Johnson' Anodyiw. Liniment aa bevond all price. and eflicacious beyond any othtr medicine. It is adaptad to a great variety of special cases, and is the best pain curer in the world. Thousands Speak. - Vegetine is ommended by physicians and apothecai ies to be the beet purifler and cleauser of tho blood yet discoveröd, and thonsands speak ir. its praiwe I who have been restorod to health. Fevebs seldom rnake an attack without warning, and may oíten be thrown off by j suaking the feel in warm watr. wrapping up j warm in bed, and tukins; two or three of ; son$ J'urgatÏTe 2ffls, IOJSTJMPTIOS CAN BE IIHËU, SCHENCK'fl PüLMONIU Sïltül, Schekcs'b Sea Wekd Tona, SCHENC'K'S MANHKA1ÍE VlLI.S, Ar ihe mily meüicines that will cure Pulmonary ■umption. Ffeyuently medicines tbat wiil stop a couffh will occas'mn tho death of the pstient ; tboy Kick up the llver, stop I the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage follows, and. in , fuct, ttioy clog tbe aution of the very organ that caueed f the cnuKh. LiverOomplaint and DyBpepsia are (he eauses of twotbirds of the cnes of ('onsumptlon. Alnny pttraons comnlain of a tlull pain in the aidf;, ronstipation, uoatud tonque, pain in the shoutder-bhide, feellngs of drowsiness and n;srlo89nt;s3, tbe food lyinc beavily on tbe atoiuacli, i accompanied with acldity and uelching up of wind. Theite Hyiiiptouis usually origínate trom a disordered coïidition of the atomach ot n torpid liver. Pmsonsfioaffectd,lf they take ono or two heavy colds, 511 1 U üie coukIi in tbeaft cases be Buddenly cbecked, will ii:i'i the fitomacb and Hver clogged, rematning torpid and inactivo, and abnost before they üre aware tbe lungB aro u maai of eoi-ea and ulcerated, the reeiiltof wbicb is divitii. Scbcnck'B Pulmonic 8ymp is an expectorunt wbich ' doeB notcontain opium or anyrbing calculatod to check I acotigh Biiddonly. SciiBnck's Sea Weed Tonic diBsolves tbe food, mlxes ; mth lbo ffaetric jutces of the Btomaoh, aids digestión, umi orflatfll a ravenous appetite. Whonthe bowela are costive, Bkln sallow, or the Bvrnp. toniï otherwie of a blllous tendency, Sohenck'l Mandrake Pilla are requlred. The medicines are prenared only bjr I . J. tl. Scbenck A Son, .V. E. corner Sixth and Arch Streetf, PhiU. And an lor lal by all drugglits and dealtri The ISiggngt Het oftlie Missouri Stiito Fair. Fivo thousand dollars against a two-thousand dollar wagor was offerod by the Pronrietors of the Jilz Well Auger that it would bore a hole at the same sje faster and eaier than anj1 ■ other well angéï on exhiDition, and we leftru i that tliis is a tanding offer for one Ycar. Yho will accept it? 8ee thcir advertisement in nnother cohunn. The Sales op Webster's j iiii:h thronghout the country in 1873 were 20 ! times as large i the aale of any other Dictionarien. Ouo family of childreii haring WebsTElt's Ünadkiixjf.d, and usiug it frcely, and j ajiother not having it, the first will bècoiso much the most intelligent men andwomen. Ank your teacher or minwter if it is notso, then bny the booli and rn-ge your children to use it f reely.


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Michigan Argus