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Lecture to-rnorrow uightat University Hall. Three small towers surmouut oue of the uew wards at the hospital. The furnaces in the metallurgicul room will be ia place this week. Sociable to-uight at Students' Chrirtian Association rooms at 7-30 o'clock. Fifty more chaira are to be purchased for the Christian Associatiou room. A Freshman bathed in the cold waters of tho Huron on Saturday night in the presonce oí tweuty or more Sophomores. A new ore crusher was received tor the motallurgical department on Wednesday. It is of Blake's manufacture, New York. ïhere are between 170 and 174 studunts in the laboratory. Can anything of tho kind be approximated to this, in the country f A Suphomore bathed his throbbmg brow in the coohng waters of the Huron on Sunday night, at the earuest request or several Freshmeñ. The Students' Christian Association holds prayer meetings, on Wednesdays and Fndays from fi.4ö to 7.15 P. M., and on Sundays at 9 o'clock A. st. l)r. W. W. Patten, of Chicago, is expected to deliver an address before the Students' Christian Associatiou in Uuiversity Hall on Sunday eveniug, the 21st. Tha taxes upou meuibers of the Adelphi literary society are assossed at the beginning of the year at one dollar, instcad of fifty cents eacli sumeater 08 heretofore. The new boiler at the laboratory commonced oporations on Monday. One of the results is thut there never waa so good ventilation secured in the building as now. The Students' Christian Association increased tlieir official corps, on Wednesday night, by tlio olection of two vice-presidents from the law department : Samuel P. McDivitt aud Miss Amanda Conklin. Di. Douglas has just moved into his now office which is located in the youthwest corner of the laboratory building. It is furiiished with all the necessary tliings which make it a comfortable and pleasant oflice. Moncure D. Couway lectures at University Hall to-morrow night, on " London." The subject is ouo of uuusual interest. Go and hear what au Englishman has to siy about the great metropolis of the world. The room directly under the water tank at the tower is completed and will be used as a weighiug room tor the metallurgic department. It is already suppüed with six expensive aud superior balances mauuíacturud by Becker & Co. Miss Faunie Andrews, lately from the Sandwich Islands, has presentad to tlie museum sorae seventy-five species of beautiful ferus from that " island m the sea." The botauical departmeut is also the richer by two huudred species of ïexas plants, from Dr. J. F. Joor, of Texas. At the Students'-Scientific Society last Saturday, papers were read by V. C. Vaughan, on " Imitative Shapes of liock," and on "A Visit to a Limestone Cavern - The Theory of its Fotmatiou," by (1. (i. Uroff. The latter gentlemen preseutcd gome interesting specimens of triasic rock to the society. The Senior medical class elected the following ofticers last Saturday: President, Henry B. Hatch, Schoolcraft ; Vise President, Joseph (i. Millspaugh, Marshall ; Seoretary, Willoughby (iodirey, Battle Creek ; Treasurer, Daniel O. Douovan, Chatham, Out.; Executive Committee, Jerome B. Stocking, Lisbon Center, N. Y., J. M. Lewis, Jackson, Mich., L. ü. Williams, Elktou, ü. A Junior has somethíng he can brag of. He says he never wrote but one oration in his life and that was his High School graduating acldress. This he repeated in his Freshmau year here, and if dame Fortune is on his side and he succeeds in getting au opportunity at Comnaencemeut in '77 he wili deliver it again. When askod ií he had elected Junior speeches he replied in the Yankee tashion : " What do you take me Lor 't" Tlie Literary Adelphi library is possessed of some rare and valuable metaphysicál essays. This fact was discovered by one of the raembers last Friday night, who was to read an essay but who was uupreparad with anything original. He was not slow to make useful this important discovery, aud so iu measured tones and with appropriate gestures be presented to the society a learned production, when called upen to fill his part in the programine, and carried off the rcputatiou of having a wel! rilled aud stablc mind. It ïnight be woll to add that neither he nor his auditors understood what he read. Boating is to be the order of things among the studenta. Last Saturday morniug a meeting was held by a large number, some seventy or eighty, and steps were taken toward the organization of a club or society. Of course the first thing was to look after a constitutlou and the following gentlemen were appoiutud to draft ouo : Messrs. Corwin, Ilsley, and Cable. A furtlier committee of eight were also appointed to consider the feasibility ot intituting i seiiea of entertainments tor the purpose of raising funds for the benefit of the club. It was stated by those who pretend to be posted in the matter that the facilities for rowing on the Huron aio oqual to those it Priucoton, üornell, and other colleges where this sport is madoso successlul. Auother meeting will be held to-morrow morning to complete the organi.atiou.


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