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NEW ÁDVERTISEMENTS rpo LOAN. From $1,000 to ,$2,000, On fpood uuiucumbcrcd Farm Property. Inquire at the law office of A. J. SATVYER, Aun Arbor. XTotice. THE Annual Meeting of the Germán Farmers' Fire Insurance Conipany of Washtenaw ( 'uunty will be held at the School House in Lodi, opposite the Germán Lutheran Chureh ia Scio, on Monday, December 6th, 1S78, at 10 o'clock A. M., tor the pnrpose of cloctiDg otfieers, anti for the transaction of such other busineas as may legally comu brfore said meeting. A general atk-ndunce of the members ia expected. I;UedNov. 2d, 1875. 1650 WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. Pioneer Society. THE undersïgned, citizens of the county of Washtenaw, will meet at Firemen's lí:ill iñ the city of Ann Arbor, on Öaturday, Nov. 27, li75, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of organï.ing au issochüiun to colluct and preserve the historïcal, biographical and other facts in relation to the history and settlcment of Washtenaw Couhty. AH those iuterested in the ohjects of the meeting are respectfuUy requeeted toatlend. E. Clark, J. G. Leiand, Lorenzo Davis, C. A. Chapín, H. Arnold, E. I. Lay, Geo. button, H. Carpeuter, Chas H. Winans, Morell Goodrich, M. C. Goodrieh. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, 1875. Auction Sale in Bankruptcy. THE nndorsignecl, in bankruptcy of John F. Milïer & Stephen M. Webster, oankrupts, will oífer for sale and sell at public auction, at nis oliice over the store of A. A. Terryton the east of Main street, in the city of Ann Arbor, on TnuRSDAY, Novembkr 25th, 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, one undivided half oflots nineteeu and twenty, in block No. five south, in range No. five west, in Maynard's additiou to the city of Ann Arbor. Aiso, promissory notes against the followiug persons, amounting, including interest, to the suius set opposite to their several names, to wit; The estáte of Louis Iï. Buchoz, deceased, 5H46 41 Kobert E. Frazer and Thomas Frazer, 189 25 Elias J. Johm-on, 187 21 Mrs. Martha a. Dentón, 34 20 Wm, A. Loveioy, 2 notes, 105 00 Thomas F. Leonard, 3 notes, 211 00 Patrick Moran, 33 37 James K. Webster, 89 25 David Webster, 76 00 B. F, Watts. 32 90 Note of George Moe, secured by note of Thomas Moe, 64 25 Note and mortgage of Mary Jane Fosniír, 24 10 Also, notes against C. D. Bliss, P. B. Ingalls, Moses;Marks E. B. Beauinont, M. McKernan, C.P. Briglam, A. F. Darragh A. Hawkins, P. Cady, Alfred ''bomas,. John Diehl, deceased, O. Hawkins, deceasd, .lolin F. Miller, Stephen M. Webster, and sevjral ut lier persons, Also, a Northfteld ditch order on the County Ireusurcr, for $30 oü, Also, claims against James F, Avery, for $100 45 ; Spaffora & Dodsley, for 849 63; and against Stephen vebster, Lunt, Preston & Keane, of Chicago, J. Q. A. Sessious, Philip Fohey, Mrs. A. Avery, P. J. Avery, Wm. H. Mallory, Orange Webatcr, M. C. Stanley, and several other persous. Also, balances due on sewing machine leases gaiust Levi II. Douglass, John voorhies, A. Van Valkenburg, M. Campion, deceased, Lucinda Goodich, Emma Hanna, John Conaty, and Leander 'ie knor. Also, 300 shares of stock in the Detroit Silver Mining Gompany. Also, 13 1-2 shares of stock of the Monitor and Northwestern Silver Mining Company, uu] bouds f the same company to the aiuount of $300, excluive of interest. Also, several policies of Life Insurance. Also, a contract for some oil lands in Canada. Also, two writing desks, and, several other artiles of property. The creditors are spocially requested to attend be sale. E.C.SEAMAN, Ann Arbor, Oct, 28, 1875. Assignee, In Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan. In the matter of WILLIAM O'HAKA, Bankrupt -in Bankruptcy. The undersigned, Assignee of the estáte of the bove named bankrupt, hereby gives notice, that mrsuaut to an order of waid court made on the 18th) eighteeuth day of October, a. d. 1875, he will ell at public auctiou to the highest bidder, ou the ixteenth (16th) day of November, a. d. 1875, at ten 'clock in the forenoon of said'day, in front of Paahtenaw Cuuuty Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in said„ district, the several pieces or pareéis f real estáte situated in the city of Ann Arbor, in ae County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, nd more partieularly described as follows, viz, : Pakcki, One. The east three-fourths {%) of lot :iree (3) block one (1) south, range two (2) east, beïii about lorty-nine (49) feet oli' the east side of aid lot three (3), with house thereon. Thisdeacripion wil! be sold subject to a mortgage to F. Huaon, or #1,000.00 and interest. Parckl 2. Lot number six (G) iu block nuniber wo (2) south, range twelve (12) east. This descripon will le sold subject to a mortgage to Bridget Sagan, for ifoOO.OO and interest. Parcel 3. Lots numbered seven (7), eight (8), ine(9), and west half of lot eleven (11), all in blode wo (2)ouLh, range twelvu (12) east, with twohouses aereou. Paiickl 4. A piece of land on the west side of tfain street with store thereon, situated between ae Gregory House and Seyler's store, and described s beginniugon the east liue of lot one (1) in block ne (1) north of Huron street in the city of Ann Arbor,Michigan, nfty-nve(55)feet south of the northast corner of said lot, ruuuiug west iifty-six (66) eet, thence north eighteen and one-half feet (IS]4), henee east fifty-six (56) feet to the east line of said ot, thence south eighteen aud onc-half (183) feet o the place of beginning. Parckl 5. A piece of land with store thereon, ituated on the east side of Main street, between tie tiavings Bank and Granvillti's store, in the city f Ann Arbor, Michigan, being about thirteen feet nd nine iuches (13.9) front on Main street, and bout twenty-six feet and eight inches (26.8) deep, nd being bounded and deseribed as follows, to wit: 'oinmencing thirty-Six feet and three inches south f the northwest corner of block one (1) south of Huron street, range loui (4) east, running thence ast parallel tu Huron street twcnty-tw( feet and wo iuches (22.2) thence south thirteen feet and ine inches (13.9), thence west twenty-two feet and wo lachea (22.2) to Main street, thence along the ast line of Main street thirteen feet and nine 13.9) iuches to the place of beginning, Also a piece f land commeneing at the east end of the above eseribed land, running thence east four feet and wo inches (4.2), thence south thirteen feet and nine nches (13.if), thence west four feet and two Luches 4.2), thence north along the east line of the foreoing thirteen feet and nine inches (13.9), to the tlace of beginning, the last described piece of land ixtending upwards as high and no higher thun lie space occupïed and covered by the first story of he building standing on the said last mentioned nd described "preiiiises. The last three pareéis being pareéis three (3), four 4), aud five (5), will be sold subject toa mortgage to ï. J. Howell for $7,000 and interest. Dated Grand Rapids, Mich., October 20th. 1875. JÜLIÜS HOÜSEMAN, Assignee. Eeal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CouDty ofWashtenaw, 3 SS. In the matter of the eetate of Ludwig Ciiller, deceased . Notice is hereby given, that in purunnce to an order granted to the underaigned adïninistrator of the eatate of said deceaaed, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washenaw, on the second day of November, A. U. 1875, bui; will be sold at public vendue, to the highest idder, at the south door of the Court House, in he city of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washteaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twenty-first ay of December, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in tho orenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbran ces y mortgage or otherwiBe existmg at the time of he death of taid deceased, and.also subject to the ight of dower of the widow of said deceased ,herein), the following described real f state, to wit : The west half of the northeast quarter, the east ïalf of the southwest quarter, the east ten acres f that part of the northwest quarter of aection wenty-niue lying Boutli of the rotid running east nd west on the north half of siid section, and ubjeet to a right of way as reserved in the deed rom Godfrey Miller to said Ludwig C. Miller. ilso, the west three eighths or west thirty acres of ;he west half of the Dortheast quarter of section ;hirty, and the boutheast quarter of the'southwest uarter of section twenty, except the west nine ods and eighteen inches in width, all in town two south, in range Üvc eust, Ín said state. Duted November 2d, A. D. 1875. HENRY PAUL, Administrator. Estáte of Oramel Beokley. OTATE Oï1 MICHIGAN, county of "Wnshtenaw, as. At a, seHsion of the Probate Oourt for the ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottiee, n the city of Aun Arbor, on Wedneeday the thlrd day ot November in the year one thousimd eight miidred and seventy-ñve. 1'reHent, Noah W. Oheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Oramel Bcckley, eceaeed. Sophia Beckley, Executrix of Raid estáte, comes nto court and represenst that she is now preparod 0 render her account as such executrix. Thereupon it is ordered that Wedneslfty, the flrat day of Decembor next, at ten o'ci. ck in the forenoon, beasBigE)d for emmining and nllowing hucIi account, and tht the devinees, legateeB and Iiiib at Itiw of said decensed, and allothei peiBons interestod in said estáte, arerequired to npn-ar ut a Hession oí' suid court, then to be holden ttt the Probate Office, in the city of Anu Arbor, in naid county , und show cause, il' any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered thtit suid exocutrix give notice to the persons interestt-d in said eatate, of the pendency 01 srtid account and the hearing thereof, by cauing a copy of this ordei to be published in the Michigan Argu, a newspaper printed and circulating in stiid county, three üuccetisive weeks previouh to said day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.j NOAH W. CHEEVEIi, 1565w4 Judae of Probate. Cï"j6% Auger l Drllls. IOO a mout i ■ÏÏJrjp;iii to nood Agenta. Aiiger bmk rrmoa J n-co. JUx Augur Co., St. LouIb, Mo. $r t feilVr day at home. Torms freo. Ad Oto P''.STENyuN&Co., Portland, Me [ÏÏOTICE. ATTEND THE CREAT PRINT SALE AT NALL'S THIS WEEK. I87.VVoodwar(l Avenue, DETROIT. (i. w; IIAYES, iormerly oMhis city, is connected with tlii house. FOB. B.EUT. HoDfte on the Fair grouwl. FORSALE.- Horee and Platform Spring Wagons, tkeleton Wagons, .Single Harneas and a quautfty of üiUmber. l,v,lus C.H. RICHMOND. Aun Arbor, October 8, 1875. Usal Es tato for Sale rpHE UXT)KRSIGNKD offers for sale the eighty X. acroa of liind lately oooupied by Patrick (Javanaugh, dcceabed. Alwuthe fort y acres of VALUABLE WOOD LAND on section thirty-one, in Nortlifleld. belont,rinp to the edtate ot wiid deceastjd. A rure opiortuuity is iHordüd to pnrobaaera Heiitt-mber 2'J, 1K75. lDijO- iïiul lliliAM .1. BEAKEtí, Attorney. 1 f w O pü j HM Pi q 'S g m N o tí a M H CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Annual Statement, JANIIAHÏ 1, IS 75. Accumulatcd Assets, - $0,555,828 Liabilities, ineluding reserve 5,843,846 Surplus belonging to PolK j hold'rs 711,982 Animal Income, . 2,820,313 Ainniint of Insurance in forcé, $54,998,941 Tlirly days of cruce allowcd. on l'uyiucnt of Rcncwals. No restriction on Travel. Prompt and liberal in payment of claims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. Total denth claims paid in last einht years, $3,OOÜ,OOO, O. A. WATKINS, 1538 No. 10 Bank Block, Detroit, Manager fox Michigan. JOHN SEAUS, Dist. Ag't, Ann Arbor, Mieh. C. BLISS & SOlT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE wit li an Elegant Stock OF New Goods consiöting of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JE WELK Y, Silver & Plateo Ware anda erinL them at priceB never before offerod in the market. tíoinethiug new in TEA. SETS and at a great reduction from formcr priees. KfRemcmbcr wc liavc tlic I.aruoM Stock iu Hit; city. Cali aud sce for yourselviji. RErAIRING NEÁTL7 AND FROMPTLY DONE. C. BLISS & SON. 1522 EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST 11ECEIVED AN Entire New Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Coffees, SUQARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a 111Y SLIGHT ADVANCB over New York Cost. Also a full lino of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'H WEAE in BOOTS & SÏÏOES, All of which he ia offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya every body to buy theïr jïoods for Cash. Cali and examine goods and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISPACTON Gooda delivered to any part of the City fres of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. "Maynard'8 Block,-' cor. Main and Ann streets 153-i Ann Arbor, Mich. "DINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKE11Y, GR0CERY - AND - PLO UK & FEE1) STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BEEAD, CEACKEES, CAKES, ETÜ., FOK WHOLESALE ahd EKTAIL TKADE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUB, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE PLOUB, BUCKVrWHEAT FLOUll, COKN JIKAL, FEED, &c, &O. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCKRIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reaaonuble berma 113 at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Buttcr, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. ' tüf Goods dolivered 10 any part of the city without extra charge. KI1VSEY & SEABOI.T. Ann Arbhr. Jan. 1. 1875. 1514tf T IVE GEESE FEATU1SKS FIKST QUALITT Conetsntly on hand andforsaJeby BACfffr ABEL. nWliLLING HOUSES FOB SALE. Alargeand very well uullt bnefc house, with two or more lots. Twn hirijc; framed housea. Also i trood sized brtck house iind frame housn ; and 1 small frMtt6 house on a ffood lot, intendedfor adding n front. Por nle 011 íairterms and a reasönaale orodit. AIho other buildings, lots, and property. MONUV WASTKD- fc'o many wibhinj? (1 borrovi moin-y ippl} to nd that I can reailily obtaintor Í6ulci#goodsatisDMltory investinents at ,en per cent. interest. E. W. MOROAN. Ann Arhor, Anril 23, 1S73. 1423U FOR SALE. ADDSIIURLi: COTTAGE with v,rv auly abaded gronoda, near the (JniTeroity, oow Tcant and win be sold very low. Enquire of ' B. PKE8COTT.


Old News
Michigan Argus