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SUBSOBIBK FOK THE ARQUS. - Ou and after Mouday, Xov. 15, l'ost office houra will be frooi 7:30 A. M. to 7:30 p. m. - The Mayor of Ypsilauti has recommended that the liquor tax mouey be turned into the " Poor i'und ." - A complete stock of the lateat styles ot Butterick's Patterns on hand aud couatautly received at Mack & Schmid's. - Mrs. Lizzie Beebe, of Jackson, is to take the part of Martha, in the opera oí " Martha," aoon to be perfonned at Ypsilauti. - We have just received several fouts of job type of latest styies, for cardR, circulars, leiter-heads, bill-heads, statements, tc - Gnv. Bagley, in an appropriately worded proclamation, has recognized and localized the Fresident's Thanksgivmg day, ISTov. 2óth. - A full sut of Diekens' works, a full set of Hawthorne's, and other popular books have been added to the school library of this city. - Ten dresa makers or plain sewers, and two operators with machines, are wantud ïmiiejiately at rooms over Xo. 33 Main street, Martin block. - Dr. Brigham re ad a paper Wednesday evening before the Detroit Scientific i tion. Subject : " Ocuupatiou as Bearing Upou Health." ■ Samuel Bourel, of Ypsilanti, nifed 74, a I nntive of Vermunt aiul a soldier of the war of 1812, died at the resulence of lus son oii the 29th uit. - J. F. Avery, ltter kuowii to the public as " Fred," is engaged in renovating Cook's Hotel, and will re-open it m a few days to the travelmg public. - The Marshall of Ypsilanti has been instructed to bore a well at the city lock-up, at an expense not to exceed f 1 a foot for 75 leet. Water not got at depth, then wliat ? - The lecture delivered by Prof. Watson on Thursday evemugof last week, before the Detroit Boat Club, on "The transit of Venus," was highly commeuded by all the dailies of luat city. - Mack & Schmid report purchaKing in a ngle day, and before 2 p. ji. at that, at their Manchester store, of 2,870 lbs. of dried apples, paying 9 cents a pound in trade. And uot a good day tor dried apples either. - Subjeete of diseourse of Rev. C. H. Brigbam, at the Uuitanan Church, on the uext Suuday. Moming-The duty of Liberal Christians ; evening- The life and influence of Buddha. Students' class at 9.S0 a. m. - Hev. H. L. Hubbell, of tl.e Congregational Church, is taking a few weeks delayed "iuiumer" vacatiou, having itarted for Clifton hpnngs and baratoga, on Wednesday. During his absouce no service will be held. The Sabbath School will be held at 2 o'clock, p. m. -The Ypsilanti inerehants, raechanics, and manufacturera are better advertisers than the majority ot business meu in the same line in Ihis city. They are prepared for trade, waut trade, and invite trade : which may be why mrneighboring city boasts of being the more trely and enterprisiug. -J. Levy &Oo., late of Kalamazoo, have rented the corner ih the Uregory House block, me ot the best busmess locations in the city' nd on the 15th inst. will open a full and' ckoice stock oí tobáceos, cigars and other 6de iu that line. ïhe best makes and branda ill always be kept on hand. - Bach & Abel have auotlier large stock f new goods in store, just purchased by Phil. the lowest prices aud ot the latest styles. ind their new ad. in another Dolumn is an r.dsnce that all the Asovs readers are wantiucustomers, and will be treated handsomely and willing clerks. - S. B. McCrackeu, foiinerly of tlus city, has wn appointed by the Centeuuial Board of Imagen to compile a statistical pamphlet üpieeenting Michigan interests, for distributonatthe Ceutenoial Exhibition. Mr. Moliacken'B addreas will be at Lansing after the Sh nut, and uutil Dec. 20th. At other times U Detroit. - J. C. Watts has returnetl from Xew York, lid in another column advises the Abgus Mdeis of the large stock of seasonable and licb goods, irom wMofa they can supply their nepyday needs and select their holiday goods. Brn't look into their windows or enter their ore uiiless you have a pocket well lined with pienbacks- the goods are certainly tempting. -me adjourned meeting of the School In[ctora of this city and the townships of Ann iibor.Lodi, and Pittsfield, held on Saturday fteraoon last, dissolved by a riñe die adjournentfor want of the proper represeutation tan Aun Arbor towu. And so Mesara. Buzan!, Cook, and Hendersou couldn't get into tb district. -A dealer on Huron street wishing to " tlosi out " his stock oí oysters a f e w e venings io set fonr cans ont atthe door as a sign, and attosupper. Returning, he expressed his Wisfaction at his substitute's selling the bies,only tolearnthat he had disposed of e. Some lawless scamp got a cheap oyster Pperthat evening. -Edmund Blood, of this city, variety merot at the corner of Main and Washington Mts, died on Friday night last, after a short s, and was buried Sunday afternoon, juat 'w weeks after the intermeut of his wife. He ■" no children, and only one sister remains 01 ght brothers and sisters. Mr. Blood was 'ch respected as a citizen and business man. -The ladies of the Congregational Church WgiTe a "mite social " at the house of Prof. 7, on Jefferson street, second door from ompson, on Tuesday evening next, for the fit oi the organ fund. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge n' relate in a sooial way something of the Ws to be seen in Rome, Italy. Music will nliven the occasion. A general ravitation atended. The Tpsilanti Sentinel repudiatee any Joon that it is " paid to puit the men and ""ras" oí that city, and saya that, with a "ceptions, 't advertisers, we have a ■Usted, calculating set of fellows, whose auct m the support of the prees in their "tmountB to meanness," And with an harp punch or two concludes : "We 001 o bail that any one will fiïl the bill we of the city who does not advertise." Cook, who has resided in this city 'nuously since 1828 or 1829, over 45 years, ho built the old Cook's Hotel, which "n the site of the present hotel, and kept tsi„ y6ars' died on the 9th inst., aged 77 '■ Mr. Cook waB a native of Berkshire, Was kn to all the older iuhabitants f ounty.Bnd was universally respected 'M a business man and citizen. He has üca ""."''d & long time, retired from and PMUated for business, by a failure of his ,aili power8 ""i his death was his own The funeral was attended yesterday by 1 Seuumberof the oldeet inhabitants. the regul meeting of the Ann Arbor , ., c Asociation, on Saturday ntght, Vol ; Spauldfog and Dr. Hawxhurst were f" mewmembers Arrangements have PMhally completed for the series oi popnI1T"tltiC lectures reierred to in this colI Y Week' The fit of these lectures ( r given by Prof. Watrou, on the Transit tles""8' th8 8eCnd by Lan8ley. on bichPeCfrUm : antl the third by Cocker, will be occupied mainly with spectrow' rati0n8 of the PaPer tte ad "t the Lf eetln8f theassociation on the Na'Ml f 6' Th68e Wi" be given about tlis fcttiof0 6aCh mOnth iQ the Chemical lecture 't medical college building


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Michigan Argus