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Important Impkovement in Tiïeating KcimitK. - The ElasÜo ïnisa Compauy havo produceda great rovolution in thotreatnientof uernia. Their ncw Trusa ia worn easy oight and day ; adapte itnelf to cvery motion of the body ; nover diaplaoöd by hardest exercise; retaining rupture comfortably, till soon permanently cured. Hold at the oftice of tho compnny. No. G8ÍÍ Broadway, Now York city. Trunuca eent by mail. Send for circular. The sweetest word in our lauguage is health. At the first indication of diseafie, une ffell kjiown and approvod romedios. Tor tly8pepsia or indigeetiou, uso 'í-íojí-s1 PurgaMve Pilis. For cougba, colds, oro or lame atomach, uae Johnsoii 's Anodyne Liniment. SCIIENCK'S PUL.MONIC SYRIIP, FOR TUK CUHE OF CONSUMPTION, COLtlIIS AJVO COJDS. The great virtue of thia medicine is thut it ripens tho mattor and throws it out of the systoni, purilies the blood, and thus effects a cure. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic. for the Cure of Dtspepsia, Indigestión, Etc. The Tonic produces a healthy actíon of the stomach, crentinR an appetite, forming cbyle, and curing the most obstinate cases of indigestión. Schenck'b Mandhake Pilt.r, tor the Cure of llver complaint, etc. These Pilis are alterativo and produce a healthy nctlon of the liver without the least danger, as they are freo from calomoJ nnd yet moro officaciouB Ín restoring a Uealthy actíon of the liver. These remedies are a certain cine for Consumption, as tho Puhnonlc Syrup rfpens tho matter and purifica tho blood. The Mandruke Filis act upon the liver, creiito a healthy bilfl, and remove nll diBc;is;s of tho livt;r, often a causp of Consumption. The S'a Woed Tonic gives tone and Htrenpth to the Btomarh, makns a oood dlffeatf on and eniiblefi tlieorKnns to form good blood, and thuü créate a heaRby oiroolatton of healthy blood. The cmn bined action of thi-Hi! medicines, as thus xplaincd, wil cure every case of OonsMinption, jf laken in time, and tbe use of the medicines peraevwrnrl in. Dr. Solumek is ptYifeBaloniillv t liis principal office, corner Sixth and Arch iH reets, Philadelphia, every Monday, wliore all lfittnrs fir advice roay bo addressed. ÍSchenck's medicines for salr: by a'l Druggista.


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