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The Board Of Supervisors

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Feiday, Ocï. 29, 1K7'. A I TEK.NOON SESSION. Board uiet pursuant to adjoumnient. Caüed to order by the chairuiau. Roll callwd ; present a quorum. Mr. Brown offored the following resolution : Retolvtd, Tlmt the salary of tlie Coimty Clerk be tixed ut one himdnd dotlare per moiith. Carried. Mr. Lebaron, from the on small-pox claims, reported a bilí of Mary ïagg, and the couimittee do not recoinniend its allowance. On motion, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Wheeler, froin the corbniittee on criminal claims, made the followiug report, and recommended that the bilis' be allowed at suiiis stated : Clainied. Allowed. E. Clark, l 66 1 88 Thomas Clarkins, 3 51 'A 61 Frauk Whitiug, 13 18 10 (3 John H. Üavis, 7 47 7 47 J. M. Forsyth, 4 69 4 69 E. E. Appleton, 3 09 2 90 R. Beahan, 43 30 43 30 Michael Fleming, 169 75 169 75 Michael Fleming, 170 00 170 00 Michael Fleming, li 68 122 68 On inotion of Mr. LeBaron.the report was acoepted and adopted. Mr. Leitch moved that the Clerk ascertain how many copies of the Compiled Laws are needed in the county by officers entitled thereto, aud mak e application to the Secretary of State anc procure them at the lowest possible price, and that the same be paid from the contingent fund. Carried. Mr. Warner moved that Mr. Berdan be added to the committee on unfiuished business. Carried. Mr. Warner offered the following solution : Resolved, That the Supervisor of Pittsfield be instruoted to levy six dollars delinquent school tax, that should Lave been levied in 1ÍS74, upon that part in Pittsfleld oí towuship school district No. 8 and No. -t, in York. Carried. Mr. Leitch moved that the resolution of Mr. Brown, in rolation to the poor, be taken frorn the table. Mr. McKeynolds, attorney for the city of Ann Arbor, by invitation frorn the Board of Supervisors, gave his opinión in regard to the right of the city of Ann Arbor to take charge of its poor, and gave it as his opinión that the city charter does not confer the power to the city authorities to do so. Mr. Brown's resolution was lost by the yeas and nays as follows. Yeas - Messrs. Ball, Batchelder, Breining, Brown, Eisele, Johnson, LeBarou, Leitch, Wheeler, Chairman. Nays - Messrs. Berdan, Depew, Fleming, Harper, Hatch, Krapf, Leiand, Olcott, Pieroe, Shurtleff, Warner, and Young. Yeas, 10 ; nays, 12. Mr. Buroh, from the cornmittee on civil claims, made the following report, and recommended the allowance of the bilis at suuis stated : Oiilnied. Allowed Thomas White, dep. sheriff, Í85 50 85 ÖÜ M Fleming, sheriff, 31 75 31 75 Hiram Kittridge, 9 30 9 30 Greo. S. Wheeler, 7 35 7 36 R. Beahau, 6 00 6 00 Thomas White, dep. sheriff, 16 50 10 50 W. W. Sumner; 27 00 27 00 On motion of' Mr. LeBarou the ruport was accepted and adopted. - Mr. Berdan, from the committee on public buildings, made the following report, which was accepted and adopted : Gentlemen : Your committee on Public Buildings do respecti'ully report that we have examined the Couuty Jaü, and ünd as follows : The water-closet has been repaired, as recommended by committee of last year, is uow in a safe aud substantial roanner. We also find a new floor in good shape, a recommended by the committee. chimney on the northwest corner, and recom mend tha Hfime be repaired, aud estímate th cost of same at three dollars. We also recommend that a wood-shed b built at the jail, and estimate the cost at sev enty-five dollars. We also exaniined the Eegister's oflice an find one of the book cases very much ou of repair, and do recommend that the same b repaired, and estimate the cost at six dollars The Treasurer's office needs a larger boo case than the one there, sufficient to hold th county rolls, and recommend the Treasurer t purchase one, and estimate the cost at h'ft dollars. We also recommend the Treasurer to hav the files of tax sales bound with paste boarc and estímate the cost six dollars. We have also examined the county Poo House and find the water-closet ordered bui last year complated as recoinmeuded, aud thiuk the money well expended. All of wbich is respectfully submitted. Signed, W. H. Bebdan, } P. Flemino, Com. David Depuk, ) Mr. Wheeler, from the committee on criminal claims, presented the following bilis, and recouimerided their allowance at suuis stated : Claimed. Allowed. Frank Whiting, $lüö 48 f 150 45 Alfred Miller, 148 95 129 55 E. W, Wallace, 79 60 " 74 26 On motion of Mr. Leitch, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Leitch uioved.that the report of the committee on criminal claims reported yesterday, be reconsiderad, so far as relates to the bill of Jortin Forbes. Carried. Mr. Leitch moved that the claim of Mr. Forbes be referred back to the committee on criminal claims. Carried. Mr. Breining moved to adjourn until to-morrow morning at hall-past uine o'clock. Carried. Satukday, Oct. 30, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called. Present, a quorum. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. On motion of Mr. Leitoh, Mr. Batchelder was excused for the day. Mr. Leitch, from the committee on criminal claims, presented the i'ollowing bilis, and reoommended their allowance at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed. John G. Crane, jus. of the p. Í4 64 $4 C4 Alonzo M. Noble, juror, 50 50 Aaron P. Bucklin, 50 60 James E. Lawrence, 00 50 Chas. P. Damon, 50 5fl M. L. Shutts, .30 50 Peter Tyler, 50 60 Henry J. Boutell, 48 48 W. Heugtou, 48 48 And the committee further report that they allow a further buoi of ten dollars and five cents on a certain bill previously presented and allowed : Claimed. Allowed. Jortm Forbes f 10 06 10 05 On motion of Mr. Olcott the report was aocepted and adoptedR. E. Frazer, Esq., Prosecuting Attorney, to whom was referred for his opinión the taxatiou of schools attaohed to churches, read his report on the same, which, on motion of Mr. Leitch, was accepted and placed on file. Mr. Krapf moved that the Supervisor of the third and fourth wards of the city of Ann Arbor be authorized to place on the tax roll of his district the Catholic School House, sitúate in the fourth ward. Carried. Mr. Buil, from the committe on rejected taxes, oft'ered the I'ollowing resolution : Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors oí Washteuaw County, That the Supervisor of the township of Freedom is heieby ordered to reassees theditch tax of 1871, upon the lauda described int the statemeut oí County Treasuier. Wliich was adopted. Mr. Wilbur, County Surveyor, by invitation from the Board, made some explanation in regard to property said to be in his possession belongiug to Washtensw County. Mr. Bobison moved that the sum of seventy-tive dollars be paid G. E. Slater, the owner of the Kussell Whipple field otes, for the use of the county, and that ney becouie county property ; also that ae County Surveyor purohase a book or the oounty and keep hiB record therein, and trmisiuit the same to liia suocessor. Carried. 552. Q. E. Slat er, 75 00 Mr. Johnson, from tlie conimittee on unfinished business, presented the i'ollovving report : To the Gierk of the Board of Snpervitors of tlic Cavmty of Wuslitenmc : Your conimittee to estímate the amount to be raised tor county taxes ior the euaumg yeftt, report as follows : Salarieaof County oftioers, ï.ï.800 00 House of Correotion, soo oo Reporter, . 25 00 Jurors and witnees fees, 5,600 00 Insane at Kaiamaa o, 1,000 00 Building and repair, 110 00 Contingent fund, 4,500 00 Stenoprapher, 800 00 Criminal claims, 8,464 U0 Civil claims, 7,603 29 Current exp. of county poor house, 17,500 00 O. CJ. Johnson, Jessee Warner, l p F, F. (Jalpin, f uomW. H. Berban, J On motion of Mr. Pieroe, the report was accepted aud adopted. Mr. Krapf, from the coinmittee on oivil claims, preaeuted the following aocounts and recoiumended their allowance at suui3 stated : Claimed. Allowed Patrick Fleming, SI 50 #1 )( Edward Clark, 1 50 1 50 Micnael Fleming, 110 20 110 20 Michael Fleming, 192 90 192 9( Edward Dutïy, 111 60 111 60 F. K. Eexford, . 132 48 132 48 Geo. C. Anus, 153 24 153 24 Oa motion of Mr. Pierce, the repor was acoepted and adopted. Mr. Leiand offered thu following reso lution : Resolved, That the conimittee to settle wit] the Cnunty Treasurer be instructed to destroy by flre all orders cauceled by theu in settlement. Adopted. Mr. Robison ott'ered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Prosecuting Attorney be requested to lile with the County Olerk, betere the uext meeting ot the Board of Supervisors, a written opiniou as to to the legality of the Freedom Dltch tax, ordered collected at this 563SÍOU. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Leitch the Board adjourned until half-past one o'clock this afternoou. Carried. AÏTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournuient. Called to order by the chairuian. lioll called. Present, a quorum. Mr. Pierce iiioved that each Supervisor ba instructed to insert in the certifícate attached to his roll the atuount of township tax to be raised in his to.wnship. Carried. Mr. Shurtleff moved that J. H Davis, janitor, be allowed two dollars per day for 18 days, during the session of the Board. Carried. Mr. Robison, from the committee to whom was referred the bilis of E.. A. Beal for balance claiuaed to be due on last year'8 settlement, reported the same without recommendation. Mr. Leitch moved the indefinite postpoBement of the same from before the Board. The yeas and nays being called for, resulted as follows : Yeas - Breining, Burch, Depew, Fleming:, Harper, Johnson, LeBaron, Leland, Leitch, Shurtleff, Warner, Young. Yeas, 12. Nays - Ball, Berdan, Brown, Eisele, Galpin, Hatch,, Olcott, Pierce, Robison, and Chairmau. Nays, 11. Carried. Mr. Galpin, from the cotnuiittee to settle with county officers, presented the report of said committee in settlement with the Couuty Clerk : To the Board of Supervisors of Wathtenaw County : (kntlemen: Your committee to settle with couiiiy umcers, report tnat they nave examined the booka and accounts of Petar Tuito, County Clerk, and fiad them as follows : Washtonaw Couuty account with Peter Tuite, County Clerk, Dr. Bntry fees, f '21 2 00 J urors' and reporter's fees, 50 50 $207 50 Ca. Fees in criminal cases, $18. 28 Returns from births, deaths, and inarriages, and certifying the same, 7ï 60 Amount paid for expresa, ireight and postage, 3J 35 Atteuding Board of Co. Canvassers, and makiug proper returus, 50 00 Three teruis calendar, $10, HO 00 $383 23 $115 73 Balance due Clerk, $115 73. F. P. üalpin, ) J. J. Eouison, V Com. COMBAD KbaI'F, J On motion of Mr. Harper, the report was accepted aiid adopted. Mr. Robison moved to reconsider the vote taken yesterday appoiuting Mr. Olcott a committee of one to superintend the publication of the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet forra, of which 1000 copies have been ordered printed. The yeas and nays having been called for as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Ball, Breining, Burch, Depew, Fleming, Harper, Johnson, LeBaron, Leitch, Robison, Shurtletf, Warner, and Young - 13 Nays - Berdan, Brown, Eisele, Galpin, Hatch, Krapf, Leland, Olcott, Pierce, and Chairman. Nays, 10. Carried. Mr. Robison moved that 500 copies of the proceedings of this Board be published in pamphlet fomu at the lowest price possible, under the supvision of the Clerk. Yeas and nays being called for as follows : Yeas - Ball, Breining, Burch, Depew, Eisele, Fleming, Harper, Hatch, Johnson, Krapf, LeBaron, Leland, Leitch, Robison, Warner, and Young. Nays - Berdan, Brown, Galpin, Olcott, Pierce, Shurtleff, and Chairman. Yeas, 16' ; nays, 7. Carried. The committee on per diem allowanco made the following report : TOWNS AND SUPERVISORS. - . 'a :ö S _ Augusta, John I). Olcott, IS 54 $57 24 A. A. ïown, S. W. Shurtlrit; IS 18 56 os A. A. City, ,t 2.1 w., C.Krajif, '181 3 64 18 A. A. City, 8d A 4th w., A. Etsele, [8 e 54 18 A. A. City, 6th & 6th w., B. Bn.wn, IS S] 54 18 BrldgevuaT, Daniel Lelurozi, 18 7.1) 58 50 Dexter, Patri:k KleliHUK. 1889 56 84 Freedom, Jacob Bteinlng, is To 58 20 Lima. Nathan l'iorce, IS '4 57 24 Lodi E. P. Harper, 18 M 56 so Lyndon, Thomas Young, is 72 68 52 ManchesterHoratio Burch, 18,95 59 58 Nórthfldd. Emory Leland, 18 21 55 2G Pittefleld, David Depufe, 18110 5400 Salem, George Wbetjlur, s L 5ü U2 Scio, S. O, Jolnisini. is 27 55 62 Superior, F. P. Calplu, IS 21 s.ï 2li Saline, W. H. Berdan, Li 57 01) Sylvan, W. F. Hatch, is 54 57 2-i Sliaron, J. .7 Bottoon, I8i98 59 58 Webster, L. D. Ball, ■ 18 39 56 84 y ork, Jewe Warner, 18 61 57 og Y psllantl, Ut dl. Hiram Batehelder, 18 30, 56 80 " 2d dis. A. .1. LeiU:h, is 5ü 5j 80 " Towu, W. I. Yetkley, l!l 4'J 63 30 Total, JH.4S6 70 All of which is respectfully submitted. VV. F. Hatch, ; II. Buech, V Cora. P. Flemino, ) Mr. Robison moved that the report on per diem allowance be amended by inseiting 16 daysinstead of 18 days, whioh motion was lost. On inotiou, the report was acoeptod and adopted. Mr. Ball presented the following resol uti on : Resolved That the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County authorie the supervisor 01 Northtield to assess upon the taxable property of Fractional School District No. tí, of Northtield and Webster, said property being sitaated in Northfield, the sum of iifty-seven dollars, said sum beiiu dslioqueut taxea for the year 1874. Which resolution was adopted. Mr. Lelaud, from the committee on apportionment of County and State tax, [jreseuted the following report: 1 Ti 'v s'ii l Pi. M j? '_ ugusta, $187,000 í 5I1 00 $ SI 76 A. Xowo. 886, 1,158 00 2,026 60 A.l'ity Lst2dw., 717,300 2,15190 3,7i5 81 A. A. Cily,:VUv llh.w.. 883,400 1,150 20 2,012 87 A.Ciiv th A",ili w„ 226,900 677 70 1,186 82 ridïew 000 97 00 1,569 70 233.000 61)9 00 1..2.1 Í6 reedom 28S,0oo 855 00 1,496 28 ima, 309,000 927 ')O 1.022 2") ,odi,' .'175,1100; 1,125 00 1J1Ï8 76 , DOOD 170,0001 510 00 tt)2 50 [anchestiT, 450.000 1,380 no -;.WJ 50 forthtifld. ' i Liso Do 'lttsfield 442.0U0 1,:gu 00 2,820 50 alnn, 346,000 1,088 0 1,816 50 BlO, ''■■ ,688 IK) '-'..SIM 50 uperlor, 331,000 1,088 iki 1.342 75 ,i,,,. 468,000 1,404 '10 2;4S7 iki 1th 343,000 1,029 00 1,800 7.". Sharon, I 300 879 90 1,688 84 Webster 846,000 1,0300 1,816 80 York, 343,000 1,029 00 1,800 75 ipsilantl tuwn, 392,1 1,176 00 2,008 00 " cilyldi. 541,91)0 1,626 70 2,45 0Í " "' ■_ 285,200 BOS DO 1,496 25 ' 27,0O0 00 $47,240 09 20,S7: 88 47,132 29 Surplus, : i_Jl?!LZi S"n "" On motiun, the report was acoepted and adopted. Mr. LeBaron offored the folio wing resolution : llesoved, ïlint the tlianks of this Board are hereby tendered lts chairmau tor the able tmd iinpartial manuer in which lie haa presiiietl uver itsdeliberatious. Which, on motion, was aocepted and adopteil. Mr. Fleming moved that the Sheriff be in8tructed to inake such repairs to fence and lightning roda as in his opinión uecessary. Carried. Mr. Olcott moved to recouaider the vote of yesterday by which the salary of the Clerk was raised to one hundrec dollars per month. Mr. Kobison moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table, which motion prevailod by the yeas and uays as fol lows : Yeaa - Messrs. Buil, Breiuing Brown, Buren, Depew, iiisele, b leming. Johnson, Krapf'.LeBaron, Leiand, Laitch, Robison, Warner.and Young. Yeas, 15. Nays - Berdan, Hatch, ülcott, Pieroe, Shurtleif and Chairman. Nnys, ö. Mr. Robison moved that the Clerk be instruoted to purchase statiouery fur the use of the county offioers, and have the printing done at the lowest possible ratea. Carricd. The hour tor whioh the time fixed to adjourn having arrived, three o'clock P. M., the Board adiourned nine dit. Chairinan. Peter Tuite, Clerk.


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