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NEWCOMB, END'COTT CO. OPEBA HOUSK BIMMUNti, Xeti-oit, -., IWtich. Offer an unutmully attraetive atock of Fine Dry Ooods Adaptad fao th: Winter trade. Uur stouk of DKESS FABKKS Es verylarsre, and oomprnes the most fnihiunable üIiuiÍhü it silks and WooU-us. Gloais' and Sacpes IN' GHEAT VAIUETY. Fancy G-oods for the Holidays lino Hosiery, Qloves, Laeea, etc. Samples aeut on application, Prices as luw ds Hny house iu the West. NEWCOMB, ENDItOTT & !. I Memel-J AXTEND THE GREAT PRINT SALE NALL'S THIS WEEK. 87 U'oodward Avenue, DKTKO1T. G. W hayks, (brmerly oí tbti elty, U connscMd willi thls house. 0 pí . ü o % ■ 1 ti -I H o a j r S ü _ o s s fa CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Jnna.l Statement, JANt'AKÏ 1, I8T. 4ccuniulated Assels, $,555,828 l,i tliililii -, reserve 5,N4:t,84U Surplus belongins to Poll liolili s 711,982 Innual Incouie, - 2,820,313 t imiiiiii of liiüurante in force, $54.998,941 riirlj dayi of graie illovi-tl on l':i)iin in of HeuewuU, No reetrietion on Travel. Prompt and libera) in paynient of clnims. Claims paid in 1871, $600,000. Total death claims paid in last eight years, 3,ÜOO,ÜOO, C. A. WATK1NS, 1538 No. 10 Bank Block. Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN SEAttS, Di8t. Af-'t, Ann Arbor, Mich. rpo LOAN. Froin $1,000 to $',000, On cuoil ii ii lui nmluiiil l'iirm l'i-opcrty. Inquire at the law otiioe of A. J. SAVVVKR, Ann Arbor. Zleal Estáte for Sale THE TJJíDERsTgNED oífers for sale the eighty ■ acres of lnnd lately occupied by Patnck Cavinauirh . deoeased. Alo the foi ty acres of VALUABLE W00D LAND on section thirty-one, in Northfield. belouinír to the entute ot Hiiiti deceustd. A rare opportuuity íh itít'ordiid to purchasfrw. Scpti-iuber 29, 1876. l;')60- iiio] HIIÏAM J. BE AKER. Attorney. U? i ui}é PW 'íav at home. Terms free. Ad 9O l0 Udresa G.Stinson AEo., Portlaud.Me 1TOTICE. n AVINO leaaedtha Michljfftn Central Railroad Klevator and Scale at this place, I am preared to handle prain at reasonablo ratea for shiptrt. Hitfhfbt niuikt't prk-e paid iu cauli for alt ciiidH oí graiii. T. fOHEY. Aan Arbor, Kot. lüth, 1875. L ARCE ARRI VAL - ov - FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S AVho Sellss Clotliinsr so Cheap tliat He OEFIES ALL C0MPETIT10N. All who are nressed with the liaid times and desiro A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassiineres and Trimmings always kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stook of FURFISHING GOUDS. W. WACITEH, 1496 21 South Maij öt. Aks Akbor Ccmstools's 3SSPRIIMC, BED. 8 GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLIJTELY VOtSKLKHS. Wnrranted uot tO Wig Or furm n rough, and Lo be the euwiewt, bedt and HOST DURABLE BED miARK ET, SpitiiíiM btítn doublti, uve Helf-Hiippurting, mul i vlug upitei HDtl lower Hpniiyu, the bed in na;illy or Hifht or heavy pei-mms. ÖBme bei is readily (JjuMr.lto Hl ut diüereiit wiütliH Addraub all urdorv tu COMSXOCK BROS., Manufacturen. Adrián, Alich. Illiistrated circulni-8 hihI prioe list furnislit-ü uu pplicutiou tu the iiiaiiuiHuiureiH. HO KENT- Thirrt fioor 0T Bach 4 AbePs 1 tur. 1002 PHLLIP BACH. j OITÏZENS of ANN AKEOE I liave just receivcd a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All Grades ! All Widths ! All Sizes ! And Low Priees ! T have aow the largest stock of Lajie.s', Wlsses and Childrens (int1 shoea In Ana Arbor. Misse' and t'hildren's School 8bo made i specialty. An entlrely new tliing. a Ladlea, Missen' nul Chtld's ('all' Huiioned shoe, which will certaiulv outwear all other.s. l'li'iiw' ;itc nip a .-all beforeaolng elscwhere and latjsly yottrself as W boes and prlces. JOHN BURG. Jío. Soutli Main Strfcel. l.M7inS Estáte of Oramel Beckley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wwhtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for tlu county of Wushtenaw, holden at the Probate OthYc iu the city oï Ann Arbor. on Wednesday the third day ol November in the year one thotuand eteht hundred and seventy-nve. Present, Noah W. ('heever, Judge of Probate. ■ In the matter of the eatate of Oramel Beckley deceased. Sophia Beckley. Executrix ofsaid estáte, comes into court and repreaenst that she is now prepitred to rtnder her account as tuch executiix. Thereupon it is ordered that Wednea int, tlu flrst day of December next, at ten o'. 'c ck in tlu t'orenoon, be aasigi: )d for e.xtmininj and állowílu i such account, and Ihat the deviseea, leñatees and I nwa s at law of siiid deceased, and all otliei per■onc nterestod m siüd estáte, are requirod tohiinnr at asession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid couuty . and show cause, if auy there be, whv the said account should not be allowed : And it ím í'uri ther ordered that said executnx give notice to the j persons interested in snid estáte, of the penduncj i of said account tin? the hearing thereof, cansing a copy of this ordei to be pubüslied in the Mtihïgan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatíuk iu said county, three succeesive weeks preiüub to said day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.j NOAH IV. CHKKVBK. 1555w4 Judlfe of Probate. Beal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CouDty ofWashtenaw. ss. In the matter of the estáte of Ludwif? OMiller, deceased. Notice hereby given, that inpnrsuance to an order granted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte oí suid deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County ut Wnt.liteuuw, on the Becond day of November, A. l). 1,S75, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Am. Arbor iu the County of 'U'aBlitenaw, in said stai, on Tuesday, the twenty-lirat day or December, A. 1). 1875, at 10 o'clook in the lor'enoon of that day, (subject to uil encumbrancps by mortgiigt! or otherwise existing at tle time of the death of miíú dtoeaoed, and also subject to the riglit of dower of tïie widow of said deceased thereln), the Followiog deeoriDêd real t state, to wit : Tlie wut half of the novtheast quartüi , the east half of the southwest quarter, the east ten acres ot that part of the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine lying south of the road running east and west on the uurth huif of said section, and Mibjeet to a right of way i rtverved in the deed from (iodfrey MUler to said Luriwig C. Miller. Also. the west three eighths or west thirty acres of tbft wt'st half of the northeawl quarter of sectiou thirty, and the t-outheast quarter of the'southwest .. uaiter of section twenty, except tlie west aine rods and eighteen inches in width, all in iowl two . lonth, in range tlve easl, in said suit:. Dated November 2d, A. D. l75. HEN R Y PAUL, Administrator. Mortgage Ralp. Default Imviïiii bteii made in the coudition nf 081-tfliu uwrtgnpe exeoutei by M iihum Uvan l Ue teVMith duy ui April A. D. 1874, fco Jïïu! liyim, eouior oí the lust wül aiid trutment of ttdwnrd Ryan rhich aid taortvace ■„ rivon to Bttcuri oev ol the'prémis " cliiein iuuJ racordea on the nr, ■ "ii oclock . . .vr.. iii the office of ui Kefcisteroi JJeedH in the oounty ol a,hieunv Michigan, in . D j,,,,, 2. Hitd wijïcl] aai övei)ib-i A . J "J Leuohurd Círuner, nud I ■ darrwuwi the ofliue ol U ifl i„ tl,: uiity oi W'jishWudW, is liber 4 oí aHvniutiiu movigage, pn ige 4X7, and on tbeiéth dayo! eoönber A U. 1S74, , oh i -ml íírunor anignce a orettüüi awigned ihf sazat iu William F i ra recordfd of) th 'aamêdavm ie ottie o1 Regiíiteroí Deedu in the oounty ol Vu.iht'nv. in uber i, ot nwigiimeirtfl of mort. i . uu pae 4Ö3, by wnich di.-iault the power i sHe cxiiuiMiiGtl i ti sttid mortguga ha be ome operutivei on wfaicli mortgage thefe U6Uim dwi at the tune of i i:i Dotioe, for intoMet ïxty-two uuilnre ;md nixtetn centa.and alfothefur-' tlier sum ut thirty foi un attoniej-'p fee u provided ia suia mottgtkge, tmd no suit orproee at law or m eqnity having hen inetituted to ifcover tlit; amuuiit due on aid mortgae or anv pftrtthflfreof: Noties is, therefove. hereby g-i ven that by virtue of the power i stile containej in' ■■td mortgatre, 1 shall nell at public auction, n{ Botttfa front door ot the Court House, in 't]10 eity ot Ann Avbur. ft.lmt Oetag the builáinir iu whioh the Oirouit ('ourtfor said Oounly it WuhU. imwiB ieldjon tlie twen ty-rfet_ii tli duy of November A. Í) lf75, at. ten o'clock in fnrerioon of thut dny, the foUowing premisea decribo in hmú mortuttge viz ; Allo villiijfe lotfi number üve and six Ín block nurnber l'orty-tivr in the viUage u Ma&chflgtMr, in sHid county and State, ao eording to the reeordftd pint titereoj, or i , muob or sacfa part or paria t hen of at huil it i WtêXy to Mktufy the ainounl tim; ujiun unid inoi 1 LTiijie. D)itt'! Uepu mbej 3d, 1875'. WILLIAM K. OSIV8, Krkükiuok riMToiiM 's. AwiiiW Att'y tor A88ignee. i;,; Mortgage Sale. WHEKKAS, Isaac L. Clarlwon mul Muy a. Clark&on, oí .Viancbehter, in the couaty ui Waahtenaw, Michigan, on the tbirty-ttrst dayoi Januaiy, io tbt year of üut Lord one thouaauii ifrht hundred and seventy-four, èxeculed a muit%nut! to Andrew J. Shively, of the city of liiookeyu, in the 8tate of New York, to secure Ihe pay. ment of cu t' tai 11 principal umi Interest moneytherpin metitioned, which mortgage wan reeorded in the orfioe of the Register "f beeds in the coanty ui Wushtenuw, ou the Sist day oí Januuiy, A h. Ih74, iD liber m of mururages, on page H: Ail, wheieni4,deiauH beun made for tiaore than Üiijty days iu thu pttyiuent oi an iiintaliiient. of int&r est luoney wliich beeaine dut on the firstday ol July A. D. lKi.r, by reaooti wln-ieol and puwuaat to the termi of ëaid ruurtgage tmid ittwigUM hereby oleut Ihat io much of raid principal w re. mutas unpiiid with uil arrearais o] fcnterát thereuu ahnll beooi ■■ ■ uid payable 'iniinediattilj. Arul wheruitn I bei ■ i;fluimel to be due aml uupaid OU OftiÚ 1I1UI' i '..Ut, ot ihlS itntlrt thllU-L Uundzed and inuetyuiue dollarb and i wel vu cents lol' piinoipul umi iuttie', alwo nü uttovnfcy iet' qJ thirty-five dollar ahoülcl :my vi i taken to toreclose tliu HMinti in odcÖtion to all other leghl conté, and no suitor prooeeaingfl haviug beenín■itiiuted eltber in luw oi equity to i-eeover Üteiaiiu or any purt théreof, Bocice is tlieiefore ereby ïven that onthüthirty rirnt day ot December next. at two o'clock in the afit'inoon of said day, m tiu front door of the ('ourtBnuse. in the city of Aim Arbor, connty aloresaid (Umi beiog the plac; 10 whieh the iJiK'iiit Court Lor wiid t-ouuty is held), und by virtue oí the power Of Bale contauied iu siiid mortxage, I simt] te at public aimtinn, to t)i hiijht'st bidder, the premiwes aescribed insaidmortgafje to HAtiefy the amount of piincipal ;nd interest with the chargea oi sale und the attornej tVesot ihirty-iive doHnrs : All that eertain piece orparttl ol laiid itunte and beiug in the viliage of Manchester, in the county of Wnshtennw, iim; of Michigan, and defecribed u ïollows to wit: Being twenty ieet iu width otf lioni the eaut ide oi lul UumbtiX seven fTj. m block uumttilwei! ' f22), accordiiig to a. reeordtd plüt ol the vilbge ui MaDCester. t'iontin; twentv-iv Vet inwül Exchnnge Place streel, in the ü ngf vf tw ter atóicrittid. , Dated October lat, 1875. ANPKEW J. StiiVEtY, UogrbngM, John N. Öott, Attomey ior Baid Mortagee, [iMfl. Mortgage Sale. DKFAUIjÏ hnving bfeen m.üe in the oonditions of ftoertain niortHge ioude tnd exe Uobert C. Lindaey ana ■leiush J. Lrtndaey, ol I ! .Michigan, to Ciñuu-s 11. Wulbu t-, oi tbe ! place, dated Deêember filnth, 1 t-L nod reoüi theotüoeof thoUegiater oi Deeda tor thel u WallU'naw, Michmali. ili l-ilx-l 1 hiiíi 1)1 guges, on pare 114, ou the nineteenth daj ol Da cuiubfi', A.. 1. IWt, t 11 a. m. of Miid day, mortgae was duly tssiined by tin; Miid Charles H. Wallaceto 'onxBiock ttili, ol Loeft, Waahtenn ('ounty, Mit!hig;tiJ, whidi aöisignment was du ecutedon the twenty-ixth day Oí -'uly, A. U mui recordetfiu the office ot th sitfd Regí Deedtion theSth ilay 't September A.ü 18 whiüh moitgagf aud tüe note awmipHuyinii the same, there U claimed to be due two hundred ud sixty-six dolíala and len cent?, at the date f iliis uotice, í'or principal and intciust, and thirty-ÖTfl dollars as an altorney tet-, Drovided foi iu s]d raortgHge, by whieh default tbe power ot uüe eontamedinaaid mortgage haa becomeoperatire, amt no procedings in law or iu hancery having betn coinmeiictid to recover tlie debt Beouïed by saiil mortgage or any part tbereul : Notioe ia lierebj friven that wkl mortsage wül tori i sale of the mmtgnged pi ' txacL or paicel of land kil uu tod iu tue U)W8í(tep oí saline, Waahtenaw County, Miühigim, known lumuüffl il...! .L-wiibtd ua fnllnwx, to uil: BöflJ the northeast quarttr of soutljwt:t quarXti tion (20), in township numbrr tuur ;4,, puutli ol iüukc flve fój, eat, and oontainii g forty uu land. Maid siile wül take place at the fronl - ihe Oonrt llouse, in the city oí Ano Arbor, in muí County, (that being the p'lace wbere the i Oourt for the County is held) uu the fourth December, A. D. 1875, at elévuu o'elock iu thtifo noon ot said. Dattd September itth. 1S7-1). COMBTÓCK HILL, D. (kamer, Aangnee of Mort Attorney for Aysinee. --i'. Mortgage Hale. DKT'Al'LT liaviug been inuóV iu the condition of eertain mortgage made and Jhon W. Colean and Öorcaa M. Cowan, liia n Manchester, Michigun, to Khnira i. Howt i dtj of Aim Arbor, fou'iit; ol i aforesaíd, on the thlrty-jttrsí duy of Maali one thousand eiglit hun In d aufl and recerded In the office of the Heelster ol ! for said CiMintv ui' Wabtcnaw, on tne second dity of April. A. D. iy7:it In liber 4 ui m page 37G, aod that tbrrt' is aow clalmecl ana unpkid on said mortgage and thi panying the same, two hundred anti - Irti-s, alsoan attörnejr1 fee of tbiyty-flve dollars lu addltlon to all ortier legal eosts. as often asaöi ceediug is laken to foreclose this mortgage, U ■' subject to the fartherSum of twenty-four bun dolfars and interest to beoome due ou.siüd ?ftge, and no proceedings iu law or in eqnity hi been had to recover said sum of monej oj aa' thereof : Therefbre noticeis lu-rchy given, tbi virtue of the pover of. sale in said mortgag tuincd, I shall H at publfc anctton to the I bidder on theelghth day el exti ' Iwft o'cloclc in the aftefnooTJ of thal day, at the noai door of the Court House iu tbe city of Anu in the ('ounty oi" Washefcia anÖ State of Mi (thal being the building In which the CiwaitOwK for aaid couutj N in ld ■ tlie [femises des suid mortgage'áa bèïne all ffial eertain pi cel of huid sitúate and beinc in the town o) MW chester, in the County of waahtenaw aml SU Michigan, and described aa follows, towit: : the north halfof the norihe8t fraetioaal qoartei of sectlon namber two (2, in townsbip numMi four, sou th of range Dtunber threeeasi p'ii!uiiní niuety-thrííe acres of land.according to the ÜBKM States surrey. Üatd Octoher iih, 1875. J1 Att'j fo] Mortgagttt. Comnmsioners JNotice. WTATK OF MIClUliA.N . Ouunly ot Vslltenw. l ss. irte nniliTsi ued hiivniü been appointM the Probate Court lui said eounty, tuniíuiaoonf" CO receive, examine ttnd djust uil cluilüs ana umandsofnll persona sgainai theestateof Pavía"' Folter, late of sak oountji deoeased, liereby P notice thntsix montiis from date me alloma. order of said h.ilni. umi, fw crédito ] sent their claims at?amst the estáte of salí atcasoil, and ihat tmy wil] meel at tiie offlce ' RegUtei ot Deedi, in city ot Ann Arbor uid county, on the twenty-siltli day of jbdijij ar:.! ..m the 26th day of April, nelt, üt teiioclc A. v., of oaoh of siiid day8, to receive, ei"u" and a-ijust said clnims, IHL(XJ l)ctobn-2fith. A. l. 1875 IIEN'IIV ,r. JtANN'. i OommiMia"1 uio.VKY w. BYATT.j Auction Sale in Bankruptcy. rMÍV. nndersiguefl, assignee n baiikrnpl J John K. MÍUer A Stephen M. Wetattr, ruuta, rlü oflcr for Mie and sell al public ui tbisufflce 8e the stora of A. A. rerry.on" east aide of Maio sti t, in the i ■ , .11 Tni i;siav, X..M-.MBKK isth, 1875, al ín Ihq [..i. J1....I,. ,,!,.- undlïitied hall J I uikI tèniy, i bloc So. toe uth in .ï Uve mi, i. Maynard's additlon tothecityM" Arbor. Ais,,, ],iMii,iss,,i note at ilnsl toe : lag purson. uiiouutlng, kidudiuï interest, to ■ ■ suujs sel ii ilnii lo.nil naüies, '" ' The ,-tal.-.„r Louis R. Il, Rohert E l'v.i.-v and Tl 1 : Ellas J. Johnson, J.. Mre. MarthaS. D.-nion. ■'„ Win. A. LovejO) . - ihiI i , Thomas V. l.n.nanl 3, Putriek Moran, .lainrs li. V,'h-l,T, j6üi I)a id AVebdter, ü. F. Watts. Note oríreorse Moe, secured by note "' Tilomas Hoe, .,, pj Note and noortgftge of Mary Jane Fosmir, Als,, .,uii-s igalnsl C. p. BUm, P, B. liuall. ';; es;MarkB,E. B.Beaumont, M. McKtruau, ■ ' ■ „. ( ham, A. F. Dajragh, A. Hawkins, P. W Diehl, doct-as.xl, e Hawtii" ed, John P. Miller, stephen M Webster, na M eral other persons, , r„„„iv Also, ■ Northfleld ditch order on the l0" ■ Treasurer, for 130 00. iioA4S Alto, claims agaiosl JauiegF, Avery, iir-' „■ Spafford A Dodíley, for H8 lul; and agnsl í"' ', u Webster, Lint, Presten a Keane, of Chicago, J-J A. Sewlóna, Philip Fohey, Mrs. A. ; A"'r-V'. ,' Avcry, Wm. 11. .Mall.i.y, ürauge Wetoter, ■ 3taule.y, and several other persoïis. , Alao balances íue on sewing ""ïf"1". , wainst I.wi II éiaooáValkenburg, M. ramplón I ,mi,-r ■ie)., Enw Hanna, Julio Qinty, w A1S shares of itock in the Petróll line Cu.nuanv. .. nitnr and A&o, W 1-2 share. of toekof the ""%,,„ Northwestern Bilver M ig I ompaB? u f the same cumpaoj to the auiouut ol ivc of in Als,,, leteral pollcieaof Lift I"s"ra'".'.„nad, Abo,acontracl for soiue oil lauda in ( %rtt. Alo two wriiiiif! desk, aud several o1 les of property . . ,. rtrtfi.J The ïreSitoreare poetally requested to be alp. E. c -kamaN. Anu Ar'uor, Ul-I, M, 1875. 4''


Old News
Michigan Argus