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_ RAILROADS. MIOHIttAH CENTRAL RAILROAüT SUMMER TIME TABLE. Í1OING WE8T. i ƒ1 ITig. . s TATTONK. „ M ! SM Ja Vg, „ J_fLl 2_J2 „J „. X.A.M P.1Í. P.M. P.M.! P.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00, 9 50 1 3 00 4 00 4 40 S) &u ne, ; 55 10 36 8 39 4 52 6 87 8 tí Ypsilnnti, 8 32 11 00 4 13 6 27 7 10 11 00 Ann Arbor, 8 57 11 15 4 80 5 45i 7 45 11 17 Doxtei, i M i (JO' 6 08! 8 10 -_ i f' i, 'J 4" 231 8 30 Oran l.Bke, ]0 04 6 49 e 00 Jaokson, 10 87 HM S 30 7 151 9 30 íj Kalamazoo, l 4., 2 55 U2 i 54 Chicago arm e, 7 Sí, 8 00 8 30 8 00 GOING BAR. I j I 1 1 . li . I A i lüüiii „, , A. M. i. M.1 r. M. P. M.'A. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00; i l&i 9 00 i „ , . m. a. w. Kalamaioo, ; 10 50 1 40 10 30 i 39 , , P.M. A.M. A.M. Jackson, 2 12 4 05 7 00 12 47 4 SS 9 40 liraas Lake, 2 45 ; 7 32 , 5 JJ Chelüea, s 10 H 00: : 5 501 Dextei 3 í5 . „ ,„ 6 0, Ann Arbor, S .12 & 10 8 37 1 2 22! 6 88 10 4(i YMilínti, 4 20 S 27 8 561 2 42 1 6 48 i 11 ÍK) Wayne, , 4 45 S 43; 9 23 3 02 7 10 U 00 lMnnt, arrive, ñ 4. 6 46 10 15 3 50: 8 oo'li ao BUY THE NEW Familyjinger. 241,(?9Sold inl874! And I I S.S52 mure tlian nrrr aold h liiirheat coiupetltor. WHILE THE Wheeler & Wilaon sold only 9Í.827 Howe Machine Co, entimated 45,000 Domestic 22,700 Weed ■ 20,495 Grover & Baker 20,000 Keminff ton 1 s.BOo And 30 on down. 80 it appears from the sales of the different Conipttuie tlint THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admirers Tliaa all the othera combined ! MACHINES SOLD Oíí EASY TERMS. All pnrries buying a Singer snd wishins to íxehange ( it ior a Howe or Remington within three monthR can do no without extra coüt. I have also several new Howe machines, a Domestic, mul a Dumber of wcimd hand machines in good hvíit, which can b bought very cheap. ïhe very hcst Noedles for all machines at 40 cents per dozen. St of four Hemmer.i and the Qrinnell Binder for all machines, 81,00- the best set in the narket, rui also attachments for nearlj al! miihlneB, I. 1,. . It I M'I.I., Airent. '1656) 2d door east of Postoflice, Ann Arbor, Mich. C. BLISS & SOIT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE wil h an Elegant Stock OF- New Goods conainting of CLOCKS, WATCHK8, JEWELBT, fc&PWfare mda erK them at pricea never before offered in themartet. Something new in ■TEA. SETS and at a great tuction from lurzuc yriv. t3ReniemberTre have the I. urgent so.k In tbe cilj. Cali and see lor jourselu. REPAIRÍNG NEATLY AM PROMPTLY DONE. C. BLISS & S03Í. 1522 T3INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0CERY - ANDCLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKEBS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE asd EETAIL THADE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J M SWIFT & CO'8 BEST WHITE WHEAX I'LOUR, RYB FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUE, COEN MEAL, FEED, &c„ &o. At wholeBale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable term8 as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. WS Goods delivered to any part of the city witnout extra ohar)fe.RiwsET & ,EABOIyT# Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. 1514tf "NöticêT THE Animal Meeting of the Germán Farmers' Fire I usura nee ( 'ompany of Washtenaw County will be held at the School House in Lodi, opposite the Germán Lutheran Church ia Scio, on Monday, December 6th, 1878, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the pnr1109e of electinj; ulficers, and for the transaction ot such other business as may legally come before said meeting. A general attendance of the uiembers is expected. l)ated Nov. 2d, 1875. !.-,.-.-, WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. THE NETeNÖLAND RANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, oorabinlng all the latest, most valuable and eeonomical iuiproveuients ïu Cooking Kanges. The new MORNINC CLORY beautlfuUy mounted, and acknowledged tobe one of tbc leading ttist clasa Cook Stoves. THE WOODLAND COOK 4 new Brst clas Wood Stove ; for a low prlced stove itcanuotbebeat. It has all the modern improveïnents The aliove stoves all have the new Patent DifTuslve Oren h'lucs, by which the oven Is sure to ,iv heated at all time, making them the most perfect Bakers In the market. The LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER Is a perfect Boecew. Brery lady who use a wringer family should get oue at VEASE'S. 40 Soutli Main Street. TjWEjLI.IWG HOUSES FOK SAJLE. Alargeand very well bunt brick house, with two or more lot. Two large íramed houiies. Al.o agood,id brick house and frame hous.; and a small frame house on a good lot, intended for addiñg a front. For sale on fair terms and a reasonablAClsodother buildings, lots, and property. MONEÏ WANTED-80 many wwhing toliorrow money apply tome that I can readlly obtainfor Ititderi good aatisfactory invuttmenU at ten per oent. interest. M0BUAN, Ann Arbor, ADril 23, 1873. l23tl


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Michigan Argus