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Gossip Of The Day

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The Official Vazotte, of St. Petersburg; saya "the peac of Europe is finnly established, and 110 danger of its disturbancc exists." There are t least two men living tliat wiïl forever blesa the much-abused corstt. Thy aro the two thieves wko the otiier diiy eawed their way out of the Conneil BloffB Jail with a saw made of a cornet steel furnished them by a f emale prisouer. When au impertinent interviewer in Washington asked Seeretary Bristow wkethor he intended to take a house and entertain this winter, the Seeretary gruffly replied : " I make it a rule never to interforo with my superior offieers ; usk Mrs. Bristow." What a husband that Seoretary must be ! Will not the women vote for hiin ? The following neat obituary notice is f rom the San Antonio (Tex.) Herald : " Pauclio Vidal was recently hung by Mexican authorities at Matamoras. Ho was a murderer and a tkief of great executive ability, and Cortina in liis retirement will drop a silent tear for him. My wild jackaases revel about his grandfather's grave !" The great astrononier of Paris, Leverrier, who discovered the planet Neptune, which could eat np this little earth of ours and not suffer f rom indigestión in consequenee, lias made a prediotion which is noteworthy. It is that tLe winter of 1875-76 will be uncommonly severe. Enormous quantities of snow are to f all in December and January. The sleepy old newspapers of London are begiiining to exhibit some signs of enterprise in tbe matter of gathering news. The Timen and Telegraph, we read in a current paragraph, have each ekartered the use of a special wire between Paris and London, and now all their Paris letters are telegraphed instead of being sent by mail, as heretofore. Thkke is little room for doubt that the passengors and crew of the steamship Waco were the victims of a wholesale murder - a murder growing out of the reeklessuess and greed of the vesselowners, who, iu violation of law, crammed the ship's hold with petroleum and other highly inflammable and combustible articles. Tlns fact is probably susceptible of absolute proof, and there is presented a one opportunity to make a terrible example of the men who are responsible for the sickening horror. The nurae of Chief Justico Waite has been pronriuenlly mentioned of late in connection with the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Recently, a . delegatiou called upon tlie Chief Justice at Washington, and asked kim if he would consent to bt-como a candidate. Mr. Waite responded that he wonld under no circumstances accept a nomination. He was very gratoful, and all that ! sort of thing, bui he now occupied the highest position possible in his profession. His ambition, he says, La completely satisfied, and would have no other official jojs. The bonds, coupons, etc., belonging to the Indian trust futid, in the hands of the Secretaiy of the Interior, have just been counted by a committee of gentlemen belonging to the Treasury Department at Washington, from which it appcursthat Lo, the poor tndian, is not so poor as is generally believed. His wealtli foots up as follows : Amount of bonds on hand, $5,107,516.83; amount of coupons, $1, 329,343; amount of eer-j tificatea of interest, $11,636. Total, $6,448,495.83. In addition to tlie funds held in trust by the Socretary of the Interior, there are now funds iu the Treasury bolonging to vaiious Indian trib es ainounticg iu the aggregate to S7.81G,016.27, upon which the Goverament pays an aanuity of 5 per cent. per annum. TiiEremaLnsof Joseph Quibord, which were recently buried at Montreal after much quancling, were not interred in a massive stone sarcophagus, as at flrst intiided, to prevent unlawful resurrection, but matead the bones were inclosed in an ordinary wooden coffin, and the grave fllled with a liquid cement, which would harden and become firm as a rock within i twenty-four hours. In this cement were minglrd odds and ends from tin shops and scraps of sheet iron. Dotachments of military and pohVe guarded the grave for twenty-four hours after the burial, to prevent desecration and give the liquid time to become solid. Thus firtnly is net likely that Guibord's bones, which havo hiUierto been such j bones of con tention, will be disturbed until Gabriel toots his horn on the day of resurrection. At the recent election. in Cliicago, some of the judges of election refused to comply with the request of voters to have their votea nunibered as they were placed in tl ie box. The matter raa lirought before thl Grand Jury, and an attempt mside to indict them for violation of a fuudamental law of the State. That body, beforu pi'oceediug in the matter, sougïït and'obttiined the opiuiou of Judge Jameson, of the Criminal Comt, wl.icli is to the pffa'ct that the law reqniring the nurfibering of ballots is unconstitutional. Judge Kogers, an eminent Chicago jurist, had previouly giveu a decisión, iu which be took substantially the same ground. Jadges Jameson and Hogers both hold, and cile ampie auíhority to sustaiu thom, that by Uu: term "ballot" in the Constitution is meiüit an abaólutely secret vote, aud any law vvhat.soever calculatod to impair ita secreoy is nuil and void. IxojjCdino thü Li ■■gislntures chosen at the late electior.p, the Republicana havo a majority in the General Aasemblios of nixti . c-u Siatis, ïüinivly : lowa, Kansas, Muini-, BXáasftohtisétte, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, Now HampBhirc, X,;w Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pvliode IsJ.'iui, South CaroLiua, Vermont, and Wisoonsin. The Dëmocrate :.nd Oppositiou have a ■majority in the Legislaturas of Alabuma, Arkansas, California, Cünuecticut, Dtílaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missisaippi, Missouid, North Caroliini, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tenucssee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia - ia all, tventy-one States. Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Miasissippij North Caroliua, and Peimsylvauia havo Rcpublican Govcrnors and Democratie Legislatures, and Novada, New Jersey, and New York, Democratie Governors and Ropublican Legislatures.


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