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Most farmeis know enoiigh noi to turn stock uLHn newly-pashlred grassláhd, but it is not so generdlly known fatal results may follow such turning out. A correspondent of the Department of Agricultura mentions a case where some stock were turned upon a field on the same dny on which it was pastured, and they all died in a few homs. There were no indications of "hoven," the stock being in good condition, and tho sudden death was believed to be solely the effect Of the fiuiplfliti! of Hiiio. A stock raiser sends to the Mirror and Farmer a prescription which he thinks alniost jnfnilible fov ciiriiigf " wnnrs " iu calves : Break up aboitt a peck of corn cobs in a kéttle, and cover them about an inch deep with water, boil two hours, and give nbout a pint of the liquid Utree times a day. If the calf is taken from the cow and taught to drink, it is only nefioesciry to put the cob tea with his milk. If allowed to go with the cow, a bottle must bo used to turn it down his throat after having his milk, which shenld not be very much in quantity, until oured of disease. Mouse Pits. - Field niice, which are sometimes so destructive to apple trees and the bulbs of herd grass, may be trapped and destroyed by digging a few holes in the form of post holes, in the field infested by them. Having occasion to build a post fence on one side of my orchard a few days since, about a dozeii of the post holos were left unfilled for a couple of days, and on goiug to set the posts, from one to eight mice wera found in each holti- having fallen ín and being unable to climb the smooth sides of the hole. - Cor. Maine Partner. Farmers and Rheumatism. - Wiiy are farmers so Hable to rheumatism ? Ans. - Because they wear wet elotliing, heat and suddenly chili the body, over-eat af ter very hard work, and becnuse they do not keep the skin in a vigorous, clean and healthy condition. If farmers would avoid suddenly cooling the body after great exertion, if they would be bareful not to go with wet elotliing and wet feet, and if they would not ovcr-eat when in an exhausted condition, and bathe daily, using much fiiction, they would have Ies3 rheumatism. The same rule applies to other than farmers. The Turkish bath is the best remedy for rheumatism. - Science of Health. More About Pot atoes.- Farmers have been using potatoes as food for stock a good many years with varying, bat generally satisfactory resulta. We : have sometimes fonnd potatoes very j uable feed, especially for milch cows and growing stock. A few potatoes daily, with other food, are generally believed I to improve digestión and keep the bowls in proper condition. We doubt whether any farmer ever thought j a moderate supply of potatoes hurtful. Occasionally, in excessive ! qiiantities, or with animáis exceptionally ! liablt) l,u la3a.t3Vri'(H. ui.tml - .nAv 1iq.i7l! proved injurtous, but he must be'an extremely ignoran t farmer who would promúlgate a general rule from these exoeptional cases that potatoes always j impair digestión. Potatoes given to an animal heretofore unused to such food uiigiiL wen uttiioo il lvj ncuiu, lliiu ! tlrns pass otlier food imperfecfly digested. Borne animáis of laxative liabit may never be able to eat potatoes without in jury. - Rural New Yorker. DüRATION OF THE GeRMINATING POWER of Seeds. - A correspondent of the Revue Horticole, who has had ampie opportunity to niake observation, says the following are trustworthy estimates, ! as aseertained from his oivn experience. j They represent the periods of time af ter ' which the sceds mentioned have i been found perfectly good, and will be Í found of Eome service to gardeners who j are uncertain whether to throw away I packets of seeds or not. Save this for reference : Sttfbl. Yearg. Seeds.' Years. Articholte, good for 5 Maizi? 2 Aïi-araglls 4 Melon 5 liasellu 3 MuBtard 5 Basil 6 Nasturtiuni 5 Beans, garden 6jOni&ns 2 to 3 Bcans, ï'reuch 2 to S Onioiis, Welcli 2 Beet 5 Orache 1 Burnet 2 Parsnip , 1 l Cabbago 5 Parsley 3 Cardoou 7 Peas 4 to 5 ! Carrot 7 Peppel', long 4 Cauliflower. .". 5 Potafoet 3 1 Oelery 7 Penslaine 8 Ohorvil aiiadirii .1 Chiccory 8 Rampton r Corn salad i Ehubarb 3 Ctens, garden 5 Salsify 2 Cress, water 4 Savory 2 Cucuinber 5 Scarzonera ? Dandelion 1 Sorrel ii Eggplant 7 Spinach 5 Eudive 8 Spinacb, New Zealand . 5 Feuuel fi Strawbei ry 8 I Gonrds 5 ïhyme 2 to 3 I Meka 2 Tomato 5 Lottuee SjTurnip 5 About the House. Good Corn Bread Without Eoos. - j One quart of sour milk, one teaspoonful ' of soda, ono small teacupM of suet íinely i chopped, two tablespoonfuls of flour, I and sifted meal enough to mix not verv thick or stiff. Mo'ck Mince Pies - One cup of raisins, I one cup of currants, one cup of syrup, one cup of sugar, three-fourths of a cup of vinegar, one teaspoonful oi' allspice, one teasponful of cinnamon, three cups of water. Boil all together, and when cool add three oda crackers rolled fine. This will make three pies. Glass Stoppers. - If a glass stopper won't move, hold the neck of the bottle to a flamë, or warm it by taking two tnrns of a string and see-sawing it. The ! heat engendcred expanda the neck of the bottle before a corresponding expansión reachea the stopper. Pop-Ove]'.s. - Four eggs, four cups of line (iraham flour, four cups of mük, or simply good milk and the befjt white flour made into a rather soft batter. j These may be baked in gem tins or gem i irons, or small caps, which should be previously heated. Bake in a hot oven ! aiid eat with fruit sauce. A Good Dentjfbice. - Dissolvo two ojfncesoi borax in three ptote of boiling water; before quite cold ndd one tablespooniuï of tiuctiu'e of myrjh and one table-Epoonful of camphor. Bottle tho i mixture for use. Add one wine-glasel'ul of the solution to half a pint of tepid j water, and use it daily. It preserves and beautifiee the teeth and arresta clecay. Freckles can bo removed - from the ■face without injury to the skin by using a lotion made óf bi-chloride of mercury, j six grainR; pure hydrecliloric acid, I citie giavity), one ñnid drachm; wntev (distillcd), oue-fourth of i pint; mix, and Bdd of reotiflod spirits and water, each two fluid Olinoes, and crine one ouncc. How to GusAït Lamp Chimnkïs. - Most pcople, in cleaning lamp chimneyc, i ase either a brnsh made of briaüea twistcd into b wiic, oí a rag on the point of i scissors. lint ii of these are bad; ïor : without great care, the wire or scissorti will scratch the glass as a diamond does, i ! which, under tlie expansivo power of heat Sortn breaks, r.s rtll seratelied glass I will. If you want a neat little tbing that costs nothing; ond will save liaJf yotir glass) tie n piece of Of sof f, nponge the size of your cliiiiinGy to ft pirie stitk. The Late Henry Wilson. Hon. Henry Wilson wasbornFeb. 16, 1812, in Farmingtou, N. H. Hia early I advantages were not as goud as those generally enjoyed by New England lads. At the age of 21 he went f rom a farra to a shoeshop in Natick, Mass. Por seven ! yen va he remmnod in security, working hard, ahct íiñpfoving every oppovtuuity for ilitellectual cültttie. He Vas especially interested in p'oh'iical affmrSj and fts B close student of politóu} eiionOmy, iü all Itö ramiflcátions. ín 18á;Q he was chosen a mcmber of the lower House of the State Legislature. Then he was elected to the State Senate for the term of four years, giving him eight coiisecntive yeai's of in thatbody, during two of whieh he served as Prebident oí thé Senate. In the Free-Soil movement of 1848, which norninated Martin Van Buren and Charles Francis Adams for the Preeidenoy and Vice-Presidency, he took an earnest part. In 1852 he was the candidato of the Boilers of his district for Congress. Ho ran ahead of his ticket, but was defeated. He took I an active part in effecting the Democratie and anti-slavery combination of that year against the Wliigs, which resulted in the election of Senator Boutwell Governor and Charles Sumner United States Senator. For two years - 1858 and 1854- he was the Free-Soil oandidate for Governor of Massachusetts. He was defeated; but when the Republiean party was organized, he was i nized as the leader of the most : í tial wing of it, and in 1855 was eleoted i to the United States Senate. It was now that the life work of Henry Wilson began. With the exception of his uufinished literary work, the history j of American slavery, his career of greatness began and ended with his Senatorial service. He fllled the office seventeen years. His election to the VicePresidency was a tribute to his íidelty; but, in point of power, a surrender of a substance for a shadow. He made no j pretensions to the scliolarship and grand j oratory of Charles Snmner, but in the practical details of political life he was j vastly moro useful. Together, they 1 formod a representation of which the State was justly proud. Neither was jealous nf the other. ïhey were the best i of friends, and worked harmoniously until the "Liberal" defection of 1872, and even that acrimonious campaign did not disturb their personal friendship. Mr. Wilson was an invalid during nearly all his Vice-Presidential term, an-1 his death had been anticipated for some time, although the last accounts had represeuted him as improving. By his death Senator Ferry, of Michigan, becomes acting President. - Chicago Journal. assem m the üïecutive jüansion. Three times has death invaded the Execïitive Mansion of the President of the United States. Five times has it been in the chambers of his constitutional successor, the Vice-President. George Clinton, of New York, died as Vice-President in 1808, withiu twenty years aiter the iormation of the Federal Constitution. His successor, Elbiïdge Gerry, of Massachusetts, one of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, died in 1813. We believe the man who succeedod him by an election of the people, tlie Hou. Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York, deceased before the expiration of his term as VicePresident. Iu the early spring of 1853 the Hon.,Wm. B. King, of Alabama, who for more than thirfcy years had been consecutiveïy a Uuited States Senator fro.m that State, died in the Island of Cuba. He had been chosen Vice-President, He had taken the oath of office before the American Consul at Havana, where he had repaired for the benefit oi' his health. Thero had been no deaths of Vice-Presidents in office since him uutil the recent death of Henry Wilson. It is worthy of notice that, with the exception of Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, and Hannibnl Hamlin, of Maine, both of whom were Vice-Presidents during the period of Lincoln and Grant, all the Vice-Presidents are dead. We have not a solitary ex-President. We have two VicePresidents. - Cincinnati Enquircr. A Little Too Steep. The Legislature laat winter appropriated $4,000 for tlie use oí' Purdue University in buying cattle to stock the farm. A short time since the Hon. John Sutherland, one of the Trustees, and L. A. Burke, Superintendent oi' the University farm, went to Kentucky to lay out the monoy, and in their search for stock attendcd a sale in Clark county. Here they saw a very fine young cow of the "Duchess" family, and they, af ter some consultation between thomselves, decided to purchase her. They didn't say anything about thoir decisión, intending I to let the others bid on the animal, and j then, at the last moment, come in and carry off the prize. They smiled knowingly as she was led out, and chuckled as they thought how well she would look on the University farm. The auctioneer, after expatiating on the beautiea and merits of the animal, called out, "Make your biás, gentlemen," and the Judian ians laughed and thought of the $4,000 which was to purehase her. But they stopped laughing whtn some one started the bids at 15,000, which was rapidly increasing to $17,000, and they carne home minns the beautiful eow of -the " Duchess " family. - Indianapolis Sentinel. Peaimt Shell in a Man's Lung. About a year and a lialf ago a young j man by the name of Benjamin Peter, of Washington township, Berks county, Pa., was attendiug a public sale in North Whiteliall township, Leliigh (iounty. Ou his wiiy home on horeebac.U, itnd riding faet, he was eating peanuts, when a piece of shell was carried into his month by the ourrent created by i his fast riding, passing down his throat j and lodging in one of his lungs. At the time of the occurrence nothing serious ■ was thought of it, there onlv being a islight tickling sensatiun, which was thought would pass away. But not so. In a few months the pau) was feit in the ' lung, which kept growüig worse. course was had to a physieian, and alter some treaíment, aml tíuding tlnxt no good was bei Dg uoix1, tli adyiee of other medical men was sought, but to no avuil, ' while the young man has gradually been growing worse., until now he has become 8o redaoed in strength that he is entirely anablo to perform any kind of labor, and liardiy able to gct about. As u last j resort he is now making preparut uuh to visit Prof. Pancoast, Philftdelphia, to zee ii' his life can be saved.


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