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ways neither the most iutelligent nor reliable, if even iutelligible. For inatanoe, the New York Ehenihg Port of the '27th uit. saya : " A Detroit dispatch to the Chicago Trüiuite says that within a few days the friends of (iov. Hendricks have taken a series of adroit steps which promi8e to socure for hiin the Michigan delegation to the next Democratie National Convention." What steps, when taken, and who are the high (but unauthorized) contractiug partics is. not made public. Don't the Post bite to easily 'r1 And then comes the N. Y. World, of the 29th, with : "The Democrats of Detroit have directed their rupresentatives to vote for Kerr." The one Democrat representing Detroit (only a a part of the First district) is not an antomaton to be directed so easily, and neither ha any authorized body of his constitueuts assumed to direct him. The Post and World should not be so greedy for items as to fail to disoiiminate. The first sessiou of the Forty-fourth Congre88 will open on Monday next, December G. A large number of meinbert have already gathered at Washington, and the canvass for Speaker and other officers of the House bas been active for several days. It was narrowed on Monday by the publioation of a card by Hon. Fernando Wood, of N, Y., announcing bis witbdrawal frora the contest. In so withdrawing he declined to exposé his choioe or course, hut disclaimed any bargains for positionx on comraittees or otherwise. It is underj stood, however, that he will give hie support fo Mr. Randall, of Pa., and al80 that he says Mr. Cox cannot get the vote of the New York delegation. Probably riot all of it. The same dispatohes whioh announoed Wood's withdrawal spoke of the improving chances of Kerr, who is developing more strength ín the South and West than had been accorded him. It is understood that of the Michigan delenation, Messrs. Durand and Williams favor Cox, and that Mr. Potter is for Kerr, first, last and all the time. His colleagues will give their votes to Kerr in preference to Randall. But as the caucus is set down for to-morrow e vening it is useless to speculate upon results at this late hour. The vacancy in the United States Senate, caused by the death of Senator Ferry, of Connecticui, has been filled, Gov. Ingersoll having appointed and commissioned ex-Gov. James E. English, who will hold the place and discharge its dutie until the Legislature, to convene in May next (and yet to be elected), shall elect his successor. Gov. English has served in both branches of the State Legislature, and represented his district two terms in the lower branch of Congress, f rom 1860 to 1864, where he was known as a " war Deniocrat," favored the most vigorous prosecution of the war for the suppression of the rebellion, and voted for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. He won the reputation of being a faithful, intelligent, hard-working member, both in the ïfouse. He has been thrice elected Governor, in 1867 over Gen. Hawley, and in 1868 and 1870 over Mr. Jewell, now the Postinaster-General. In 1866 he was beaten by Gen. Hawley. He has the ability and experience to make a good Senator, and is sound on all the issues of the day. Though preferring David A. Wells, especially for his views on the currency and tariff questions, and his ability to discuss and defend theru, we accept the appointment of Gov. Englieh as one fit to be made. The press of the nation, city and country, metropolitan and " provincial," have been engaged for a week in discussing the question of presiding officer in the Senate, who he is, and what his term of office, and with a great diversity of opinión. Soine are very oonfident that Senator Ferry, elected at the last or special session of the Senate, will become permanent presiding officer of the Senate and acting Vice-President ; others incline to the opinión that he will become really Vice-President and that another President pro tempore must be elected ; and others, still, hold that his position as pro tempore President ceased with the session and that the Senate is without a presiding officer. Precedent, we are confident, will warrant Senator Ferry in taking thechairat the opening of the Senate, and we are equally confident that no precedent makes him the presiding officer of the Senate to the end of the late Vice-President's term unless the Senate chooses to continue him 80 by re-election. During the term that John Tyler was acting President, mee Harrison deceased, the Senate elected a President pro tempore at each session ; and the same may be said of the term in which Fillmore served as President, vacating the chair in the Senate. Cornisón sense, if not parliamentary law, would teach that a President pro tempore occupying the chair of the Senate or auy other body, when it adjourns to a day fixed, would take the chair when that body meets again, unless a permanent Presideut appears and supersedes him ; but that a body adjourning sine die with a President pro tempore iu the chair will be without a presiding officer when it convenes in a new session, and must at that date elect a presiding offleer in the absence of its permanent one, - froin whatever cause. Thia in the absence of statute law, of course. A correspondent of the Detroit Tribune (we thinlt) is confident, very confident, that Senator Ferry will become a real Vice-President, that he will retain no vote as Senator, and that his seat as Senator is really vacant and must be filled or Michigan have but one Senator to represent her either by voice or vote., This idea is too preposterously absurd to be discussed. Except as Senator he cannot be elected President pro tempore, and ceasing to be Senator he must cease to preside over the deliberations of that body.


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Michigan Argus