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Jottings In Europe

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(.'oiiespoiiUL'iiLe ui uit; AJUiUü, VIENNA, Uut. 'l'i., Iö7ü. Messus. Editokb- Kipeuuug iu mvisit üduibuig üext suuuuur we uecusBtinly teft turn dehguttul city without visitiug Buy oi ttio uuiuerou anil valaablü coilcctious thuru ur lüftkiug ihb üloursious to Abbutülord aud tu ialyu.ns wo had dubiiuii. Tfac lfttouuss of the seiiöüii and ttiu nnsty weittliur, as tbü Scotch callod it, iuijjelled us to hurry ou. A liuo of steumeis run direct to Uopeuhagun from Leith, and at tiist we thought ot takiug that route, but an iuspeutiou of the muall vessel in whicli wo would be couiijeilod to' be toesed about for four dayb dppn tlie Garinan Ucean, incline J ub to pretor th ui ore couiiuodious steamer ruuuing t Ham burg, aud taking only 40 hours ior the ücean voyage. This was a most wise oonclusiou ou our part tor ot the 15 cabin passengeisthere wereonly two who were uot sea sick from land to land, aud what niight have been our suiïeriugs in. a niuch smaller steamor aud tor a doublé leugth of time, can be imngiued. Steaming out from the harbor of Leith we eutered at once into the long Pirth of Forth, and for several houra the coast upon our ngnt was constanny iu Bight, with the nuinerous trains rlying along the landscape, and occasional villages and headlands to onlivon the suene. Our vessel passed quite elosely by the side of Bass rock, a vast unbroken boulder, rising abruptly from the sea several hundred ftet iu height, without a pattiule of soil or verduro visible, but quite alive all ovur its bald surface with the sea towl flying aud at rest about their well-chosen boiue. Soon after we had a fair view of Dunbar, one of the noted places in Scoltish history. It was in the battle at Dunbar that Cromwell and Iretou defeated so completely the covenautors uuder David Leslie, in 16Ó0. In the castle, uow a mere ruiu, Queen Mary and Darnley took refuge, after the murder of Rizzio, and then agaiu with Botbwull, in the disguise of a page, ahe went after Darnley hiuiself had come to a violent death. Some of the finest farming iandslie along this coast, Once out of sight of land we did not again see any until on Monday uioruing, Oot. llth, we found our vessel slowly moviug up the Elbe, having passed the Heligoland about 12 o'clock of the uight betore, an hour unlavorable to sight seeiug, which we ruuch regruttyd. Froui tue iuouth of the Elbo up to Hamburg, there is little attractiveness in the low, uuvarying Üatuess of the shores until within about ten miles of the city, when the banks (especially the eastern oue) assume a considerable elovatiou, and a continuous succesiion of villages, villas, garden, and sumuier resorts íorm a mosi pleasing panorama. Prefering to go at once to (Jopen üagen, we depositad ourtrunksat the Beriiner station, with the proper offixers, aud at auother secured tickets fur the traiu at ö p. m. tor the capital of Denmark, via., Keil and Korsar, and return, good for six days. The route by rail to Keil passes turouga Altona, a a well-built city of about 70,000 population, but so closely connected with Hamburg as to appear on!y a suburb of the latter. We proceeded nearly due north through Hollsteiu about 50 miles, through a rather uninteresting región, though seyeral thriving villages of several thousand inhabitants eaeh were passed. It was quite dark most of the way, and it was some satisfaction to know that no beautiful scenery was hidden in the darkness At Keil we went at once on board the poststeamer that was lving at wharf, and were tast asleep in our fastidiously clean berths long before the midnight train arrived with the mails from Humburg. Ot course we__sawjiothing of the cty and pose. It is said to ba one of the best harbors in Europe, and one of the principal naval stations of Pruseia. It was a member of the fauious Hanseatic league aud has a Univereity, founded in 1665. The steamer left Keil. at midnight and we had a very agreeable passage over the southwestern portion of the Baltic sea, running between the islands Langland and Laaland, almost directly north to Korsor, a porton tlie important island of Zealand, where we arrived at 7 a, m. It is a wretched looking place, nearly on a level with the sea, and we were glad the detention was less than an hour before we had taken our coupe ou the train direct for Copenhagan, about 75 miles further north, upon the eastern side of the island, This portion of our trip was principal ly interesting, because of its beingin a country quite newto us. For aloiigdistance the country presen ted a very level surface, one that required caroful attention to drainage. Almost the only erop seemed to have been and to be wheat, and the new seeding appeared to be very extensive and in excellent condition, though still quite sinall. Very fine cattle, horses, and sneep, were to be seen, and some of noticeable merits. The cottages were gonerally thatched and snug looking; the hedges well kept, the people hardy, contented plodders of thesoil. Further inland the country improved in appearauce, but throughout the route there was an extremely siuall display of evergreen trees ; biroh being the prevailing forest growth. We found the cars in Denmark much the same as those upon the Germán roads, the second class being far more comfortable than our own ordinary and generally used cars. Arriving at our destinatiou about 12 o'clock we were soon deposited, four ol us, at our hotel, nearly a milt) distant, for one krone (about 27 cents). It inay as well be confeseed at once that we feit somewhat disappointed in the city. It is evidently a busy and thriviug place, of great commercial importance, solid and substautial, but beautiful it is not. lts architecture is quite plain, its general appearance dingy, even its paUcos for royalty are unimposing and almost shabby, as compared with such ediiicos elsewhere. The most attractive street is the wide and well shaded avenue leading about one and a half miles to the palace of Fredricksburg, Aa this is one of the popular promenades, so also in the vicinity of the palace, for a considerable distance, both sides of the street are liued with pleasant looking gardens, cafes, and concert stands. The best private resideuces are located along this street, and are generally of fine ;x terior. Street cars and oninibnses furnish ready access toall parts of the city, and cab hire is exceedingly low. We took our rooms at a hotel quitf near to the Kongeu's Nytorv (Kings new raarket), this being the most central and principal square - though not at all square - on the coutrary a very extensive and irregular open space, from which thirteen streets lead to evury part of the city, and on it are located many of the public buildings as well aR principal hotels. We found the weather somewhat chilly and wet, but our time could not be wasted in delays on this account, so armed with rubbers, waterproofs, and umbrellas, which by the way seem to form a part of th? national costume, we started out. Naturally we were anxious to get a sight of the Thorwaldsen Museum, which to the stranger constitutes one of the greatept attractions drawing bitn so far north. This great sculptor being a bachelor (of Art indeed), and possessed of wealth, in the course of his long and successful areer as an aitist not only accuuiula;ed an immense oollection of his own produotions, but likewise gathered -i mjtlier a vtiry cxtensive, thougb somewhat miseullanous,. art gallery of hia uwn, oonsisting ut workB iu sculptuni, paiuting, geuiö, uoins, books, &c, all of which at his deatli h bequeathed to his nativo city. To preserve this ïnvaluablö lugacy, aud at the sauie time lo furuish a suitable nionuüieut to the man whu had giveri to Dunmark so ligh a positron in i.Iiü history of Art, a building was ereoied expre.ssly lor tho purpose, unliiely euclosing a spaeiom oourt, iu tho coiiter of whicú íb the , gravn of the gnittt suulptor, covered 1 wil h ft ve dant masa of ïvy, tíoe only green thmg visible in tho smoothly pav ] ed cnurt - a mausoleum most wortby and uppropriate, with 110 fulsome epitaph, but ouly " B.rtol Thoiwaldsen - 19h November, 1770- 24th March, 1814 The building uppears somewhat low and somber, being planned attor a style suggi'Rtcd by the old (irenk and Etrusoau sepalohral structures, aud still further to follow out the ancieut modela, thrue of the exterior sides have been deoorated by the use of variously colored cuuiints with rather rudo s) mbolical paintings und a very literal represnntat.ion of the arrival of the artist and his works, iu 18.'5H, in a rerael sent exprestily tor the purpose, aud of the conveyanco of the precious cargo to the museum. The faoado, with spacious povtiuo and fine columns surmounted by a quadriga in bronze, driven by the Goddess of Viotoiy, cast alter a sketch left by tho artist, is uiuch more iinpoBing. But of the arrangement and decorations of the interior no words of praise can be too warm ; the lighting is excellent. The space well occupied, without being crowded ; the courtesy of offieers unexceptionable, and the en joyment judiciously diffuaed by auoiding all attempts at a couceutration of tho best works in any particular room. But of the contents of this wondurïul museum and about other things in Copeuhagen more anon. Yours t.ruly, J. M. WHEELER. lX is now officially proclaimed to the world that Gen. Schenck, Minister oi the United States near the Court oi St. James, received a loan of L10,000 ($50,000), to iuvest in the shares of the Emma Mine, and that he was guaranteed an interest of 18 per cent. on his investment (of borrowed rnoney). Nqw, either Gen. Schenck knew that the Emma Mine was utterly valueless, a swindle ab indio, or he knew nothing about it. Whiohever hom of the di lemma he chooses to take equally dis graces the nation he representa or mis 1 representa. And yet how long is thi man, who sold the use of hia name anc tho inüuence of his official re ' main abroad and degrade the nation can oiily bc dutermined, we suppose, by the noxt Presidential elcction, for there are no giviugs out of any iutention on the part of Grant to reoall hitn. A President who eould wreathe with laurols the heads of such retiring officialsas Attorney-General Williams and Seeretary Delano, caunot be looked to diagrace .a Schenck. The New YoriWorld's "special" of the 28th uit., nained nine candidatos (Democratie) for Clerk of the House ; six for Arnis ; four for Doorkeeper ; and four for Postinaster. The other offioers, assistant clerks, etc, are to be appointed by the principáis. The Act of Congre8S which provided for " celebrating the one hundreth Anuiversary of American Indepeudence, by holding an International Exhibition j -t M e. t....„a_--.-i ti - j - 1 _x Soil and Mine," authorized tne creation of the United States Centennial (Jommission, aud entrusted to ït the management of the Exhibition. This body is composed of two Commissioners trom each State and Territory, nominated by the respective Governors, and commissioned by the President of the Uuited States The enterprises, therefore, is distinctly a national one, and not, as has soinetinies been stated, the work of a private Corporation. The Exhibition will be opened on May lOth 1876 and remain opened every day, except Sunday, until November lOth. There will be a fixed price of 50 cents for adruission to all the buildings' and ground8. The Centennial grounds are situated on the western bank of the Schuylkill liiver, and within Fairmount Park, the largest public park in proximity to a great city in the world, and one of the most beautifnl in the country. The Park contains 3100 acres, 4Ó0 of which have deen enclosed fortbe Exhibition. Besides this tract, there will be large yards near by for the Exhibition of stock, and a farm of 42 acres has been suitably planted for the test of plows, mowers, reapers and othors agricultural machinery. The Exhibition buildings are approched by eight lines of a street cara which conuect with all the other lines in the city, and by the Pesnsylvania and Reading railroada, over ue tracks of which trains will also run from the North Penusylvania and Philadelphia, Washington, and Baltimore raiiroads. Thus the exhibition is in an immediate connection with the entire railroad Hystern of the country, and any one within 90 miles of Philadelphia can visit it at no greater cost than tliat of carriage hire at the Paris or Vionna Exhibition.


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