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I he advent of Thanksgiving was preceded by an effort ou the part of a half dozen enterprisiug citizene to oréate a "corner" in turkies, by buying up all the farmers had to aell of this species .of fowl- and then chargiug as high as 17 cents per pound to those who wished to celébrate the day in the good old Vaukee way. The consequeuce was "a raid" upon other kinds of poultry, at 10 cents per pound, yuid the shipment of the .turkies 'to Detroit. Our fricnds, doubtless, have had their reward. Prof. C. L. Ford, M. D., delivered an excellent lecture on Wednesday evening, 24th uit., before an appreciative but not large audience, on "The Lungs;" and on Friday evsning, Dec. lOth, Prof. J. Estabrook will lecture on " The origin and destiuy of the Anglo-Saxon Language." The Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist churches held a unión service in the Baptist church on Thanksgiving day.Rev. Mr. Parsons preaching a sermón (from Eccl. 7 : 12 "Wisdom is a dnfence,") on "Popular education the most practicable preveutive of evil to the State." Kev. Mr. Atchison, S. S. MissiDnary of the Detroit M. E. Conference-, aided by Silas Farmer of Detroit, closed on Sabbath evening last, with a large audience, a series of addresses and black-board exercises which he began on Saturday evening previous, and which has served to enliveu and encourage all who are in any way intecested in Sabbath Sohools. M. I. Chioanne. A brief sketch of the new school house in fractional school district No. 15, of Ann Arbor and Scio, was noticed some time ago. The new stiucture will compare favorably with any country school house in the county, and the comparason between the old and new wou:d be like comparing abroken down wheelbarrow to a Pullman palace car. The building was put up by the Clarken Bros., masons, and Luick Bros., carpenters, all of this city, and is pronounced a superior job and reflects great credit upon tlie builders. On the evening of the 23d uit. all the district and some from the adjoining dÍ3tricts, also a goodly nuniber trom the city, joiued in a festival at the new school house and a general good time was had. The programme for the evening was gotten up by the teacher, Miss Higgins, and Miss Cora Bird. Especial mentlon should be made of the essay of Miss Higgins, and also of select ri-udings by Miss Bird. The evenings entertainment was interspersed with singing by the school, led by Walt. Kendall and Mrs. Ash, while MisseR Cora and Jennie Bird furnished beautiful music on the melodeon, an1 all wout merry as a marriage bell. " Bat hush, hark. ;i 4eep souud strikes likc a risine kn.'ll. b Dld yc not hear it .'" tea slr-ee. Mrs. ürcutt Keudall and Kuhnle announce that supper was ready - talk about " Únele Luther," he would hide his head in shame had he have seen the tables set upon this occasion. But your reporter must stop now and wade in, " and he went in," and he believes that it was a preconcerted plan among the ladies above meutioned to make him a victim to the doctrine of inflation. After the infla tion process was played out, all once more repaired to the new school house and listened to music, singing, etc. Different persons were called upon for speeches. Mr. Kuhnle, one of the Building Committee, was called out and made a speech abounding in solid seuse, and mixed with ment and good humor. The seata for the new school house was furnished by the Northville School Manufacturing Co., and cannot be excelled by any school house in this county. Ferhaps more than to any othe line the traveling public is indebted to the Michigan Central for the comforts and convemences which have made locomotion a luxury. Wh.ether the new improvement was Ruttan's ventilator, the Miller platform or Air-braki', this Company has always been the rirst to adopt it and make lts merits known. It was, we believe, the first company to run Pullman's sieeping cars ; anu aurmg me ten years ot hls contract witn this road, it haa done more to popularizo aud rsnder them famons than auy other road upon which they have been in use. The contract betweeu the Builroad and Sleeping-car companies xpired the ttrst of November, and a uew arrangement having been made with the VVagner Car Company", on tliat dato the Pullman cars ceased to run over the road, except on the Grand Trunk and Buffalo line, ïheir places were immediately BappHed by new and elegant coaches, built by Mr. Wagner especially for this road ; and they are now running datly his beautitul Parlor and Drawiug-room cars upon the day trains, aud upon inght trains Palace sleeping-cars, through without change to Suspension Bridge, Rochestur, Xcw York and Boston. No through car to Boston has ever been run through from Chicago ; and tliis addition to the line, which was not possible under the Pullman admiuisiratiou is w.irmly welcoined. Wiigner'? cars h:ive been long and favorably known at the K.lhí, but this is their iirst appearance in the West. They are beaulifnlly hnished and elegfintly ñtted up with ven convenieuce wlnch lias made travel a pleasuro and the name of Wagner will soon be as fa miliar to our ears as the name of Pullman, an( ai suggestive of comfort. ■ We invite attention to the prospectus of th New York Evening Post, in another column The Post is one oí the ablest literary journal in. the country, is free from eensotionalism in its daily edition, and is so independent, politically, aa to be iguored by the Republican leaders. It does good service for hard inoney, f ree trade, revenue reform, and we raight alniost say for home rule. And it don't believe in keeping the Southern States in the position of conquered provincea.


Old News
Michigan Argus