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Vice-president Wilson

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A Washington dispatch of Nov. 22 givea tho following pat'ticulars of the deatli of Henïy Wilson, Vice-President of the United States : Mr. Wilaqn rested well last night, awoke at 7 o'clock this moriúng, and expressed himself as fceliug brighter and betten He eat up iu bod to take hia medicino, ky down on bis left side, and expired in a íevv momente, without a struggle. It having been repreeented last nigbt that the Vice-President had bo mncli improved that he would bo able tó lesvo for ule Nurth this week, the iütelligeuce ol liin eudiion death tliia morning fell with startling forcé and auddenness on the community. Tho Vice-Presideiit seemod ou Saturday to bo a great deal better thau at any timo during bis late aickuess, but yesterday he was not quite no well. Poetniaater Bnrt, of BoBton, called in tlio morniug, and had a pleasant conversation with him. Mr. Croesrnan, of New York, a literary friend, also visited the President on busineas conoeruing bis (Mr. WilHon's) unfínisbed volume on the subject of slavery. The VicePresident being in a condition reqniring rest, Mï. Crossman retired. Tlie Vice-PreBident tlien slept from 1 to 3 o'olock, when he roee. Mr. Crossnian returnod in the afternoon, at the Vice-PreBident'8 requent, and remained until evening. The Vice-Fresident went to bed at an early hour, auil alept tolorably well duriug the nigbt. In bis wakiiig intervals he asked for water. About miduight he got up and wal!;ed around bis room. Then, going to bis table, he took up a little book of poems, entitled, "TheChanged Crofis," with the motto, " Not as I will, but as Thou wilt" aud read thi-ee verseB from it, one of which íh afl followB : Help us, O Lord, wiüi patiënt lovc, to bear Each other'a f aiüts, to suffer with trae nieckuess ; Help lis cacti otlier'e joya and griefs to sbaro, But; let us turn to Thee alone in ínoolmesu. Other verses had been marked iu the book, among them the following : What if poor sinncre count thy grief tho sigual of an unchastened will ; Ue who can give thy eoul rest knows that thou art subniiesive still. Tbis volume belonged to bis wife, aud eontained a photograpli of her and their on. both deceased. He treasured it bevond valué, and always made it hi companion, froui whence he seemed to derivo mucli comfort. After reading tho verses, he Bpoke with gratitude of the kindnesa of bis frienda during hia aiclinesa, and of the widespread sympathy in hia behalf. He then returued to bed, ia a happy mood, and Blept. At 3 o'elock thia morning lie awoke, complaining of pain iu his stomach. One of hia attendauta rubbed it, and being thus relieved, i ho agaiii fell asleep. At 7 o'clock he awoke. remarking that be feit biïghter and better than at any time previous. He said that ho was goiog to ride out to-duv. as bis phyatcian, Dr. Baxter, advised him to do so, if the weather was fair. At twenty-nine minutes past 7 o'clock, he said he would get up aud take breakfaat. He then called for "bitter water," which had heretofore been preseribed, and having drank it, he laid down, witb bis left cheek ou the pillow, aa if with sudden exhauation. breathing heavily, but uttering no words, and in a few momenta ! he died, witbont a atruggle. The following order announoing tho death of Vice-President Wilson was issned by the President : Executtve Mansion, Washington, D. C, Nov. 22, 1875.- It is with profound aorrow that : the President haa to annotinee to the people of the United States tho death of Vice-President Henry Wilson, who died iu tho Capital of the nation tbis morning. The eminent statiou of the deceased, his high character, his long career iu the service of his State and of the Union, his devotion to the cauee of freodom, and the ability which he brought to the diacharge of every duty, stand couapicuoua, and are indelib'.y impressed iu the hearts and affoctious of the Ameriean poople. Iu testimony of respect for thia distinguiahed citizen and faithful public servaut, the varioua dopartmentu of the Government will be cloaed on the day of the funeral, and tho Executiva Mansión an:l all tbo Kxecutive Departments in ! iugtou irill be drapcd with badges of mouruin" for thirty dar. Tho Secretarles of War and of the Navy will issue ordera that appropriate militarj' and naval horton) be rendered to the memory of one vvhose virtues and services will long be borne in recollection bv a L'ratefnl non. (Signed)


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Michigan Argus