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Crooked Whisky Telegrains. At the trial of Win, O. Avery, a member of the whisky ring at St. Louis, the following curious telegrama were placed in evidence by the prosecutiou : Washington, D. C, July 1, 1874.- To Gen. John McDouald, Supervisor of Internal Ilevenue, St. Louie, Mo.: Tliiiigs look allright hore. Let the machino go. (Sigued) Joïce. Washington, D. C, July 3, 1874.- To Gen. John McDonald, Supervisor of Interna! Eevenue, 8t. Louis, Ma : Matters are lmnky. Go it lively and watch sharply. (Signed) Joyce. Washington, D. C, July 17, To Gen. John McDonald, Supervisor of Interna] Reyonue, St. Louis, Mo. : Here on my return home. What I can do for your sido. (Signed) Joïce. St. Louis, Aug. 5, 1874.- Col. Wilüam O. Avery, Treaeury Department, Washington : Have friends started West again ? Find out and let me know. A. St. Lottis, Aue;. 2G. 1874.- Col. William Avery, Cuieí Clerk, Treasury Department: Are frienda coming Weat ? See H. and give him soundings. A. Washington, D. C, Oct. 17, 1874.- John A. Joj'ce, St. Lonis, Mo.: Yonr friend is iu New York and may come out to see you. Aveky. St. Louis, üct. 18, 1874.- Col. W. O. Ayery, Treasury D'epartment, Washington, D. C.i Give somothiug poaitive on moveaieiito oí friends. Act surely. Prompt. A. Washington, Oct. 19, 1874.- John A. Joyce, St. Louis. Mo. : Put your house in order. Your friends will vieit vou. Mack. Wasiii.nüton, i). C, Dec. 7, 1874.- To Col. John A. Joyce, Planters' House, St. Louis : Had long ride witli the President this afternoon. B. and H. are here. You will hea-r from me to-morrow. John. Washington, D. C, Dcc. 8. 1874. -To John A. Joyce, Ilanters' House, St. Louw, Mo.: Deaddog. Thegoose hangsaltitudolum. The aua shines. Joiin. Washington, D. C, Jan. 5, 1875.- To John A.. Joyco, lieveuue Agent, St. Louie. Mo. : The order directing yon to report to Supervisor McDonald at Philaielphia, on the i5th, iö f.usperjded. J. W. Douhi.ass. ('oromissioner. Washinuton, D. C, Fob. C, 1875.- To Gen. j John McDonald, St. Louie. Mo.: Order bnrsted forever. D. & Co. mad. Hold things level. Kab hky. C'uimnoii Sense V8. Prejudice. By K. V. Pieece, M. D., of the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y., Authorof "Tho People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," etc., etc. I am awaro that there is a popular, and not altogether unfounded, piejudico against " patten t medicines," owing to the sinail ainount of merit whict maiiy of them possese. The appellation of " Patent Medicine," does ïtot apply to my remedies, as no patent has ever been asked for or obtained upon tbern, nor havo they beon urged upon tbo public as "curealla." Thoy are simply some favorita prescriptionfi, whieh, in a yery extensivo practico, have proveí their superior remedial virtues in the i euro of tho diseasea for which they are rocomI mended. Evcry practicing physiciau bas hia favorito remedies, which he oitenest recommends or usos, bocauee h'e haa the greatcet confidence in their virtues. Tho patiënt doea not know their compoeition. Eveu preecription are usnally written in a langiiage unintelligible to acy but the druggist. As mucli eecrecy is employed as in the preparation of proprietary medicines. Does the fact that an article is prepared by a procesa known only to the manufacturer ronder that articlo less valuablo ? How niiny physiciana know the elementare composition of the remedies which thoy omplov, some of which have never been aualyzed"? Few practitioners know howMoiphine, Quinine, Podoijhyliin, Loptandrin, Pepwu, or Chloroform, are made, or how nanseous dnjgs are transf crnied hito palatable elisirs ; yet they do not hcaitate to erupioy them. -1 it not inconsistent to use a preeenptiou, the composition of which is nnknowu to na, and dipcard anothtr jireparatiou siinply becauae it is accompanied by r priuted statement of its propertiea vit'i ! tions for its uöo ? Somo porsons, whüe adnjitting Ihatm medicines are good pharraaceutical conipouñda, object to them on the ground that they are too ofteu used with insuflieient judgment. I propuse ta obviato UÜ8 difficiilty by eniglitejiuig the pcoplo aa to tüo strnetnre and fnnciioiii of their bodiea, and by ir.dicatiug tho proper and judiofcus omployment of my medicmea, I geUier with suoh auxiliar; trttttmont as may l e ueoesüary. Buch is one of the designs of the l'eoi.'lt'a JIcdica! Adviser, forl.y thonanud copies of whi;li have already been pnblbhed, and ars sold at the exceeding low price of S1.5J, aad Hcnt i 'noHi-paid) to-nnv dlrer-a withiu üio tmltdd Htates oud Canada. H you woukl patronizo medi itificaïïy prepared, uso my Family Micinoa Golden Medical JMueovpry is totlic, alterativo or biood cleansing, and au uueqvKUed oong6 romody Pleasant Purgativo Jt't-llets, scaroeiy l.iiger thau mustard seed, conatitute AU agreeable auci reliablo phyeio ; Fnvorite PreBcrij.t.ou, a. remedy for debilítate! fcmalos ; my and Extract of 8mart-Woed, a magical remedv for pain, bowel oomplaints, am! an uriequalel Linimoiit for both finman oud horseflesh ; while Dr. Sage'a Oatarrh llecieiiy ia knowji tlio world over as the greatest tpe'ciño for Caï&rrh and ' ' Cold in the Head, " ever gi?e:i to Uie public. Theae isliudard remedies have been before I the public for many years- a j:eriod Jon.; enough to fully test their merits, and the best argument that can be advanced in their favoi' is the raft that their salo was never a o groat aa duriug the past six mouths. Kansas, aaya the Kansas City l'iinc., is ful] of oattle buyers, andthcy sll seeni ta háve plenty of mouey and to be willing to ])iy roasoimbli: prices for cattle. The nbiunlaiiiM' of oorn and othfï feed for stock mako the farmers a little independent about ge.ling, I Premature Loss of the ÜAïfl, ■rt'hicli is so common nowadayu, may be entirely prSvented by the use oí Burneit's Cocoaine. It has boon uHed in thousands of caaes where the liair wa coming out in handsfnl. and hasnever lailed te arrest its decay, and to promote a healthy and vigotolla growth. It is at the same time unrivallea as a dressing for the luir. A singla application wil! render it soft and glossy for ueveral days. Winteb ia now fairly tipon us, and the teams aro hastemug to the lumber woods iis Vírioiw parts of tlio conutry. Oar advice to overy man who goe to the wooda, be he captainj cooh, teamster. or any other man, is to take along a good stock of 'Johnsou ' Anodyne Liiniifiil and Parsmus' l'urgative Pitln. Many montha oí labor (in the aggrogate) may bo saved by tbia pf ecaution. Bad enough to look and feel bad yourBelf ; but no excuse for making your horse look and feel badly, whon for a small aran yon can buy Sheritlan' s Cavalry Condition Powders, wbieh given in grain two or throo times a week, will make him look and feel well. Vkoeiine ís not a vile, nauseous compouíid, which simply piirgee the bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify the blood and tliereby restore the hoalth. SCiHOXOK'S PLT.MONIC SïlltIP, FOB THE CtJRE Op CONSUJUPTION, COUGIIS AND COliDSi The great virtue of thifl medicine is that it r'pens thè matter and throws it out of the System, purifies tba blood, and thus eiTocts a cure. Bchehck's Ska Weed Tonic. fok th Cdbb oi Dtspepbia, Indigestión, Eto. The Tonio produces a heslthy action of üe stomach, creatiuB an appettto, formlng chylo, aftd curiiig the moet Obstinate cases of indigestión. SCHENCK'B MANDIIABE PlLLS, FOB THE CUKE OT LlVER COMPLAINT. ETC. These Pilis are alterativa and produce a healthy action of the liver without the least dranger, as theyare free frora oaloinel and yt;t moi fficacious In restoring a healthj action oí the liver. These remedies are z, certain cure for OonsurapUon, as the Pulmonic Bymp ripens the matter and purifies tho blood. The Mf:idrake Pilis act upoh tho liver, oréate A heulthy bil, and remove all diseases of the liver, ofttíii a cause of Consuniptitin. Tije Soa Weed Tonic gives tonö anti etrength to the stomach, makos a good digestión, and enablos the orrans to form aood blood, and thus croare u liealtiiy circuliition of healthy blood. Tho combined action ot these medidnos, as thusexplained, will cure every oase of O'insumption, if taken ín time, and the Dse of tho mecUoillM porsevered in. lr. Schenck ia prolesHionall? at hls principal office, corner Hixth and Arch Streyts, l'hiiadelpilla, every Moltdny, fhcre all letters for advice may be addieased. Schenck's medicines for sale by all Druggista.


Old News
Michigan Argus