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THE NEW YORK EVEN ING POST PR ICE REDUCED. LIBERAL OFFER TO CLUB AOKJVTS. New Terum of Mibucriptton. DAILY, - - . $!.00 SEMI-WEEKLY, - - 300 WEEKLY. - - 1.50 Thee term include the postage, which will be paid by the publishers. A PREMIUM FOB Each SubsGriber. We offer to subscribere, in connection with the The Evening f ost, the following useful articles : A Detachcd I.eïer Clark, which sells for $2.50 at retail. with the Weekly Ëvenmg Post, for $2.75. or with the Weekly for $4.25. 'A good time-pioce, of simple ytt careful construction." I St. Gerniain or Student I .nip. (C. A. Kleeman'8 patent.) Large size (retail priee tT.dU) with the Weekly lor $5.75, or with the Weekly, for $7.26. " The best now in use. The light is steady and briffht, and therefore the eyeB are not disagreeably affectod, as ie the ca.-e in reading by gaslight or the lierht of other lampa." - Engineering L Mining Journal. The Utility Adfustable Table (retil, $R.00jwitn the Weekly for $5.50, or with the Bemi-Weekly for $7.00. "This table may be raised or lowered in height to 8Ult any peraon or purpoee. and can be folded in a moment for packing awfty. Valuable to ladies in cutting and basting; a boon to he invalid ; a treasure to children; excellent for games, and i seful for writing, study, lunch, or picnic purposes." Webster' I7n abrid ged Dictlonary. 1H40 page quarto ; 3,000 illuntrations iretail, $12.00) with the Semi-Wekly, for $10.00; with the Weekly anp the Table, for $12. 50, or with Weekly and the Student Lamp, for $12 75. Webster' National Plctorial Die. tionarj . 1,040 Pages Octavo; 60" illnstrations (retail, $5.00) with the Semi-Weekly. for $6.00 ; with the Weekly and the Student Lamp, for $8.75,or with tre Weekly and the Table for $8.50. Won cslcr's 1 ni hriilirt'd Dictionary. Illustrated (retail, J10.00) with tee Semi-Weekly, for $0.00; with the Weekly and the Student Lamp, for $12.75, or with the Weekly and the Table, for $12.50. Worcester's Comprehensivo Diction. ary. New illustrated editton (retail, $1.80) with tbe Hemi-Weekly, for $4.00; with the Weekly and the Table, tor $0.50, or with the Weekly and the Student Lamp for $6.75. .Usop's Fables. A new and oarefully revised edition of these Fables. By J. B. Rundell ; profusely illustrated with original designs, by Ernest Griset 442 pages, quarto (retail price, $3.50)with the Weekly for $3.25, or with the SemiWeekly, for $4.75. iEsop's Fables. Gilt rages, beveled covers (retail price, )$5 00) with the Weekly for $3.75, or with the Semi-Weekly for $5.26. To ClubüLgents. In order to still more largely inerease the oir culation of The Evening Post, we offer to Live t those who will procure Hubscribera to the Weekl and Semi-Weekly Evening Post, eitlier of th Premiums mentioned above. Send for specimen copies coni aining further par ticulars, and giving the number of subseriber which should be obtained to entitleone to oither o these premiums. Agents who preer a commission in Cash vñll b Uberally dealt with. Please send for our circular t Club Agents. "We continue to send The Enening Post, fre of postage without premiums t at the former luw club terms, as follows ; BEMI-WEEKLY. Five copies, oneyear, - - - $12.5 Ten copies, one year, - - 22.0 WE6KLY. Pive copies, one year, - - - $7.0 Ten copies, one year, - - - 12 5 Twenty copies, one year, - - 22.0Í These terms include the postage, which will b paid by the publishers. The above rates are as low as those of any f ir st cl as newspaper pubtished. ■3T Additions may be made to a club at an time, at club rates. Remittances should be made, if poBsible, b draft orPost Office order payable in New York. If these cannot be obtained, the letter shonld b registered. SPECIMEN NUMBERS SENT F RE E. Addreas Wm. C. BRYANT & Co PUBLISHEBS OF THE EVENING POST. No. 208 Broadway, Corner Fulton St NEW YORK. LARCE ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sell- Clothin so Cheap ttiat Jie DEFIES ALL COMPETITION All who are Dressed with the hare times ánd desire A CHEAP SUIT Caa find it at WAGNEE'S. A fine stook of Cloths, Cassimere and Trimmings always kept and Suits Made to Order A Large stock of FURFISHING GOODS. W. "WA.C1TEE., 1496 21 South Maik St. Ann Arbor CITIZENS of ANN ARBOR A.ÏSXTD VICINITY. I have just received a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All Grades ! All Widths ! All Sizea ! And Low Prices ! I have now the largest stock of Ladies', Misse and Childrens fineshoes in Aun Arbor. Misses' and Children'a School Shoes inade specialty. An entirely new thing, a Ladies', Misses' an Child's Culi' Buttoned Shoe, which will certaiiii outwear all othen, Please give me a cali before going elsewhere an( satisfy yourself as to shoes and prices. JOHN BURG. No. 43 South Main Street. 1547n thiTnew england range with Elevated Hot. Closet, comhining all the lates most valuable and econoinical improvements ii Cooking Ranges. The nw MORNINC GLORY beautifully monnted, and acknowledged to be on of the leading flrst class Cook Ötoves. THE W00DLAND 000K A new first class Wood Stove ; for a low priced stov it cannot be beat. It has all the modern improve menta. The above stoves all have the new Paten Diffusive Oren Flueg, by vhicb tbeoreo is sure' be evenly heated at all times, makinp them th most perfect Bakers in the niarjtet. The LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER Isa perfect success. Every lady who use a wringe should get one at Pease's. Those 40 reasons forgetting Weed's CarpetSweep er are yet good ones. Gal-vanizkd iron Toili Skis, are certainly the most durable. My Portafa Bath Tubs are the best and cheapest and should I indispensable. Those metal Water Fliters ever family should get oueat ; . J . im: s ks. 4 6 Soul ii ITIaiu Street. FOR SALE. ADEÜIRABI.G COTTAGE with Ter finely shaded grounds, rear the Universit now vacant and willhe sold very low. Enquire o 1 A. B. PRE8COTT.


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