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It Always l'ays !o ftídfc vi'-h n, nrSt-el&KS boase, beqKDMyon uro mire oí gtttiiig the best clas of goüds at the lowest prices. The mout etiiking ülustration of tliii-t truth in the great wholesale aud retail jewelry houee of N. MATSON AND CO., CHICAGO, corner of State and Monroe Bti-eets, whosc Halos outrank all othor jewelry houses in the Northwest. Their resourcea and credit are bo great that thoy buy and importa cheaply as any New ïork house, and their sales are ao immense that thoy eau Bf-H at the buying pricea of thell competitors. The character of the house insures to purchasers the exact quaiity and value of gooda aa repreeonted. For the Holidays and for the general trade, they have an v.nusudlly largo btoek of Bilvervfare, Cloeta, Bronzes, Gold aud Silver Watchos. Jewelry, au:i Faney Goods, fitly representing the largest. be=t, and most popular jewelry house in the Northwest. A rmnoua Medical Institution. From the Chicago Times. "The name of Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., has become as familiar to the people all over the country as 'household words.' HiB wonderful remedies, hia pamphlets and booka, and his large medical eiperienoe, have brought him into pröüiinelice and given him a solid reputation. The Timf.fï, in the preaent issue, presenta a whole-page communication from Dr. Pierce. aud our readers may gain from it some idea of the vaat proportions of hia business and the merits of hia medicines. He has at Buffalo amammoth establishment, appropriatelynamed ; 'The World'a Diapensary, ' where patients are treated, and the i omedies compounded. Here neavly a huudred persons are employed in the ecveral depaitments, and a corps of able and sküled phyaicians stands ready to alleviate the Bufferiug of humanitv by the most approved methode. These phj'sieians are in trequent coneultation withDr. Pierce, and their combined experience is bronght to bear on the successful treatmeut of obstinate oases. The Doctor ia a man of iargo medical oxperience, and his extensivo knowledge of materia medica has been acknowledged by presentation of degrees from two of the first Medical Colleges in the land." If vou woald patronize Medicines, Bcientifically prepared by a skilled PuyBioian and Chcmist. uee Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines, , Golden Medical Discovery is nutritious, tonic, terative, aud blood cleansing, and an uneqttaled Cough Remedy; Pleaaant Purgativo Pellets, acarcely lai-ger than a mustard aeed, constitute an agreeabie and reliablo phj'sic ; Favorite Prescription, a remedy fordebilitatedFemales; Extract of Smart-Weed, a magical remedy for Pain, Bowel Coruplaints, and an uneqnaled Liniment for both human and horse flesh ; wbile hia Dr. Sage's Catarrh Eemedy is knowu the wo.-id over aa the greatest specific for Catarrh and " Cold in the Head " eyergiven to the public. They are aold by Druggists. Chappbd hands, face, limpies, ringworm, salfcrheum, and other cutaneous affections cured, and rough kin made soft aud emooth, by nsing Juniper IV v Soap. Bo careful to get only that mado by Caswell, Hazard & Co. . New York, as there are many imitations made with cominon tar, all of which are worthless. A high Uhlan offloer of the Prussian Guarda has been sentencod to a year and a half imprisonment iu a military fortress for being married to n youug lady who was not of noble birth. Eubsett's Coooaine. Bee Aduertisemenl. MiiiLioNS of bottles of Burnett's Cocoaine have been sold during the last twenty yeara, in every civilized country, and the public have reudercd t'te verdict that it is the cheapest and best Hair Dressing in the world. The proprietors of Johnson' s Anodync Liniment, Parsons' I'urgative. Pillis, and Slieridaris Cavalry Condüion Powders, have published a readable and inHlructive pamphlet, wliich may be had free by mail. Veqbtine is coraposed of roots, liorks and herbe. It ia very pleasant to take : every child hkea it. Vegetine- By ita use yon wiU prevent many of the diseanes jirevaihng iu the spring and surnmer season. Rüfcs Chapman, of Liberty, Maine, had a etiff leg bent at the knee, ltmbered and straigh tened by tho use of Johmton's Anodyne Linimerd. _______ Stabvaxion will not stare the oitízens of Greeley in the face while buffalo beef retails at a nickel a pound. Bübneti's Cocoaine. See A dvertisemenl. SCHEXCK'S MANDRAKB PI1.L.S. Will bo found to pousoss those qualltiea necessary to the total orajiciilion of all bUious attacks, prompt to start tlio sorictK-ns of the liver, nd give a healtliy tone to the entiro 8jitem. Indeed, it is no ordinury discovery in medical Bcionce to have invented a remedy for those stubbom complaints, which dovelop nll the resulta produced by a horetofore froe use of calóme!, a mineral justly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledged to be destructivo in the extreme to the human eystm. That the propertios of certain vaci tables compvieo all the virtues of ca!nm:l without ils i: jiii-ms ti'ndencies, is n-w an admttted fsot. rendercd tadlspatable hy Kci:Mitific researches; and Ihoso who tfcothe MndnA PUU wlU be Vil.v HtlBfled that the best moUctaw aro those provided l,y nature in the common horbs and roots of the fields. These pills open tho bowc!s..-.ncl correct all bUiousdorangomentB without salivation or any of the injurious effects of calomel or othor poisons. The ecretlon of bilo is promoted by those pills. as will be soen by tho altered color of tho stools, and d'nappearingof thesallow compleiion and clsaMing of the tonfrue. directions for use ooompaoiy cach lxi of pU!b. Preparodsonly by J. H. Schenck 4 Son, at thoir principal office, corner Sixth and Ardí Streets, Philadelphia, and for ale by all rirueülst o nnd dlra Prioo 25 i:r,ntJ per box. -ompaKn A pair of Bh ■ ■ ffll cost jou onl) KkL fi AVjQ EK ï3 ' centü morri w ith a ËJSgfliS SILVER TIPM m m #ffp WMA on than v.itho"t, nnd it will aai g% wLB3 "53 twice tin: co-t ft' the shoe to tiioir Lost! The name of the person fiWZ&t&fijfÍF$ Boots ;in'lSÍv03. Anynne iindinff PSlaB ing theno. 'tHiHave you ever seen Th.i IllustrateJ Catalogue of The ExrtUior r,rtaMc !',:■!. ■; i'r,., $3 FteBB now ready. Ettrf man nu pu-fl prtn'er. Af o-w dollar buys a pres and type for printin ■ áurea, lttbl,eDveíOíi,eto., ni quartir printers' p ;,.., .-e. tiwtimnd inareaae husmas bil Uveadetrti. Xm ;; is tor ufttaioeue to the M.innfactur. ■, W. KEl.Siiï i CO., AleriiUiu, Cuan. $29 0 AddrèssR. N.RAMSKY. Detroit. Mich II CT UMI II and OATABRH. SureOure. Trial frej. AS I nlBH Address W. K. BEH.I8, Indianapol.8, [od. OAFAÑOT CARns.7 StyloK, with nam, l()c, roti K) J.B. HUOTBP.MMgao. Rwm.Qo.,N.Y WANTKD AGENTH. .Inmph, an;t Outfit f ree. itciitr Ihar, CoM. A. OOULTKR OO., Chicago. ! CirViiPfiElKiruaY SendforChromoOtalogu. 4IUi 3)Oj. Büfcüed'bSons, Boston, Mal. i C +,-. fOÜ'!"'1' Snmplrs worth $1 sent I $0 tC' iJlSU iree SrissON Aio., Portland, M. 1 -rvrVHUCJM i. uwiitr, 1 ulo - r. Ulence n ■ Aü' ;- o. u.iv na?, Chlongo. II!. IPCIITC 'M Klciiiinl Oil 5 'Invino, mnnnted, AbtN I O .Lzo Allffor SI. Novelti,. mi Chromp. i i' every dt ripttntt. National Ohromo Co., Phüa., fa. dtrn Daik U AgentB. 85 nnw articles and the bent miiU ynmlly Paper in AniL-m-a. wilh two .' ChroZsTfu. AMËR. Wfl OO.. Ui) Broadway, N. T. tjf r PKRWKEK to Male and Komale Agents. 6J5Ö Aïtloll Wivi Nccl-Ú in nvery houso. Adreeb WBÏGHT Jt LAÜKY, 7W Broadway, f. Y. mum A. Agentmtanted. IU bost-sellSi -Í hfl uTg artlclcs in the world. Ono sample free. ipOJU Afldres. J. BRUNSOJV. DctroH. Mloh. WA.NTKU.- AGJLNT i.i all parttof n to ciitivuiS for our nuw book, " Tht Ifomo o ' I Centum," by Pheba A. Hanaford. One volamo, hand. 1 hmsmsr&i Cfc( IBÉKS ÉI. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CHICAGO SCRAPF.R 4 DITCHER OO., 66 LaSalle. AUCTION AND SALE ROOMS OF HORSES, CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. WKSTO.t 4 C'O.'fi, !M im.i UU K. Washington, evenr Tuasday, Tiiursday and Saturday , at 10 a. ni. A'JCTION MART FOR THE SALE OF HORSES, HARNESS AND VEHICIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE; NORTHWKSTIÏRN TATTEHRALI.S, 1 to 9 Monroa. j AWNINGS, TENTS, TWINES AND CORDAGE. GILBERT, HUBBARD 4 OO., 203 to 21 South Water, j BAKING POWDER AND EXTRACTS. Dr.. PRICE'S, Steels 4 PH?r MTre, 201 4 203 S. Water, C'iicaeo, 204 N. 2d, St. Loula, 244 Main, Cinclnnatl. BANNERS AND GLASS SHOW-CARD WRITERS. MUNN 4 DRUM, 215 W. Madtson. BOOTS AND SHOES-AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JAS. P. McNAJMARA 4 00., 37 E. Washington. COVVING'S DRIVE AND WELL PUMPS, ?c. DOWNER 4 WOOLBBE, 98 and 100 Franklin. CROCKEliY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. ABRAM FRENC1I CO., 101 and KG V.'abaeh-av. ÈN6RAVI-R, SEALS, PRESSES, STEEL AND BRAS3 STAMPS, STENCIL TOOLS AND STOCK. C. H. HANSON, 58 South Claik. ENGRAVERS. ' S. D. CHILDS, JR, 4 CO„ 115 Franklin. ÈNSRAVER, niE SINKHn & MANFR. OF STENCILS. L. BOC1IF,, 171 E. RafldolpÜi ENGRAVERS ON W00D, Éfc. SEARS BROS. CO., S.W. cor. Clark and Washington1. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SPECIALTY. DALY, HENROTIN 4 CO., 114 and 146 Wabash-aT. FURNITURE. A. T. HAI.E 4 BRO., 200, 302, 204 and 208 Randolph. GKASS SEEDS. ALBERT D1CKIÑSON, Í17 Kinile. GUNS-CUTLERY MANUFACTURE!). W. E. SPENCER 4 CO., 64 State. Send for pricelist HARDWARE AND CUTLERY-WHOLESALE. EDWIN HUNT 4 SONÍ3, 68 and 60 Lake. HEAVY HARDWARE -WHOLESALE. KI1IBARK BROS. 4 00., 80 to 84 Michigan-. HOTELS. WOOD S HOTEL. 116 4 118 Flfth-av. Enoch Wond, ; prop., late proprietor e'f Wood's Hotel, State-st. BUK VOORT HOUSE, 14a and Ui K. Madlson. On the , Ktlropean plan. II. M. Thotnpson, propriotor. METROPOLITAN HOTKL- $2.60 perday. Oor. Btata & Wash'n, site of old St. James, opp. Field, Leitar 4 Co. OUDEN HOUSE- Flrst-class in every particular. ber & Forrey, prop'rs. Cor. Washington and Franklin. j LUMBER. THK FESUTIOC f O -Green Bay Lttrahar. North I Pier. W. E. Strong, Pres't ; G. O. Henipsteid, Sec','. MNFRS. OF WARWICKSHIRE AND COLUMBIA SAUCES, IMPORTED CATSUPS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. LKWIS 4 OO.. 163 B. Kinzle. Send for price-list. REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN & CO., 73 Dearborn. SAW MANUFACTURERS. HENRY DISST ON SON.N.W.cor.Handolph 4 Marlet i SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES, HOME S. M. CO., Johnson, Clark 4 Co.. 141 State1. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND JEWELERS' SUPPLIES. COGSWELL, WEBER 4 CO., loö and 107 State. VALUABLE mum. Boston, Dec. 12; 1869. Gentlemen- My only object in givins you this j nial is to spread vahiablo information. IlnYins been badly affliated wfth Salt Rheuin, and the whole surface of my skiff being covored witli pimples and eruptions. many of whioli cnused me great puin and annoyiince.ona knowing it to be a bloort disease, I took many of the advertised blood ptepanitions, amnii? which was any quantityof Sansa uai illa, without obtaining any beneht, until I confmenced takin the Vkgetink ; and before I had j cotnpleted the fust bottle, I saw that I had eot the rUrht mediciiiR. Gonaequently I followed on wfth it until I bad taken seven bottles, wlien I wa& pronounced a well man, and my skin is smootb and entirely free from pimples and erupttons. I have never enjoyed so Rood heaitti bitfore, and I attnbute it all t the usa of Vegetine. To benefit those afflicted with Rheumntisin, I will make mention also of the Veoetine's wondnrful power of carinj? me of thls acute complnint, of which I havo exafered so intensely. C. H. TIJCKER. Pas. Art. Mich. O. R. R-, 29 Tyler Street, Boston. HAS ENTIRÉlPcüRED ME, Boston, October, 1870. Mr. H. R. Stevens : , . Dear Sir- My daoffhter, after havíng a Bevere attnclí ot wboopins cough, wívb Hft in a feeble state of health, being advied by a friend, she tried the VegETINE. and, after usñig a fowbottles, was fulíy restored U health. I have been a praat snfferer from Rheuroatism. I liave tnken Feveral bottles of the Vegetine forthiacomplainí, and am happy to say ít has ontirely cured me. I have recinimemled tho Veoetine to othen, with the urne irood results. Ít isa great clean?onn(l nurinerof thi blood ■ it ia pleasant to Uike : and I can eheorfnUy recorameod'it. JAMES MORSE, 364 Atbens Street. NO TROVBLE SIIVCE USING VEGETINB. CniüI.EBTOWN, Ootober, 1870. This covtifies tliit lr.y claugbtethasalwa Ji boen trcmWeJ ulth a humor, nhicii hasoanseOTreqoant Bwe-llinann hst face and Ixiut hor ejes. Phjsician callad It the KrTOPelas; hut lifter haviiiK Uken l-.v.i butilos of theVEGhTINÍ ims not lieeti trou)led with it him;e. SIMÓN ALDRICH, Charlestown, Mass. Dr.Tc-sf.f. says: "M is imnecessarj for me to emimerate ttodiaeaseb forv.l.ich the VEOKT1NB iihjuld be Uíod I Unow nf no disease whicli %vill n-t adnnt pe It usewitb Kood results. Almost innumerable complinr.ts aro cauaed by poiaononi eeoretlons In thu bl.wd.wlncn enn be mtirely Bipelld from thns.vstem l.y the usuot the VEGETINK. Wten the blood tí pertectly clennsed.tho I diseaso rapúlijyteklB: all pains cease, hcalthy actlon 1 KecurtK ftól K have ,„. íucod i'iany physicians aod apothecanes irhom we Unow to rescribe and use ít Ül their own fannlios. nlttced belore the public. Sold by all DrnggMs and Dealers everywhere, in adayathome. Acentawantad. Outfit and tnnl P I free. Addres TKUE OO., Auutta, Main. 0 A FANCY CARD5, 7 Stylos, vrith Name, 10o., tJ posipaid. J.B. llcsrED, Nassau. Renss.Co.,N. Y. PERMANENT AND PROF1TAIJI.E KtPMIYME'iT can be secured by ONB LADY m every town in the United Status. Aildress J. HENRY SYMONDS, G Devonshire Ktroot, BBton, Mass. ■ rtTllTÍTin ALL want IT-Thoueands oflíviis and ñ I ' II Rl'l'V.' Miülonsof propertysaved by it-ForH iTi IM I II tunes made !( hit, Addrese I.ISINQJlULll" 1 U TON linos., No York or Chacaeo. ._.--.-- and Morpblne h.iblc aboluts!y and ítUllltl ipeedly eurod. Painless ; no pnbioít y. I Ssnd stnmp íor particulars. Dr. Oarlw 4UÍU ton, 187 %VM!i.igton St., Chicago, 111. n. n A MOKTH-Aitentswanted ïerywhere. (PORA Busnea honorable and flr.t claM. ParH.ilEI tteulara ent fie. Addreí WORTII A XifíiVV OO.. St. Loul. Mo. m F pK2pe We have the finest and cheapeat AGEEvTS E3HE3I IT lblished-l.OOO rnsniy ti gi. O i S L.C IJiK Term. and Fi'eight paiiH Western Bible House, Sï. Looi., Mo. ZEIX8' RNCYCLOPKOIA. New Revibed Edition. lfitMMlll Articles, 3.(100 cr.üravinsta, and W spIcniHa mapa Agents Wantod. liAKEIi. Davis 4 Co., Phila. OOUTFITS OOTPIlUíTS of tUe AGES, and o""'!J,IÍ fTi l.t -niiiul Ilisíot y. Gofdspeed's 2 FB.EE " Book, Bible and Map House, Chicago. Decaleoma nie, Chromos, Stool Hnsravings.Photofíraphs. Scrap-book Picture, Mottoes, etc. i-vlpfcant ampie and cataloguo sont pMtpaid for 10 sta. Ajmnts Wanted. J. L. Patten A Co., lfi'i VUIiam St , New York. ti 1 Uinn Sue-cssfllyTrcael,mthont 1 ! A N I r K " "' Kne or Caustics. DR. A. H UHllUÍJllrliHOWN, Nowllaven, Conn. Send two stamps. Correspondonce from physlclans solicitad. j.__ piíR KF.K GUAHANTKED to ABent. ÍP 171 Male añil Feinato, in their own locallty. Ski i Tenn. and OUTFIT FKF.K. Addre. tP I I P O VICKBRY 4 CO., Augusta, Main. THIS Paper is printed with Ink made bj G. B. Kane i Co., 121 Dfuirborn Street, Chicago, and for aal "-""■"íklÓAOO S'Í'ws'p'aPKR UNION, 114 Monro Strmt, Ohioaco, 111. CISCINNATI JOia.AK WEEK IV STAK. Ín Inilopondi-i.t Family Newapapor. 8 le. ■i H Colmims oflleading. 1 Ptr YMR. Specimen Cimy raix. ftX of P';1 I UI 1 1 Rffi SnS P &d rfütedy of ti te nres%S i I5í!fl WÍÍUlLi por orí Opium I0.itnB. Prof. U. Mechar. I', o. r.,.2 i;5. Laprnla. Ind. MIMHBk YoiirNamo BUfrantly rrii"K.'LikF ed on I2 TuANSPAiir.NT V.siti.v Ui Mn CAKPS.forSJOnt.. Eachcardcontains a $rrnt which is not visible until held tovardl i the light. Nothinclikethemcverbeforfofrcredin America. BibiiiiIiiccSisStíto Asentí. Noveltï Co., Ashland. ■ nSTCnOMASOr, or Soul CllanftíUR. CnDS.50 white or tinted Bristol, íiOots. ;}O ' Snmvflake, Marble, Rep, or Damask..5j ct8.:..O Gbiss 4O ota.; with your ñamo beautifuliy pnaleli.i them.'and O aamplesof type, agenta' price-list. eto.. ient ly retum mail on recoipt of pric Dtopount to WANTED IMMEDIftTELy ■W More Yi'unt: Men to Learn T W KGBAPHY. OondirituftltentnanafeNAfeWN&4te ■ COJIPANY, ÜBKRL1N, OHIO. GODEY'S LADY'S B00K. The Oldusl Magazir.s In Ameiica. "A PilKMit'M I Chuomo." Tiie .VIorninh Cali., ill be giren ttvery 1 eubsoriber, whether bíiikIo or in a club, who puys In adI vanee for i S7G and romit dlrecl to this oflico I Addres L. A. OODBY, l-hiladelphla, Pa. :!ft-;tï (iii Revolver 6S W Sent',1 WPwrtMi-tt. (M0twa 81 IM FOR THE HOLIDAYS. ! NO GIFTS BETTER APPRECIATED. JUST OUT.-NEW, FRESH AND HANDSOME. GEfflS OF ENGLISH 801, A perfncfc cnllecUfm of song?, wilh piano accompanimont, cnmpriaing over 75 of thn rhoi, Song, Ballads, Duela and Quartets kninvn ; seleclucl witu Kreat care, nd with especial regard to ii.-i.lity and popular?. , 232 pago.-, f ti)i mueio Bize. The U Y. :■' ■ ■'■!! 7 Itofl " A nv-st eilramdinary eollectkmof reaUynnong. One conid hardlj Imagine eo many veritabU gtvu coold foo oootained ma "mgp1k;e,U$2.M pin ! S3-00 '" motón : Í4.00 foll güt. Of the ame fornfcand prlce, f uil music si.H, are " GeiT.8 Of StraUSS." A newedition, comprisins over 10O best Stranss Waltzcs, etc, eto. "Organ at Home." "Musical Treasure." "Gems of Germán Song." "Pianoforte Gems." "Gems of Scottish Song." "Moore's Irish Meloiües." Any of the aboie books sent, potpaid, for retail price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., CHAS. tl. DITSON & CO., Boston. 711 Broadway, N. Y. 0_ „ ., „.Iliiliil fnral At Homi'. j R f! 11 MNo publicity. Timp. sliort. Tram fe" f U SWimoderato. l.l.'Oll ti-sthnoniah. StU ■ ■ w ■■ByearofunpuralleledsiiUMM. DeMribe oase. Addrsss Dl. F. E. Marsh, Quincy, Mlch. Come ou, Book Agents! Now Is tho time to Malie Moner. MARK TWAiN'S NEW t?OOK Is on tue'.track and is bound to win. It vrül apll, and you know ii. Don't wait to experiment on otber hookfl and lone thia. Get your ncmi;& in for temtory and circular! at once. OvtTlT lut-v. Address AMKItiCAN rUKLISUlNO CO., Hartford, Conn., or 118 R&hádíph St., Chicago, III. $í5THofGÜÑ a .iouble barrel gun, bar or front action ltjck?; warrmnca ten■ bárrela aad a pooa t hootcr, ou noshï: wiih Flnsk , pp! . Il tod Wnrt-cutter, for S15. Can te sent O. O. D. with privloo to examine betore pajlniï 1)111. Scnd Stamp Tor circular to 1'. POWÏLL & SOM, Quo Dealers, 238 Main St., Cincinnatl, O. j TTMOTTDD K OOfTl CHANCE FOR AGENTS. MEN and ! UflüUm Aüobil WOMEM. on "TheContributor." i 04 colnmn, Knlieiou mid Secular: R. S. Lessons: i reimrtaof Bav. B. Earle, M imij', tc. : HoinPliBPper ■; Stories. 4o. A rniumiflcent premium. Th morrel of all ÍBtheprlce.oiily 8I.1Ü y.-ar. Alliilnsses.oliland younK nrecharniedwitli it. Ko werk liko it for asentí ; one iajB,"Nevor saw anjthing take liko it;" another. "No t-ouble to sell." For Afints'torrns, paper, reportf, 4o.. d s.wltb stamp, J. H. Karle 20 Hawley-Bt.. BoBtcli. M E R I D E N CutleryCo. Make all kinds of Table Knives and Forks. EiclaBirt makers of " PATKXT IVORY," ramt diirabla WIIITK HANDIjK knoTi. Alway cali for " Trndo Mark" on the blade. Sold by all dealers and hy MEBIDEN CUTLKRY ÜO-, 49 Chambers St., N. Y. IThThakris' Iinprovc Chicago PIRE ml BCKC1.AR SAFES and VAlTIr DOCtKS are Ule BEST and CHEAPEST. Manufajtorv and !=?- nom, 23 Si 5 Eait llamlolph-t., Chicago. I3NTOTTIXl"EÏ FOR W.OROWMCO'S UMBE.ELLAS. PHIÏ.ADEL.PHÏA and WEW YORK.-Tha t qnalttiesmarked with their name are ccmfidently recom mended. mMbj r.KMiON J. I.isbim. LU. D., now rendy ! The only com pleiti H)s;oi7-ro(n wtiolé Co tuit ry n on-; MPg atid richlj Lxuind, j-et lowprlccfl .-olumc- OTtr SOO p)?". 4ö0fir.era■ ,:", - nnd ttif mtty v.tirUiy la )'C piilttlivhoil In ' l.oth Kiielihn(MSoriiiail. 'uil nn-1 pKmli .!!■ 11! lutid'-ttütl :ti'finU(if tlie pproii-h'n? Orani f mtcnninl VfiM! kration AGENTS WANTED ! H-Plj g owingin trret evei) whenj in the thnlling borj of cur omutry; hDCf, rare chañe: Agen1 -ü'ckiPE Artt-cbuê bn k. t aU tiOt toiend xi finre torfuil 'te eriptiotl id llbefU wm, lo ! F. A. IIUTCIIINSON & CO., Chicago, 111m ' MiTTIK BEST in the WotOd. AfG!Bn HGivds Univpvsril Sütisf.ictioa. SrZ$b.W?Ek V(iM)Klip'lï. Eionnmy. %eS 40 lbs. moro Bread to bil. Flonr. SpSff SA ÊS 9I1L.K, KGGS, &. xi One year's saringa wiU buy ; cnw. ríífiSSSÍYl A 5KiKK SOÏH IÏHKAD. 1 IwëIw J I - Whiter, LiRhfor, Sworvr. Ricfior. WtAjBjferJ EVF1tlSOI" Pralscs It. wrLy0 The Lodles are il ín Txvo witn it. JÏfcPSÏtfl SKIjI-ÏS 1I1C HOT CAKES. CfffiTSL C?J" L'nd at creo for Circular to ; ft) VT k .i CT ' " " líuunc St., KtW oilL. gmi .j w Tblfl nftw Truu lf won jjjSsBË W, with perfect comfort ntght - - ík t ri nitn Adapta itseJf to JP F L ABTIt jjg every motlon of the body, Bg ï E U S S JHlretinlngruptjreunderihf ll ,7lMf!,rZ- -t9 hardesteierctseorsevereet gMreEHMBp29 train until pernianently rW cure tl. Sold cbeop by tha VJrX Elastic Trüss Ol) NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sant by mail. Gall or eend for Circular and be onrad . AlimJID AY eÏFTf -s= THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE. I Lm PRINT ING J$ESS. S S.ííiVÍe'oiMJ.'o.'woÓllü CO. ■ VS, HBr5i". Ii , II iio.N of riüxilSG JIATEUIAL, BBHI9 feJfrcl Street, Boston. THE iÊ" HOR8EMI Scienfífirally eiplainod ■ V5?t. Huw lo judire and o;ire a S ít" for liïni. Tho requisito t Maf JUfli noints tor speed und en -sjflH HPSw il n raneo iully doni'tn '■ flff. gWBBr 'BM etrated. A work of Uy-'-MBL BH mt-vit to horso ownertffrüi J SfJÊBf insr a Nre Care tor A1tfP3ESP to ''- PrickSí Cents. J - I5p%7lt Addross J. P. 'lKO:ATt Box 3S, Chicago, 111. CRAND CHANCE FOR ACENTS, ANN ELIZA YOUNG'S NEW BOOK. ffiHft SBHS&f SSIEMLou?suá ' IMiistraled circnlftrs tu ntuut Öfflcfl. Iti.iiN, ÖILJIAN j CO., Hahtfokp, C'oiü.v., Chicago, III., CwtttOMffl, Omo. C AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL HISTORYoftheü.S. ! The great intereet in the thrillinz historj üf our rountij make thU the fastest se'.ling book eror pybllülied. H Í Sntaln 442 fine hlstorical engrMlnm lid 93 pus, ! with a fiill account of the approaclung giand Oonrnñial ShlbiC Smid for a foll de.cri.t ton and ex. tr torms to Agents. NiTIOBAL PUELISH1NO CO., Ohieago, 111., or St. rxjuis, Mo. Selected French BurrMill Stones 4;raiiliii JliliM, upper or uiulfr vminiT, lor Furiii ir ïïIert'Sijint v.-Wi. liprItoIUiiK'Íli. Mili WSBJh8BHP í'oíiipaiiy. Km l'íao, _ZBlBB8ii íiKiiinatl. Oliio. OSHw sewinc (í I _ppAcmuES. Ítm J W Liboral Terras of Ex0j. S' changeíorSecond-hand x;ö -ox Machines of every des__- cription. "OOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. i The T.est Potterns made. Sond í ct. for Catalogue. Address D01ÍESTIO SEWINS MACHINE CO. aci-ms vrj.MED. ta SEW iobk. ACHICACO PAPER. THE INTERINAN. ! A FTlïST-CLASSNEWSrAPEB, THE LEADING REPÜBLICÁN PAPER IN THE NORTHWEST. It Alins ut Ii Higliíst Excclltnce in AU Urirliiiriilj. it isa UKI'RKSENTATIVE PAPER of the (1OMMRRCI A j INTERBST3 of the vast terrltory of ivhicli 1,'iiiI cago i the eenter-makes SPECIIAL OLA 1 U AS A I-1TKRAIIV AND FABIII.Y PAPEB, ANO IS A FAVORITE IN THE HOUSEHOLD. (,,!-. portan pai.1 O.0OPJj. I Seiöl-Weekly,poaMplii MB ,. ,, Veokly,poB{iiepiad l-o 19 ■.■.-r.v .ST.4.W ros 8A 'irrf: eorr.Jtí .■.ftpaclul ruti et'e to W ""d lulj Li" Aüdce THU IRTHB-OCHAW, 1V l,o Rt Kh tlilra. IHt SAFE AND RELIABLE. Have Yon WeakJLungs? Have You a Congh or Cold ? Fia ve Yon Pain in Yotir Breast? Have Yon any Throat Pisease? Have Yon Consumption? USE Db. L. 0. C. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Are You Weak and Debilitated ? Do Yon Suffer f rom Indigestión? Do You reqnire a Tonto ? Have You Jio Appetite ? Do Yon need Building TTp ? Po Yon wtoh to be Strong and Healthy? USE De. L, (. C. WISHART'S PINB TREE TAR CORDIAL Soid by all Pniggista. Principal Depot, No. 232 North Second St., Phila. AJA o (ÜCAO Invested !n Wu Strwt, 51 0 8 S5OO $egfís,?&5Á Terylhing and glTÜig price of stocks npUT rncC JOHN HLGKMNO ACÓ.. Banktr ÖtN I rnCt. ABroker8.72Broadwaj.New York. gJKSB S%EA VTíFULinventionformarking Clottting Kj. í i'"í printing Caria. c. Anorticit that evV L5k PP tribody Kant. Typ tn print any name, BTfl fy. tmutssoraddresA. V fr y profil abU.anmtilr" yK.ytn;iiii(l in%triíirt, for theyuung. Ko.l.fl v iW R r u-ííft 8 alvhahn No. 2, fí, tt-tíA & aiSSr phabftt. Ko.ÍtM,uithllalphabaa. So.í WHSSVi-ittcrrii &i mail fren. Airrns wanttd. 3L-- - 'tíOLDINC&CO.WMhineionSBoo Do Your Own Printing jnffiSS! Outf its f rom $1 up Goldíng& Co., Manu "3, Washington Sq, Botton f=rfö &EAJLJi Printing Presa JtfJV Setf-Inking & Hand, Footor BÊ3SÈ Steam Pourtr. Xew improvemtnli. ForpriiúMJmw no superior. Ií is vnequalltd or a and raEjSS ft pidity o optration, compactes, beaitty ofdtMJgSmMK tign and mcchaniral c.onstrurtion. Priceit9K M aPSfc- (o'SÍ3. Send 3 cotí fomp ir CaíoíojM. COLDINC &CO.OWohístoo8q,BMtB Burnett's Cocoaine, Burneíí's Gocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine, For promoting the growtíi of, and Beautifying Uie IIúi and rendering U Darh and Glossy. The Cocoaine holds, in a liquid form, a large proÍ portion of deodorized COCOA-NÜT OIL, preparcd expressly for this purpose. No oítwr compound po5sesses the peculiar properties whic.H so exactly suit ! the various conditions of the human hair. LOSS OF HAIR. Boston, July ig. Mksírs. Joseph Burnett & Co.: For many months my hair had been falÜng oífr tintil I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon my head bccame gradually more and more iiiflamed, so that I could not touch it without pain. By the adv ice of my physician, to whom you had shown your processof purifying the Oil, I commenced íts use the Jast week in _fune. The first application allayed the itching and irritatíon. In three or four days the redness and tenderncss disappcarcd, the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of ncw hair. Vour-svery truly, SUSAN R. EDDY. A REMAKKABLE CASE. Éast Middleboro', Mass., June 9, 1864. ! Messrs. Hurnett & Co.: When my daughter's hair carne off she had beett afílicted with neuralgia in her head for three years. She ïiad used, during that time, many powerfulappHcations. These, with the intense heat caused by t!ie pains, burned her hair so badly that in October. 1S61, it all carne off, and for two years aftcr her head was as smooth as her face. Through the recommendatíon of a friend, she was indueed 'to try your Cocoaine, and the resnlt was MMnnlMNg. êhihJ not uscd han tnc contentsoi a. bot tic bclore her head was covered with a fine youns hair. In four months the hair has grown scveral incnes in length, very thick, soft and fine, and of a darker color than formerly. With respect, WM. S. EDDY. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., Boston, Manufacturera and Proprictors. ■or 1876. A NEW ILLÜSTRATED CATALOGUE OTTHE MASON&HAMLIN CABINET 0R8ANS, 24 Quarto Pag. Is now rttiidy, with PKICE LIST; and l very lul! information, presenting accurate ■ (irawincs of these celebrated instroments, with cfetalled descriptions ; including many neiv si j les. witk valuaMc improvementg; ihmv stops and elegant cases. It is not questioned by disinteresteu iudeet that these are THE BEST OF ALL INSTRUMENTS OF THIS CLASS; unequalcd, and, if judged critical 1 I y, unapprouelied by otlicrs. Iheir farüe is world-wide. They have j ALWAYS olitained liigiiest awards in American Industrial Expositions, and received FOUR FIRST ME1ULS and DIPLOMA OF HONOR afilie UREAT ! WORLIV'S EXPOSITIONS n PAUIS, 1 180T-; 'IENNA, 1873; and LÏNZ (Austria), I 1875, being the only American orI srans ivhicb ever recelved any ; premium in competición ivitn I the best product of European j makers. The best musicians in iurop and America pronounce them unequaled. Prices as low as consistent M'ith best workinanship and materia!, and lowev tlian those commonly dcaianded ior very ! inferior instrumenta. Organssold for cash S or time paymeuts, orrented until rent payB I for thpm. Ecery one thinking ofbvyiny an nrgan. j stoiild at least se this new catalogue. It ■wil] be sont i'ree and postpaid. Address the MASON & HAMLIN OKGAN CO., 154 Trèraönt Street, BOSTON; 25 Union Square, NEW YORK ; or 80 aud 83 Aclams Street, CHICAGO. KliüiLH FOR ONE DOLLAB We will Send, Postage Paid, T TI E Weekly World ONK YEAR. '■ 1. It containa all thenewtxf tlie past '"'frSk : lected bjr tho agentó und o-jiTCspondont s'"' in 1 this iesuect is nnequaleil. ,. . . , „,rt ! of fann oiirariwenta at homo aml abroaii. -i'ntr;Du 1,-, home and torelgll writcn.. fu!l reiv.its of t!i l-a. 1 i,ih o the Amtiri-jan Inslilnie, and 'l'talionol '" . ,.ud inlereílinií artioiea appeurrag in the Mfnculn" ï lis Graiure new, to whi.-h altonti-n is ''""Li : All the resource at th oommnd o SñLZSSl tiind.Ml.vnoiVBPBperareemi.k.ied in it ""'""a, ; tbercsult isa piüoea.h week, wher the moubi" ! lind a completo record of uork of the order toggj I State in tlie Union for tho put Beien dvs. In "' ' „ i tho l.x-nl Erante papor in ovüiy. Statu This dopnr ira i3, and wiü ooiitiiioe to be.under the charge of wie 01 ! actiTe membiTi if the order. ifothör ■ 4. For 1 1 üreside departmant, in additum t-i II nttra.tions, uoh as poe'iy, miscellanj. hunwroj I traots. 4o„ llllrtOK tho t-oKiinx year there mli _! ?S llon t han 0110 liniidi ed ihort lales by the be.t vrnWr o! """" in KiiKiand end America. . , hour o' 5. TU market reporta. brought down tothhrke, ! publicalion, are the best that cn be inade. EaV,nn I íárepor':ílíyonoThosespeíl"i"0"ielli0:!';i. i, tb i makè tira the bost authonty upon u United S(ate. For acenracy and ootupieteuess, j market report of The World ore vmmiueil"7V, -„7rfi5notoulythebe9l.buttheclieanMti'=lI paper OTer offiirmt the farnior." ÜEHI-HKEKLV 101 !VoO, J a '' DAIIjV Í313 Xos.), 1O pir J ■!■ Speiimon copie sent upun appliiv Bc y.", Park Rüiv, Bíew Y." N. '0


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