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ttRWWYs!f9lÊ Blc you ever see a chilti that jiCf fl PVéÉ 3f di(i not have hrlen through the frofa#ifaHW toes of its shoes? If you did they ■9 dB H U ÏJ 3a P 1 were protected ly P3 I FLTLg'J SILVER TIPS. phj t J Jfrfl They never wear through at the ■BiniBBSB toe. Try (hem. . f you want to know what WVpnqM CABLE SCRËW WIRK üKCV Í%3 8 Jj meaus, ask your Shoe Dealer, anti Ly 'yEVyjffJ if he can't teil you make up your tvPX Ci 3'ifl mind he has sorae pegged work on fjjnftr8ffPM hand that he wants to sell before laft.t .If.B mP ia ba dare teil you. EBmUtmamÊMËÊmstm Have you ever seen Tbe Illuptv.'itcd Catalogue of The Bsteetstor Portable rriirtiitij Prfitsetf S3 Press now ready. Eren man liU oicn printer. A fftw dollars buya a press and' tyne for printuig oards, labels, envelopes, etc at quarter printers piicos. Save money 'y Hrf.alorrris. ing. Seml (u-o s(;nnpa for catnlogno to the Manufacturera, V. KKUS1SÏ Si CO., Meilili-ii, fonn. t)"l PAIÏCY CAADS. 7 StyleB. wlth Name, 10c, Uj poetpaici. ,1. B. llUSTED, Nassau, RenBB. Co., N.Y. ALIVEPAPER! Specimen freeü 3 numbers for 3-ct. Stamp !!! Fireside Visitcr, Sandusky. O. AfiTUMfland CATARHH. SureOare. Trial free. HO I fllflH AddressW.K. Bellis, Indianpolls, Ind. Oi FANCY CARDS, 7 Rtyles, with name, 10c, pontiJ J. B. HUSTED, Nassau, Hens. Co., N.Y WANTKI AGEBTTS. Samvlrl and Outfit free. Beller than oíd. A. OOULTER i ÜO., Chicago. ü AC o (CO C Per 3 ay Som! forChromoCatalcgu. H IV e 4Í AÜ.I. II. litrrFOEii'sSo.NS, Boston, Mast. öï C -i-ÖiOfta dft' ai bome. Samptos wnrth $1 Bent D 10 vPSU freo. Sirasos 4 Co., Portland, Me. Ó1Q a flay athoino. Atienta wntd. Outfit and terrai P I L. in%. jLddroas TRL'Ü CO., Aneuita, Main. flGCMTC 30 Klrzuul OU Chromoiuinoimted, (iDCn I Ö fclze xlirfor t(l. Novelties and Chromo qf every tUfci i(t(jn. Natiooal Chi-omo Co., Phüa., Pa. bOl Paily to Agentn. 85 new ai-ticle and thebest imLJ Kamily Paper in Araerica, withtwo $5 mos, freo. AMKR. M'F'U CO., a Broadwoy, N.Y. LjO X PEH WEEK lo Male and Female Agenta. ivjLiy Article New. Nceded in every house. Xrldress "WRICÍHT 4 UACET, ÏO3 Broudway, N.Y. mfirn A MOXTII. -Agenta nsnted. 4 liesttelllKnll 'ff articles in the world. One iamplo free. (j)JJU Aüdress .1. IIIlOMMO.Vi Detroit. Mich. S!ftiii(itsrOOTPRl!lfTS of lic ,xE?i, Our """""■"cnvcniment and Hiitory. Qoodepeed'i ==SI''REF.B Deuk. Biblc and Map Home, Cm ZEI.l.S' 1' Ni V('l.OI'llMA.NrwltKvlaKlIïl.!TT..-J 150,(10(1 Avticles, 3,01x1 oiiKiaviiiKa, and IS splendid m:P8 Aírents AVanted. Bakiciï. Davis & Co., PUila. f, é m fi MÜNYH-Aïrentswanted overywhere. U IKIl Buiess honorable and íiret class. Par. ,ni!Sl! ticulara sent free. Addreis WOHT1I t. WetVV CO.. St. Loui. Mo. PERSIAIVISITT AVI) PROFITABI,B EMPLUYUËN ■■■. Ir. vireS byONB r.ADYin ererrtiiivnin the Uni Adelinas J. 1IENKY BYMONOS, 6! Dovonshire Street, Boston, Ms. AreiTC We have the finest and cheapfrt ; AtGl ld RSIE3I IC PnWtahed- 00 avins. E B E L Km Bis Term and I l'lte3a;ilt paii. Western Bible House, St. Loula, Mo. 1 rtTTÜTlTin ALI, WANTix-Tljoustiiidsof liveeand ft l'Lnl'l'v Milllonsof PTOpertï ved by tt- Kor. H iTPiï I 11 tunmnuuIowHhlt. Address , ü U lUl 1 U TOS Baos., New Yorlc or Obicago. j. ___ PER WEKK GUARANTBBD to Agent. LF T"! Ml an.l KeniaJ, in their own locallty. 2 f I Ternu wd OUTFIT l'UKH. Addre Vli I I p. o. VICKEBY 4 00., in!, Malne. Dctwli'omunie, 'in.niNis, Steel KngraTingB, Photo, (rrïphs, Scrato-book Pictures, Mottoe.eto. Kloant HUipIe and catalogue sent poftpaid for 10 cte. Afrenta 1 Wantr!. 3 L. Patten i Co.,lt Wllliam St .NewYork. '


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