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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. GEO. H. CLARK, M. J)., Homeopntbio Physician. Office aud residencí over 0. Bliss & Son's jewelry store, Aun Arbor, Micb. WH. JACKSON, Dentist, successor to C. B. Porter. Office oorner Main and Wafihliwton-sts., over tue store of Bach k Abel, Aun Arbor, Mirh. Auesthetics admiuistered if required, COHOBO, M. D., Physician anl ÉWirgeon. Office aud resideuce No. 7 Washington strcet, foiir docrs east of Maiu, Aun Arbor. Mich. EUGENE K. FKCKAUFF, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, and EommisBÍoner of DeedB for Penuüylvanii. Conenltations in thc Germán or Englisn langUBge, Office, Hill's Opera-House, Ann Arbor, Mích. ECliAKIÍ, Justicc of the Peace, Notary Pub íic and Conveyancer. Will loan money for flthera n real estáte Becurity. Office over No 8 Hurón strcet, Ann Arbor, Mich. TiriNES & WORDEN, 21) South Main street, T Y Ann Arbor, Mich., wholesale and reta'l dealers in Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceries. MACK & SCHJItl), dealers in Dry Goods Groceries, Crockery, &e., No. 54 South Main Street. BACH & ABXX, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, &c, No. L'( South Maiu street, Aun Arbor. WAOMtH, d.aler in Keady-Made Clothfl ing, Cloths, Oinslmerea, Vesting?, Trunks, Carpet Bags, to., 21 South Main street. JFREDERICK SCHAlCBEKLÍt( . the PIANO, VIOMN AND GlUTAK. nee eouthwest corner Main and Liberty - kun Arbor. NOAH V. CHËEVER ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Prohatv Office, Ann Arbor. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Office and liesidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich,. (W-Office honrs 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. Bcferences- Prof. Sager, Prof. Palmer. J. FEJED. BRÖSST" Manufacturer of CARRIACES, BUCGIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. All work warranted of the best material. I ing doue promptly aud reasonably. All work ' ranted to give perfect satisfaction. 68 8oulh Main fit reet. CliOCKERY, GLASSWARE AND GROCEIUES. J. & P. DON NELLY ííiTJ'iv ' "r a larg0 stock of Crockcry, Glassware, Ptated Ware, OuHery, Grocerles, 4c, 4c, all to be sold at unusually low priceB. M.__U Sast Huron-si , Am, Arbor. HENEY MATTHEWS, Dealer iii RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Latd, etc. Huron. Streel, next to Leonard House. Orders l'ft by onatomera promptly iiiipd. HENBY MÜBPHÏ, ■ Dealer iu CROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, JVo. 9 Mortk Main tStretí, Aun Arbor. Produce taken in exchauge. EVEEÏBODÏ SAYS TH AT REVENAUCH 18 THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Sast Uuron Streel, up stairs. General Law and Business Agency. Root & Cranger, Having ecourcd tbc exchitive use of KOOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS for the oounty of Washtenaw, which they have cure "lly revisert, posted and perfected, and taavlng with :"; ".x,",.""iv'; "á rcliabl oorrespondenoe, oponed a GENERAL BUSINESS AGENCY at No. Weet Hnron stoeet, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attond promptly to Ihe pa'.c, purchaso and leaeiug of real estáte, tbc loaning of money, collections, nepotiaOon, ooiitraoUox al couveyaucing, life aucl flro lnsuranoe.nd to the practiceof law in thevarions ronrtK „f this State. TKACY W. KOO I' Ann Arbor. May I, 1875. B. F. GKANGEH ' W. A. LOVEJOY, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN BOTH FOE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, SNTJFF, PIPES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the Express Ofliee, , ANN ABBOB, - - . MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILING ■ ould i.foim his ïmnierous friends aml tlio public neutral, that he bas litied up the tor Lately occul'icu ly J. O. V;itsou k Co., 28 Kast Hurou-st., as a Bakery anfl Confectionery Store, ! Aud hoi)uB by a stikt attentiou to buuiness to merlt aud receive a bare of patrouaRe. Particular atteutioii wül be pald to the Ice Cream Department. Weddiüs Oke, Pyrimldi, al' kiuiln of Fruit Cakes uud ice Cresm faruirbed families o parties on BbortDollce. Freih Fruits and Confectionery a)waysontuDd. Gooda dellveied f ree of charge t ny part o the city. BEMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St.. ApN AKBOB,


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