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Some Old People

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A IiONCI-TjIVED FAMIliY. The Oonoord (N. H.) Monitor says: ' ' O. W. Moore received an appliention for a policy on the Ufe of a man iu Lnuioaster, a few days ago, wMoh furni.slied the foüowing remarkable record of longc-vity on both sides of his ueeston: Qmttdparentfl - On fathers sido: (íranclfather, 110 yeara; grandmother, 95 years. On motlier's ide: (irandfatíier, 100 ; grandniother, 08 years. His mothtr ís living, agcd 105 years, and the father di;d at 103 years. He has eight brothers and sisters living, of the following ages: 70, 68. 66, 64, 62, 60, 58 and -15 years respectively. Five children died in infanoy." NEAHÏ.TÏ ONE HtJNDRED. The Troy Press contributes the following: " Mr. Peter Hammond, now living with his daughti'r, Mrs. Alfred Taylor, at Geneseo, Henry County, Hl., was bom at Newton, Mass. (then ouled Newtowii), April 9, 1776. His father, Samuel Hammond, was one of the old patriots of tho Bevolution, and died in 184'2 at the ago of 94 years. One of his brothers died a year or two ago, aged neaiiy 90. Mr. Hanirüond is a meraber of the Methodist Clmrch, and waUis nearly a milo on pleasant Smidays to attend hia favorito clrarch. He has been an exceedingly températe man in all his habits. Thougïi not a teetotaler, he has eaten and drank in great moderation, and has never nsnd tobáceo in any form. Thia venerable gentleman walks around town without a cañe, reads without glasses, eatfl well, sleeps well, and seems as happy as most mortals of half his years." A LADÏ ONE HUNDRED AND THREE. The Beadiug (Penn.) Times asserts that Mrs. Mary Schnebly, who lives nea Hagerstown, Md., was born on the 15th of Febmaiy, 1772. It says : " Unlike very aged persons, she has no wrmkles in her or on her hands, nor has the weight of years caused her form to stoop, but she stands and sits perf eetly straight, uses norje of the common artificial aids in walkiilg, moVmg about freely and uiiassisted. She was mametl tó Col. David Sclmebly in 1 791, and tüoy lived together just tifty years, and without issue. She was invitod by llev. Mrs. McCauley, of this city, who is oonnected with her by marriage, to pay lier a visit and to rêmain n day or two to rest hei-self on her way to the Centenninl Exhibition, which she proposes to attend next year if her life in spared. To this Mrs. Schnebly replied that when she made. the. rip tshe intended going to Philttdelphia without stopping anywhere." DOUBLÉ GOLDEN WEDDINO. Thei'e wsw a noteworthy celebr,ition in Hülport, Chemuug Couuty, on the 7t!i inst., being tho fiftieth wedding aimiversary of two couples by the same minister, and both couples being alive. Tho Elmira Advertiser says that their n'arnes are Mr. and Mrs. John Denson, of Mijlport, and Mr. and Mrs. Bostwick Dement, of Jackson, Bradford County, Pa. December 7, 1825, these gentlemen espoused two step-sisters, Miss Christíana 0. Costón and Miss Philana Tanner. They wero wedded ftt the houso of Oeorgo Tanner, who had married tlio ■vridow Costón, and lived about a nile southerly from the villago of Trumausburg, Tompkins County. Eider Oliter Comstock, who performed the ceremony in 1825, being long since dead, Rev. BI. F. Dewitt officiated in his stead, and Charles C. Costón, P. S. Tanner, Christopher C. Costón, and Alircd Tnnner, four of tho witnesses to tho mnrrüige, wero present at this anniversary.


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Michigan Argus