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Ann Akbor, December 28th, 1875, The following resolutiona were offered at the last session of the I. O. of G. T., on hearing of the death of sister Clara B. Woodruff : Wiiereas, God, in Ilis all-wise providente, has removed from our order our beloved sister, Clara B. Woodrutf ; that we acknowiedge our loss, and deeply sympathize with the beroaved friends. Resolved, As she was a faithful member and zealous worker iii the cause of temperance, we, as a lodge, shall feel, as we gather from evening to evening, that one of our most earnest co-workers bas gone to that bright home where intemperance never enters. Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the Divine will, we feel that our loss is her eternal gain. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved friends ; also tbat the resolutions be published in the city papers. N. Arksey, By order of the committee. C. E. Luscomb, Lina Brown. It is always very annoying to a Congregatton to have a person hacking and Coughing during services. A single doae of Dr. King's New Discovery relieves the worst cases.