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"for The Blood Is The Life."

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See Denleronomy, xü: 23. The blood being tho source from wliich the ayatem is built up, and from whieh we derive our mental as well as physical capabilitien, how important that it should be kept pure ! If it contain vile, festuring poisons, all organic functionB become enfeebled. Settling upon important organs, as the lungs, liver, and kidneys, the effect is most digastrous. Henee it behooves all to keep their blood in a perfectly healthv condition, and more especially does this apply at this particular season of the year than any other. No mattor what the exciting cause may be, the real cause of a large portion of all diseasea is bad blood. Now, Dr. Pterco does not wish to place his Golden Medical Discovery in the catalogue of quack patent nostrums by recommending it to cure every disease, nor does he so recommend it; on the contrary, there are hundreds of diseases that he ackuowledgoa it vrill not cure; but what he does claim is this, that there is but one formof Wooddigease that it will not cure, and that disease is cáncer. He does not recominend his Diacovery for that disease, vet he knows it to be the most searching blood-cleanser yet discovered, and that it will freo the blood and B3-stem of all other b'oodpoisona, be they animal, vegetable, or mineral. The Golden Medical Discovery is warranted by him to cure the worst forms of Skin Diseaeea, as all forms of Blotches, Pimples, and Eruptions; also Glandular Swellings, and the worst form of Scrofuloua and Ulcerated Sores of tliC Neck, Lega, or other parts, and all Scrof ulous Diseases of tho Bones, as White Swelüngs, Fever Sores, Hip-joint and Spinal Diaeasea, - all of which beloug to Scrof ulous diaeases. CONFIRMED - HIP-JOINT DISKASE CURED. W. Grove Station, Iowa. Dr. Pierce, Búllalo, N. Y.: Deab Sie - My wife first became lame nine years ago. Swellings would appear and diaappear on her hip, 'and she was graduallv becoming reducod, and her whole system rotten with disease. In 1871, a awelling broke on her hip, discharging large quantities, ajid uince that time there are Beveral openings. Have had iive doctors, at an expense of $125, who sar uothing will do any good but a surgical opera"tion. July 16, 1873, he writes tluis : My wife has certainly received a great benefit from tlie iiae of your Discoveri', for she waa not able to get off the bed and was not expected to live a week when she commenced ïising it, a year ago. She haa been doing most of lier work for over eix raoiiths. Has used tsventy bottles, and still using it. Her rocovery 8 considorod as almcst a miracle, and we attribute it all to the use of your valuable medicine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a blood-purifier and strengthrestorer. J. 31. Robinsox. Golden Medical Discovery is sold by Urnggists. Vegetine is uourishing and strengthening; purifica the blood; regnlates the bowels; quieta the nervous syatem; acts dircctly upon the secretions, and aronees the whole system to action.


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Michigan Argus