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The Michigan Argus

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rUBLISHED EVEKY FR1DAY MORNTNO, lu the tliird story of tho l.riok block corner Main and Ilurou streetfl; ANN AEBOE, MICHIGAN. Entrance on Hurón street, oppwite Gregory House. ELIHU B. POND, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. lerui, ia year, or 1 .50 in advanceBATES OF ADVIÍIITIS1ÍÍ"ÏÜce. j lüCl !w.j 3w. w. _3m-i_m:lJ;_ PlIIIlilip ' col "■ 4 0 5 00' 6 00. 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 .'col "" 5 00' 7 001 8 00 10 00 15 00 24 00 38 00 íleol ? 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00' 55 00 nSumn 10 00.15 00,18 00.28 00 36_OOOJOI0000 " Twelve Unes or lesa cousidered a. square. Cardi. in Directory, not to excued four hnes, $4 00 " Local editorial notices 15 cents a line. Business notices lü eeuls n line for the first insertion, and 5 cents for each Bubsequeut insertion. Miirriage and death notioes tree ; obituary notices 5 cents a line Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changmg theirsadvertisemeutsquarterly. Additional changiug will be chargBd for. Advertisemenis unaccompanied by wiitten or verbal directions will be published three months, and charged accordingly. Leeal advertisrag, firat insertion, 70 cents per folio; .5 cents pei folio for each subeeuent nisertion. When a postponement is added to an aclverlisement the whole will be charsed the sanie as the flist insertion. JOB PRINTING. Pmnphlets, Posters, Handbills, Oircularf, Gards, Bal! Tickets, Labels, Blanks, Bill-lleads and othiir varieties oi plain and fancy job printing executed with promptness, and in the best possible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus