All Sorts Of Pen-scratches
The Chicago Trürune, which boasts of indeptmdence, if uot intelligence, suya: 1 The House Appropriations Comniittee, although having a rebel general for chairniau, ia not disponed, for politioal reasons, to make a factious opposition to the pension bill. The Democracy wants the soldior vote." It is hardly necossary to say that Mr. Randall, the chairman of the committee nained, was never a rebel general, or in the rebel servioe, or even a rebel sympathizer. The Tribune should read up in the House biography. r" - Slavery is certainly to be. re-eistablished in Alabama, aud jus because colorod men, convicted of crime, are sold or bound to servico for a definito term of days, inonths, or years, and then are advortised, with an offer of a reward for their return, whon they run away. There aro over 800 just such slaves (oolored and white) in a State in8titution at Jacksou, their labor sold to the highest bidder, and rewards offored for them in case of pscape. Ib slavery a Michigan plant ï - To jog the memory of some future " oldest inhabitant," let this Buffalo telegram of the 3d find a place among the Pen Scratcbes : " The tug Ingram left this port at 11 o'clock this morning. During the last three or four days several canal boats have left for Ashtabula, O. Several loads of wheat have been shipped to Lockport. The lako, creek, canal, aud tributary streams are entirely free of ice." At the sanie date the Hudson was reportod cluivr of ice as high up as Albany. - The Snginawian, not being willing to give Willis and Battle Creek all tne glory of the proposed Ship Canal, discussion of which is now keeping a heap of poople out of other mischief, says that the funds are to be furnished by Don Henderson, of the Allegan Journal Bully for Don. We always kuew he was both enterprising and generous Now Congress will be asked for no subsidy. - Gen. C. B. Fisk, of St. Louis, Mo. formerly a resident of this county ant afterwards of Coldwater, delivured the address at the dedication of Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., last week The institution was christened after the General. The building just opened was erected by the proceeds of the Jubilee Singers' concerts, and was furnishec from funds personally collectod in New York by Mrs. Fisk. - This is how Prof. Tice put up a job on a confiding public : "About the 30th of December cold, and very cok cold until January 6th." Which proves that the aforesaid Prof. Tice is a dilapidated and played out old humbug - as a weatber prophet. "Old Probabilitiea' can waltz clean round liim and not hal: try. - The convicts in the Ohio State priBon at Columbus are converte both to the tbeory of inflation and that other theory that the government stamp is what makes gold and silver and nickles pass current. And so they have been putting the government stamp on bac coiu of their own manufacture. It was the stamp you know. - The Princo of Wales (not yet king' has an income of $475,000 a year, anc the Princess a separate income of $50,000 a yenr. And yet ungrateful Americana object to Grant gobbling a salary of $50,000 (with liberal incidentals), or even to a third term being given him What a lack of patriotism. - In the first day's session of the Ohio Legislatura a bill was introducec in the Senate to repeal the famous (perhaps notorious is the more proper word] Geghan bill ; and in the House another bill for the same purpose, and a seconc providing for the taxation of church property. - There is a "goneness" in the vaults of the treasury of the city of Buffalo to the extent of near $400,000. The treasurer is rusticating in Canada. His bail is said to be abundantly able to make the city good. Speculation in real estáte did the business. - Second Comptroller Brodhead, who vacates a snug berth in the Treasury departmont, because permitting the Sugg Fort, Witowski, and other fraudulent claims to slip through bis bureau undetected, is a brother of she late Col. T. F. Brodhead of this State. - Gov. Tilden has removed Canal Auditor Thayer, charged with speculating in Canal warrants, and appointed Hon. Geo. W. Schuyler to succeed him. Mr. Schuyler was a zealous supporter of canal reform in the last New York Legislature. - Secretary Fish is credited with an emphatio demal of the report that the United States desiro the acquisition of Cuba. A level headed Fish. Our population is mixed enough already, mul our interests sufficieutly diverse and oonflicting. - The Cabinet is a unit on the Cuba question, and Secretary Eish isn't going to resign (again). The Washington news-mongers mako Secrotary Fish rediculous by these frequent threatenings of resignation - made out of " whole cloth " or " airy nothings." - Fornoy has been writiug up E. B. Washburne, ex-Speaker Blaiue, and Senator Morton, as prospectivo presidential candidates. His conclusión is : " I could be happy with either with tother dear chaainer(s) away." - During the year 1875 the Governor of Illinois pardoned one hundred and thirty-four convicts, including seventeen convicted of murdor and sixteen convicted of manslaughtor and attempts to kill. - Ilenry C. Bowen has discontinued his second libel suit against the Brooklyn Eagle, and will pocket the $1,000 uwaided him in the first suit oud considor his character as good as new. - LegUlatures are now in session in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvauia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Miunesota, and Kentucky. - Ohairman Morrison, of the Ways and Means Committee, has marked out some work for the other committeos. -Both Charley Iioss and Tweed are still "homeless wanderers in a wide wido world."
Old News
Michigan Argus