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- No ice has yet been harvested in this vicinity. - J. M. Wheeler and f amüy were at Florence, Italy, Deceni ber 17. - Station Agent Sharpless is a happy father. It is a boy, three days oíd, and futí of vina. - See the advertisement of Wolcott & Bros.' Toledo, real estáte dealera, ni another column. - The public schools of this city re-opened on Weduesday, with full rooms and large classes. - Jesse Scott, tof Lima, believing in the maxim, "speed the plow," did it on New Year's day. - Col. James L. Gleun, who died at Niles on the lst iust., was the civil engineer who laid out Forest HillCemetery of this city. - Ex-Governor Felch returned home on Tuesday, looking well and vigoroua. His six mouths sojourn in Europe did him good. - Messrs. C. B. Cook, J. G. Lelaud, and S' P. Foster were re-elected trustees of the M. E. Churoh, at the annual election on Mouday eve. Ding laat. - The days are now slowly growing longer at either end, and, accordiug to Watson, will s-t-r-e-t-c-h out 58 minutes duriug this month. Gas-bills take notice. - The Aun Arbor Savings Bank has declared its 13th semi-anuual ö per cent dividend aud the Gas Compauy its 33d' semi-annual S per cent dividend. - The mei'cury reaehed 70 in the shade oa the last day of December, and stood at 64 at a late hour of New Year's day. What's the need of golng to Florida F - Messrs. Reese and Wolcott, two of the railroad men from Toledo, walked back along the line, for personal inapection, etc. That looks like business. - Efforïs are being made at Manchester to establish a reading room, to be open evenings. A well stocked readiug room will prove a great moral conservator. - The ladies of the Congregational Church frill give two Centennial Tea Parties on the venings of the 17th and 18th iust., for the benefit of the organ fund. - Superintendent Perry, of our city schools, ■was elected President of the State Teachers' Association for the coming year : at the recent aunual session at Grand Rapids. - Wm. Burke, of Ann Arbor town, reports running two plows all day Monday last, finding the grouud (sod land) in excellent conditicm. He also says he plowed in February, 18(50. - The Zion Church school building, on Washington street, was dedicated on Sunday eveniug last, and the school was opened on Jlouday morning. Prof. C. Kurtz is the teacher. - The ladies of Whitmore Lake and vicinïty, appveciating the claim they have upon the new year, have issued cards for a " Leap Year Social," next Friday evening, at the Clifton House. - The City of Chester, on which Gov. Felch canie home from Europe, had a rough time of it, osing one day by an accident to machinery, and two da)Ts in the fog. She was 17 days Irom land to land. - Take one year with another anthracite al sella at a dollar a ton less in Toledo than Detroit: a strong argument in favor of the arly completion of the Toledo, Aun Arbor aud Northern Railroad. - A new and much needed gas lamp has leen put up at the Southwest corner of State and William streets, lighting the entrance to the new Congregational Church, and "the TOy"to the Law building. -But few callera "swung around the cirele " on New Year's day, and not as mauy ladies received as on former like oocasionsTho8e who observed the " time-honored custom" report an enjoya ble seasou. - And now the croakers are rendering a Wdict that the peach buds have been started bj the recent warm weather, and that they "BI, of course, be killed. Well, the cold ireather of a year ago did that same job. - Clark & Cf opsey have been acqaitted nee, on a charge of keeping an eating house "without a license ; once a jury has disagreed; Md another trial is promised. Then they will me imder the rule, "three times and out." - The citizens of Jackson have appointed a rammittee to keep an eye on the Battle Creek SlipCaual project. But if Ann Arbor has any "spirations to be on the line of the "big ditch" they have not been manifested as yet. -Dr. D. B. Kellogg, of this city, whose Teputation as a clairvoyant physician is widely ïtended, died at his residence in the Fifth ard on Friday last, of inflaramation of the twels. Dr. Kellogg was born in Pittsfield, ttis county, in 1834. - The Dr. Frank Scott spoken of in an articl in another column, " How History is Writtei" is a son of J. Austm Scott of this city, nu was instructor in Germán in the Uuiversll.v during the last college year. He was with Baucroft in Berlin, as his secretary. - In another column we give place to the 'ensed charter and by-laws of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company. We think tkt those interested will concede that the dinges made all tend in the direction of safel wd security to the insured, and that is what l! wanted. - The publisher of the Aequs can't see any ""y in issuing a paper at 50 cents a year, dhe isn't able to give away 1,000 copies. = done too much of that business already, "t he iutends to make a paper worth every n' he asks for it, $1.50 a year. Now is the tleto subscribe. -The days began to lengthen on the 22d J'iand the weather since that date has taken ' conceit out of the old proverb, " When daye begin to leugthen the cold begins to s'regthen." But don't say anything, there is 'me enough yet for the chills to course along UP one's spmal column. A number of personal friends (non-subscribrs) have " congratulated " ua on resuming cllargeof the Aegus. We hope' that we apPmciate all sucb. expressions of esteem and 800(1 wshes, but must be permitted to insintnat they would be more substantial if otnpanied by au order for the paper and ■ If " man can not live by bread alone ' aewspaper cannot thrive either on kind otds or " pats on the back." Real dollars '6 the true motive power. - In imitatiou of " The Iinpa " who bagged that string of gloves and mittens and then did " Joe " out of 85, aomebody carried off " the ELephant " of L. S. Lorch on New Year's evening, and then demandad $1 for its return. Lurch didn't " G. O. D.," but then he saya no more elephants on his plate. - Subjects of discourse of Bev. C. H. Brigham, on Friday next, at Unitarian Cliurcli. Morning- "How are men equal in tlie world." Evening- " The Religión of the Northmen. I Students' Class at 9:30 a. M.- The charaoter of Moses. - The aanual election of Company B was held on Mouday eveuing, with the followmg result : Captain, S. B. Reveuaugh ; lst Lieut., Wm. Kay ; 2d Lieut., W. W. Douglas ; Managers, Oscar Tusker, Albort Sorg, Gilbert Bliss, Arthur L. Worden, A. J. Volland. There are $300 in the Company treasury. - Mr. J. B. Steere will lecture on his travels some time during tho coming week, before the Ladies' Christian Association, the proceeds of the lecture to be donated to a charitable use. The exact date will be announced by posters. All of our citizens should go, as, besides enjoying a treat, thoy will aid theneedy poor. - The Dexter Leader is quite iudignant because somebody didn't "put up a job" and catch "_the imps " who carried off those gloves, and Bays : " Thieves will take notice that Auu Arbor is an easy town to work." Whoever next perpetrates such a " sell " must have the report iabeled " this is a joke "- for Mao's benefit. If any persons receive this issue of the AbGtus who desired the paper discontiuued with tho year, they will oblige us by giviug an mediato notice. We invite all to continue their subscriptions, but do not wish to force our paper upon any oue. And any persons haviug advertiseraents in the AeötjS, and wishlug them discontinued should notify us promptly. - This being the " week of prayer " union meetings have been held as follows : In the Baptist Church, on Monday and Tuesday af. ternoous ; and in the Presbyterian Church, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. This and to-niorrow afternoons services will be held in the Methodist Church. Separate services have been held each evening. - On Friday evening of last week, Mrs. J. H. Watson, the worthy widow ot a deceased Odd Fellow, received $10 in money from the Lodge, for a New Year's gift ; andon Saturday evening was made again happy by receiving a goodly Bupply of household necesmties, coutributious oí some twenty-five meinbers in person. A pleasant New Year's cali. James Vick, - aiid what lady with a flower garden, be it ever so small, don't know who James Vick is ?- has sent us his Floral Guide for 1876. It is a beautiful catalogue of flower and vegetable seeds, and has a superb colored frontispiece, and, besides, an illustrated sketch of ajourney in California. It is published quarterly, at 25 cents a year. Address James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. - In writing up the annual election of the W ashtenaw County Agricultural Society forthe Argus of last week, we meant to say of Philip Baoh, elected President, " that on no 1 tions will he serve," That very little word " no " somehow or other didn't get into type, and the omission made a difference bigger than the word. So it is with " little drops of water and little grains of sand." - Discussing the " unprecedented " weather on New Tear's tnorning, oue citizen remetnbered a similar New Year's twenty-nine years ago, giving his means of fixing datos, whieh caused another to remark : Twenty-uine years ! twenty-nine years ! ! yes, that'a so, that's the day I was knooked down just over there, - pointiug to the northwest corner of the Court House " park." ' Footpriuts ou the sands of time." - There are now 21 postoffices in Washtenaw County, as follows : Ann Arbor, Base Lake, Benton, Bridgewater, Chelsea, Delhi Mills, Dexter, Freedom, Lima, Manchester, Paint Crèek, Biver Eaisin, Saline, Scio, Stony Creek, Summit, Sylvan, Webster, Whitmore Lake, York, and Ypsilantl. Those marked with a star are " money order " offices. Ann Arbor is also an " international money order " office and draws on British, Canadian, and Germán offices.