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The Dead Letter Office

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A recent report, emanating from the Post Office Department, gives some interesting statistics in regard to the "dead letter" subject, which will interest those persons who are forever contributing, through carelessness, to thisbranch of the public service. It is shown that in 1874 the dead letter office at Washington, handled 4,fi01,773 of the 800,000,000 letters carried in the mail. Of these 1,392,224 were delivered, 2,322,916 destroyed, and the balance were Cled or still remain not acted on. The actual or nominal valué oí the entire number was $4,637,429.08. Photographs were enclosed in 38,767, sums of loss than $1 in 19,894, and sums of $1 and upwards in 18,974. Large suma of money are frequently fiihnd in these letters. Several months ago a check for $25.000, drawn to bearer, came to light when an unstamped envelope was opened, but the owner was easily fouiid.