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EDWAKD DUFFY HAB JUST RECEIVED AN Entir e New Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Coffses, SUGARS ANÜ SrfidPi. BoughtinNEWYORKfnm first hands FOR CASH, and is offering then. at VËRY SLIGHT ADVAMJB over New York Cost. Also a ful] line of LADIES and OENTLEMEN'S WKA1Í' in BOOTS & SÏÏOES, AH of whicli he is nffering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods tor CaBh. Cali and examine goodg and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTON. Qoodi delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWAKD DUFFY. " MiiynarJ's cor. Main and Ann ntreets 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. O r ui P-H V l tí TJ g fw i HJogï 8. lpl;f3 HggtóHÍ g U Pi H rá o W L Bh TÉCB GRBAT CAUSE HUMANMISERY. Jutl Publiilud, in a Sealed fce sin cmtt A L,ectu ro on tlie Xnt u re, '1' reutment, and HadicHl cure oí Saminal Weaknoss, or Spermatorrhosa, induced by iii-lf-Abuse, InvolunUry KmiisiniiH Impoteiicy, Nervous Debihty aml Impediment to Maniap; Cünsun-ption, Epilepsy and Fita; Mental and Physical Incnpucity, &o - Hy HOBEBT J. OULVEK W ELL, M. D., author of the ' Green Book," &0. .... The worldrunuwned author, in tlus admirable Lecture, clearly provcs from his own experience that the awful consecitiences of Selt-Abuse may be eflectually removed without medicine, snd without dangerouB aurffieal oiwration, bougies, InBtrument, ring" or cordials ; pointmg out a mode of cure ut once certain and eflfcctual, by wlnch every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may curehimeelfoheaply, privately aml radicallv. Jt&This Ltctwt wiU provt a boon to Ihnuands and tlwnsands. Sent nnder neal, in a plain onvelope, to any addre, pott-paxd, on ruceipt ot six centn or two postage stninps. Addresb the Pnbliïhen CHAS. J. f!. KLINK & :)., 127 Bowerj. New York ; Post Office Box 4586. Notïce. The Annunl Meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Inauriutce ('umnany will bf held at thii Court House, In the city of Arm Afbor, on WedSüsday, JaNUARY 12(h, 1S76, at 10 o'clock A. M. By order of Board of Directora, N. SHELDON, Secretary. Ann Arbor , Deo, 29th, 1875. 1503w2 GUEAT SLAUGHTKR - OF - $100,000 OF DRY GUODS ! - AND - CAHPETS. Preparing to taking invento ry, Winter Goods must be sold. Many goods 50 cents on the dollar. REMEMBER THE PLACE, JAS. NAM JR. &(!(). 8T Waodward Aro. Detroit. ei. W. IIAYES, fonuerly of this city, is eonneeted with this house. BLY THE HEW Famüy Ssnger, 241,67i Sold in is 74! And 148,852 nior thnn sold l itw hifthcHt competitor. WHILK THE Wheeier & Wilson sold only 92,827 Howe Machine Co. estimated 45,0"0 Domestio 22,700 Weed 20,495 Q rovtr aker 20,000 Rem ing ton 18,600 And mi on down. Bo it appeara from the sales of the different Companiea thal THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admirers Than all the others combinod '. JUCHLES SOLO ON EASY TEEMS. All partjes buying a Singer end wishiDK to exchange it for a Howe or ltcniinetou within three months can do au without exti a oost. I have also several iiew Howe machines, a Domestic] aud a uumberof second hand machines in good order, vhicb pftp be bought vory cheap. The vory best Needlcs for all machines at 40 cents per dozen. Set of four Hetnincrs aud the (irinnell Binder for all machines, $1,00- the best set in the iiKukct, and also attachuients for Dearly all machines. I. 1,. ;it im;i,i,, akphi. (1556) 2d door east of Postónico, Aun Albor, Micli. Heal éstate tor SalO rpHE UNDERSIGNED offers for alc tho eiRhty JL acres of land lately occupied by Patrick Cavanaugh, deee&sed. Alwo the forty acres of VALUABLE WOOD LAND on aection thirty-onc, in Northfleld. belonging to the eötate ot aftid deeeased. A rare opportuuity ifi utfordcd to purchasers. September 29, 1875. 16SO-Sm] HIRAM J. BBAKE8. Attorney. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condilions of a certain mortgage made and executed by Kdmund Blood and Sarah K. Blood, hÏB wife, to Willium D. ll:irrim:iu, and dated the 27lh düy ot Jjiauary, 187], aud reeorded iu the ora'ce of the liegJHter of Deeds for the Couuty of Washtenaw, in tho State of Michigan, in liber 44 of mortgugfs, page 43, on the 27th day of January, 1871, at two o'clock and forty minutes p. m. on that day, on which mortgage and note accompanying the same thore ib now due the sum of five hunnred tind i?ixty-seven doliars and ninety six cents principal itnd interest and forty dollars as an attorncy fee. provided for in aaid mortgage, by which default tlipower of sale contained in aaid mortgage has become operative, and no proceedinga in law oi chancery having been commenced to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: Notice is hertsby given that aaid uiortguge will be foroclosed by the salo of the mo tgaped premisea, to-wit: Lot i in block one, in Hiacock'ssKcmnl edditiou to the city of Ann Arbor, Washteimw ('ciunty, and Htate of Michiean. Said salo will take place at the front door of the Court House, in the said city of Ann Arbor Cthat beiDg the place whtre the Circuit Court for the county is heli) on the llth day of February, 187B, at II o'clock in the forenoon of SHid day. Dated Aun Arbor, November 12th, 1875. W. D. HAUIUMAN, Zina P. Kino, Mortgiffe. Att'y for Mortgagoe 15J6 Estáte of George Warner. iTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, J sa. At a session of the Probate Court for ;he county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate }itice, in iheeityof Ann Arbor, on Weduesday, the twentyninth day of December, in the yeor one thousanil ei(.'ht huHdred and sevonty-flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of i'robate. In the matter of the estáte of Ueorge Warner, deeeased On reading and flling the petition duly veritted, of Oiner Warner, praying that an Adminmtiator may be appointed on the estáte of aaid deceascd Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentyfourth day of January next. at ten o'clock in tho lorenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of suid petition, and that the heirs at law ot 8:ud deeeased, and uil ot her persona intereated in aaid estáte, art required to appear at a ession of aaid court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cauae, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sbould not be granted : Atul it is furthfr ordtred, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interestod in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou, and the hearing thcreof, by causing a copy of this order to be publislied in the Michigan Argusy a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succeesive week previoua to said day of hearing CA true oopy.) NOAH V. CHEEVER, 1663 Judge of Probate.