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BUSIMESS DIRECTORY. TE. TIcFAKLAWD, Siinjioal and MeJ ehanical Dentist, corner oi' Main and Hurón streets f Jackson's old stand), Great pains taken in all operatioiiü entrusted fo my caie. Prices to suit the tiini's. All work warrantrd. Teeth extracted withuut pain. Office hours : 8 to tS a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m.; 7 to8:30 p. m. JA TI EK tl lh, Attorney and Counselor at I-aw and Solicito r in Chancery. Office in McMahou's Block, Anu street. WH. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner Main and Washington s t reets, over Iïach & Ahel's store, Ann Arbor, Mih. Ansesthetics ad miniatered ïf required. C6EOROG, M. ., Physician and Sur greou. Office and rfsidence No. 7 Washington street, four doors east of Main, Ann Arbor, Mich. Et'GEXE K. FltrKAlTfF, Attorney at Luw, Notary Public aud Commissioner of DeedH for Pennsylvania. Consnltiition in the Germán or Entrliah lanuage. Office Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E lAICIv, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Will loan money for otherö on real estáte security Office over No. 8, Hu ron street, Ann Arbor, Mich, Wl ES A; U OIC 1 ; ', 'o South Main atreet, Ann Arbor, Mich., w holes ale and retail dealera in Dry Goorls, 3aipjta, and öroccnes. MCK : SOHiTII, dealers in Dry Goods, (rroceties, Croekery, etc., No. 04 South Mam street. BVC1I A AREL, dealers in Dry Goods. Groeeries. etc, IS o 26 douth Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. WH. WAG1VEB, dealer in Ready-raade Olothing, Cloths, ,Caa8imere9, Ves tin ga, Trunks, Oarpet Bags, etc. 21 South Main street. T F. SCHAGRERLE, teacher of the PI! ANO VloiJN AND G1JITAR. Residence southeast corner Vïain and Liberty streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. jyOAH W. CIIEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Probate Office, Ann Arbor Mich. rTE!l MATTHEWS, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Siuoked II mis, Sausa-ge, I ;ii 1. &■., Huron Street, next door the Leonard Houae. Orders left by customers promptly fllled. pVERYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photogfraptker of Ann Arber. 28 láast Huron stieet, up stairs. DOOT Ac HANGER, General Law & Business Agency. Having securedthe exclubive use of ROOTVS ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS tor the oounty of Wanhtenaw, which they have 2 trefully revi-ed, posted and perfect ed, aud hann, with ati extensive and reliable business correfspondence, opened a GENERAL BUSINESS AU1ÍNCY at N'i. 26 Kast Huron street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will altend promptly to the sale, purch.-tse and leasing of real estáte, the loaning of money, collections, nepfotiationa, contraeting and conveyancíní, lite anti Ure irsuraüce, and to the practice of Law m the various courts of this State. TKACY W. ROOT, B. F; ÜRANGEit. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1675. THE AJÍ Sí ARBOR SAVIHTGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards anc allows Fíve per cent, interest on all deposite remaining three months or longer. Interest í'ompounded Semi-Annually. Also buya and sells V. S. Bonds. (Jold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Ebitain, Irkland, Germany, or any other part oí the European Continent. This Bank is oiganized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stoekholders are individually Hable to the amount of their stock, and tht: whole capital is security for depositors, while Mth Banksof issue, the capital isinvested forthe security of bill-holders. This fact makes this Institution a very safe depository of monies. Married Woiuen can deposit subject to thcir own drafts only. tloiify to Loan on Approvcd Securitics. DIRECTOES: S. Smith, C. Maok, W. W. WraEs R. A. Beal, W. D. Harriman. D. Hiscock, W. Dkubel. OFFICERS: R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't C. E. Hiscock. Teller. THE NEW EN8LAND RANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, conibining all the latest, most valuable and economical improvementa iu Cooking Ranges. The new BVIORNING GLORY beautifully mminted and acknowledged to be one of the leading tirst cíass Cook Stoves. TfíE WOODLAND COOK A new first class Wood Stove ; for a Iow priced stove t cannot be beat. It has all the modern improvements, The above stoves all have the new Patent Diífusive OvtnFlues, by which the oven is sure to be evenly heatetl at all times, making them the most perfect Bakers in the market. The LEVER C LOTHES WRINGER Isa perfect suecess. Every lady who use a wringer ahould get one at Peasc's. Those 40 reasons for getting Weed's Carpet Sweeper are yet good ones. aNized irun Toilet Sets, are certainly the most durable. Mv Portable Bath Tuhs are the best and cheapest and shutild bS indispensable. Those metal Water Fliters every family should get one at G. J. PJEASE'S. 4 6 su (i tn ;U;iin Street. EBERBACH & CO., WMm AND PHRMACÍSTS, No. 12 South Main Streel. Keeps on hand a largc and well selceted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, Artists' & Wax Flower Materials TOILET AETICLES, TRUSSES, ETC. PÜKE WIXE A'D LIQÜORS. Special attention paid to the furnishine of PhyBicions, Chemists, Schools, etc with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohomian Chemical Glassware. Porclain Ware, Pure Rnagents, etc. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared at all hour. 1564 RAILROADS. MICMttAS CENTRAL BAILROA1). NOVEMBEB 21, 1875. OOING WBBT. á %rn :■ TATION8. S IS gg1 S M 5 !? ör Sa h aw a q o p s ph A. M. A. M P . M. r. M. p. M. P. H Dotroit.leuve, 7 00 10 30 2 50 4 00 5 40 l0 00 Wnyne Juüotion, 7 67 11 17 3 32 4 53 6 37 10 60 ïpsilanti, 8 32J11 40 3 50 5 27 1 7 04 11 10 AnnArbor, 8 57 11 SS 4 13 6 45 7 4511127 Dexter, 9 20 ■ 4 35 6 10 8 10 Chelsea, i 9 40 4 53 6 23 8 30 GraBsLake, 10 041 - 6 49 9 00 P.M P. M A. M. Jackson, 10 37 1 10 5 4 7 15 9 30 12 50 A.M. Kalamazoo, 2 05 3 32 12 26 3 03 Chicago arrive, 8 10 9 CO I 7 00 8 ! OOING EAST. l'. iUidlld - h _[liwi_ í,?L I A. M. 'A. M. P. M. P. M.Ia. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 5 16 9 00 p. ar. ! a. m. ! - - - Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 22! 10 35 2 30 !p. M. I A. M. A.M. Jackson, 2 12: 3 42 7 oO 12 42 4 55 9 50 Graas Lake, I 2 45 7 32 5 23 11) 20 (Jhelsea, i 3 10 8 00 5 50;10 42 Dextei, 3 25 8 18! 6 08 10 55 Aon Arbor, 3 52 4 63 8 371 2 00] 6 28 11 15 Ypsilanti, 4 20 5 10 8 65! 2 20 6 48 11 30 Wuyoe, 4 45, i 28 9 23j 2 40 7 0811 47 Detroit, arrive, 6 45. 6 15 10 15 3 30 8 00,12 .0 3undays excepted. tSaturday and Sunday excepted. tDaily. WM. B. STRONG, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago. H.B. LEDYARD, Asst. tfen'l Supt. Detroit. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EA1LEOAD. GOING WEST. - 1875 - GOING EABT. STATIONS. Mai.. Exp. i STATIONS. Kzp. MlÜl. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 5:40 I A. M. p. m. Yphilauti 8:32 7:04 Bnnkers. 5:20 2:05 Saline. 9:30 7:40 Hilladale .. 5:45 2:15 Bridgewatcr.. 9:55 8:15 Manchester.. 8.37 3:68 Manchester. 10:20 8:22 Biitlgewater 9: LO 4:17 p. m. fialine 9:30 4:35 Hillsdale 1: 0 :57 Ypsilanti.... 11:00 5:05 Bunkers. 1:15 10:05 Detroit 12:30 6:16 Trains run hy Chicago time. To take efiect Nov. 21, 1875. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, YpBilanti. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Court. Circuit Judge Hou. Geo. M. Huntincrton. Prosecoting Attorney Robert E. Frazer. Reporter Thomas I. Daniel. Tíims- The flrst Tuesday in January; third Tuesday in March ; third Tuesday iu June, and fourth Tuesday in Octobor. Probate Court. Judge oí Probate Noah W. Cheever. Probate Register Jmes aVl. Willcoxson. Regular terms- Every Monday. County Office rs. Sheriff Michael Flcminp. Clerk Peter Tuite. Register of Deeda Emanuel Q . Scüaffor. Treasurer Stephen Fairchild. Circuit Court Commissioners i 'íh. r,e i J . W ïilard Babbitt. City Off icers.. Mayor Edward D. Kinne. Recorder William A. Lovejoy. Treasurer Moses Rogers. Attorney A. McReynolds. Marshal A. H. Herrón. 1 Richard Benhan. Justices Í Chas H. Manly I Jas. McMahon. ƒ Edward Clark. ) Conrad Krapf. Supervisors [ Anton Eieele. ) Beujamin Brown. JGeorge C. Arms, Edward Dufty, T. K: Rexford, Recular meetings at the County House on the flrst Tuesday iu each month, at 10 o'clock a m. Board of I il ik 1 1 ion President ElihuB. Pond. Secretary James B. Gott Treasurer Philip Bach. Trustees- C.B. Porter, Patrick üonovan, M. L. D'Ooge, Ebenezer Wells, L. C. Risdon, Leonhard Gruner. Superintendent of Schools W. S. Perry. BAPTIST - Catherine street, between Fifth and División streets. Services at 10J a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School after nioruiuji service. Prayer meeting, Thursdav evening at 7 o'clock. Pastor - Kev. Samuel Haskell ; residenee, 36 Thompson street. CONGREGATIONAL- Corner of State aud William streets. öabbath services at 10% a. m. and 7 p. M. Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday cvcning at 7 o'clock. Pastor - Rev. H. L. Huubell; residence, 70 South State street. (Services temporarily suspended, except Sunday School held in the old Church). CATHOLIC (St. Thomas)- North street, between División, and State. First Mass at 8 a. m. High Mase at 10L a. m. Sunday School at 2p. m. Vespers at 7 p. m. Pastor- Rev. F. J. Van Erp ; residcuce, 34 E. North street. EPISCOPAL (St. Andrew)- División street, north of Catherine. Sabbath services at 10 a. m. and 7 p. M. Simday School at '1% p. m. Service on Thursday c veiling and on the inorning of all Holy Days. Rector- Rev. Wyllis Hall ; reaideuce, 29 Ñ. State street. GERMÁN1 METHODIST- Corner of Eaat Liberty and División streets. Sabbath services at 10U a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveñing. Pastor - Rev, Fb'ed. Esslinuer ; residence street. LUTHERAN- Covner of First and Washington streels. Sabbath services 10% a, m. and VA p. m. Sunday School at cloae of morning service. Prayer meeting Thürsday eveuing at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. H. Reüther ; residence 24 Fifth street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL- Cornet of State and Washington streots. Sabbath services at lpj a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at close of morning service. Prayer meeting Thürsday evening at 7 o'clock. Voung peoples1 meeting tiunday evening at 6 o'clock. Pastor - Rev. I. N. Elwood ; residence, 46 Washington street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Colored)- Fourth street, north of Pontiac. Sabbath services at 10j a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thürsday evening at 7 o'cloek. Pastor- Rev. Chas. H. Ward. PRESBYTERIAN- Corner of Hurón and División streets. Services at 10% o'clock a. m. and 7 r. m. Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Young pooples meeting Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Pastor - Rev. F. T. Brown ; residence, 21 East Liberty street. Unitarian - Corner of Ann and Fifth ströets. Sabbath services at 104 a. m. and 7 P. M. Sunday School atter morning service. Students' class at 2.45 p. m. Pastor- Rev. C.H.Brigham; residence, 48 East Anu street. Zion Lutheran- Corner of Washington and Fifth streets. Sabbath services at 10} a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at close of morning service. Prayer meeting Wednosdny evening at 7 o'clock Pastor - Rev. H. Belser ; residence, Ann street. STUDENTS' CHRISTIAN aSSOCIATIONMeeting in University Chapel at 9 o'clock a. m. on .Sunday, 6:45 o'clock p. M. on Wednesday, and 6:45 o'clock p. m. on Friday of each week. Reading Room of the Association open on Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. so ii 'i n;s. ANN ARBOB COMMANDERY, No, 13, K. T.- James Boyd, E. C, William A. Lovejoy, Recorder. Regular conclave the first Tuesday evening of each month, at 7 o'clock. WASHTENAW CHAPTER NO. 6, R. A. M.- .Tas. Boyd, H. P. ; William A. Lovejoy, Sec. Regular Convocatiou the Monday e veiling on or before the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, 262. F. A A. M.- Jay Roath, W. M. ; Charles A. Chapin, Secretary. Regular Communication the Wednesday eveniug on or before the full of the moon, at 7 o'olock. FRATERNITY LODGE NO. 262, F & A. M.- John P. Little, W. M. ; Charles E. Hiscock, Sec. Regular Communication the Wednesday evening on or after the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARBOR ENCAMPMENT, NO. 7, I. O. O. F. Dr. P. B. Kose, C. P-; George Hallur, Scribe. Meets first and third Friday of each month. WASHTENAW LODGE NO. 9, I. O. O. F.- D. Allmandinger, N. G. ; N. B. Covert, 8ec. Meets Frulay evening of each week at 7 o'clock. ANN ARBOR LODGE, NO. 329, I. O. of G. T.- J. Sprague, W. C. T. ; Sylvester Arrastrong. W. Ö. Meets cvery Tuesdav evening, at 7 oclock. ANN ARBOR KNIGHTS OF HONOR, NO. 3. - .Tames Boyd, Dictator ; C. S. Millen, Grand Reporter. Regular meetings on the second and last Tuesday evtiningsof each month. 4fl%kf a day pttarsnteed uslng onr Well IÍJ'J1% Auger c. Orilla. 100 a month ÏÏmWL ■Pald to Rood Agenta. Auger book i W mm %# freo. JiU Auger Co., 8t. Louw, Mu. '


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