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- Chronicling the fact that in MasaohusettH tho Governor always reads lis annual mossage or uddress to a joint oiivcntion of tho two houscs, and that iov. Kioe is crcditcd with spoaking i'or no hour, " wilh gracoful maunrr, muacal voice, aud to a largo and attentivo audienee," lho N. Y. Keening Punt adds : 'If all tho Governors would read thoir ruessages to the Legislaturas thogo dooiniMiitH would bo listonod to uiucli moru attontivoly than is usual under the ordinary systein." The Massachusotts practico has always been that of the Govornors of Michigan, and is much jetter than that of having the message read by a " reading clork," or reforrod without readiiig in f uil. - The Washington correspondent of the American Architect and Huilding News speaking of the doubt which "hangs over tho proposed centennial appropriation, gets off he followiug ; " But this one thing is certain : tho peoplo of Washingtou are impatiently hoping that all the hosts who may visit Philadolpbia next year will not fail to visit the metropolis for the purpose of enjoying a good view of the Washington monument. The rare beauty of the work, the rapid manner in which it has been built, and the evidonce it affords that the Amorioan peoplo are proud of thoir country, and loyal to the last dogree, cannot fail to mako alastingiinpression.' A fino bit of irony, that. - That the Southnm Democracy are neither all inflationists nor believers in tho superiority of Boft money, or promises to pay at the pleasure of the maker, we have tho evidence of the following declaration made by the reeent Democratie State Convention of Louisiana : " We recognize and reafnrm the Democratio doctrine that gold and silver be the legal curreney, and favor a return to a specie basis as soon as it can be done without in jury to the material interests of the country." At which the Cincinnati Mnquirer will get up and howl. - Of tho Blaine proposition to exclude Jeff. Davia from the beuefits or blessings of the general amnesty bil] the N. T. Evening Post says : " Disfran chisement cannot hurt hini in tho loast The disabilities under which he labor bring him no pain and no dangor. To remove them will do him no good, bu to continue them while removing lik disabilities from every other disfran chised porson in the country can scarce ly fail to prove a genuine boon to him. In other words : Enfrancbised, h would be one of the multitude ; tho sol victim, he will be both martyr and hero - The members of Congress evideutly don't all belong to the "great unwashed or to the unkempt classes. Witness th fact that tho House contingent func last Congress, we rp.ther think for a single session, had such little items a these : French blacking, $15 ; blackiug stools, $48; fine bathing sponges, $100 8 dozen hair brushes, 12 dozen combs, ', dozen nail brushes, 2 dozen hat brushes and 6 dozen wisp-brooras. Now, wh; shouldn't members of Congross " shine up " and comb up and brush up at thei own expense? - Kailroad managers are economiz ing in the labor and working depart ments of their roadg. The Lake Shor and Michigan Southern Kailroad re duces the wages of coinmon laborers $1.25 a day men 10 cents; men getting over $1.25 a day are docked 13 cents and month suen have $2.50 reduction Agents and foremen of departments anc gangs are not cut down. How is i with president, superintendent, an other laige salaried men 'i And how with blue lines, palace car companies etc ? Does tbe economy begin at th right end ? - Ex-President Johnson was eulo gized in both the Senato and House on Tuesday. Senator Morton was one o the eulogists in the Sonate, nd pro nounced him " an honest man." H said, however, that ho had no apolo gy to make for his vote in favor of im peachinont, believing that he (Johnson had violated the law, but was willing t extend "tho same charity that ho woule ask for himself in the inevitable hour. By the way, is there not a good deal o formal sham in this eulogistic matche months after a man 's death. -Dr. Samuel O. Howe, the Gree patriot and surgeon ; the well known educator of the deaf and dumb anc blind and idiotie ; the intímate ad vise and friend of John Brown ; momber o the. Sanitary Coininission during th war ; of the commission sent to investí gate the condition of the freedmon afte the war ; and of tho San Domingo Com mission ; and husband of Julia Ware Howe, died at his residence in Boston on Sunday last, aged nearly 75 yearg. - Tho Repub licans in this región a: claim to be hard money men, but down in Pennsvlvania gome of them sing different" tune. Here is what the Pitts burgh Qazelte (Republican) says : " I Senator Ferry is now to be sacrificed i will be bocauso the hard-monoy element is ruvengeful ; and if they are to have their revenge on him there will be war. The party will not stand it.' Which looks as though the Gazette wa ignorant of Ferry's reportod conversión - The Charleston (S. C.) New gay tbat Moses and Whipper cannot be im posed upon the people, and threaten " resistance to tho end," with the services of Judge Lynch if necessary. Hoar it : " There are lamp-posts in Charleston as in Gotham, and our judicial and legislative crimináis aro more dangereus than the coramon burglar and highwaymon with whom Nbw York was afllicted." That's talking right out in meeting. - There must have boen an unusual number of Yankees in the Forty-third Congress, else the members not Yankees had contractod their " whittling " pro. pensities. This conclusión is based on the fact that tho members of the House alono drew over one thousand pocket knives, which wero not charged to ;homselves, but to the very convenient contingent fund, and helped piece out ;heir meager salaries. - " Local " or provincial Eepublioan ournals in New York aro backing Senator Conkling for the Proeidenoy. - An ühio legislator, thoroughly imued with the modern idea that govrnment is paternal and must care for nd proiuoto tlio iiiinutoHt interests of tu uitizuns - individual and businuas as well as social and political, - has introuced a bilí " to authorizo townships to nsure the property of citizons on & twohirds vote of the electora." Why not heir lives as woll as their property ? - Tho Boston Journal saya that the uodost Cox omits oue of thu bost specmons of Congressioiml humor, lt was whou Archer, of Mtiryland, votod for joth himst'lf and Oakes Amea, and adda : " This duplicatö 'No !' was grooted with a shout of laughtor, and as it subsidod Cox sprang to his feet - struck an attitude - aud oxclaiined in a mournful tono: 'Insatiate Archer, would not one suffioe !' " L. Q,. C. Lamah has been olected United States Senator from Mississippi ; and J. B. Kustis from Louisiana, by tho McEnery Conservativo Democracy, a few Republicans member participating. The Kentucky Legislatura is daily balloting for Senator, with several candidates, - Beek ahead. In Iowa Hon, S. J. Kirkwood has received the Eepublican noinination. - For the benefit of those finanoia quacks who believe that a groenback is really a dollar and not a mere promise to pay, Prof. Newcomb says, " thai calling a thing a dollar does not change its nature, and does not make it worth twenty-three grains of gold, any more than calling a piece of paper a horsi by act of Congress, would make it draw a carriage." A capital illustration. - The St. AlbansCharlie Rosa provee to be identical with the Milford impostor - or Jimmy Blanchard. Noto riety and new clothes were what he was after. A good old fashioned shinglinj, would be a fitting reward of merit. - They have " lay preaching " out a the State Keibrm School, and on a re cent Sunday Dr. H. B. Shank, of Lan sing, and Col. Goo. W. Lee, of Ypsilan ti, offioiatad, and " gave the boys some friendly advice." Who noxt 't - A wrought iron fence is to keep al sorts of trespassers out of the cour house yard at Hastinga, Barry County at a cost of $2,150. Tho guardians o our county cash box don't fooi awa; any money in that way ; uot much, the; don't. - Tho Common Council of East Sagi naw has " logislated pretty waiter girl out of existence." Now lot that coun oil proceed to extinguish that olass of male bipeds which made a vocation for "pretty waiter girls," and tbat city won 't know itself. - At a recent Democratie meeting in Chicago, ex-Senator Tiumbull gave in his adhesión to the Democracy, and " vigorously attacked the Ropublican party which 80 highly honored hiin in former yearg," or so the Detroit Post says, and for which the Past will never, no never, forgive bim. - Bearding the lion in his den : Senator Bayard going to infocted Philadolphia- the home of innation Republicans and anti-contra ction Demoorats- and declaring for honest money, gold and 8ilver coin, and that immediately, with the utter divorce of the Federal Government from banking and currency tinkering. - Now that a rich gold mine (the Centonnial) has been opened in Wyomiug Territory, only 26 miles from Laramie City, (" the richest gold mine ever found on the coast,") let us have no more paltering with the currency, but a supply of " Centennial " eagles and half eagles. - A member of the Ohio Senate has introduced a new revenue bill : it impo8es a fine of $50 for taking the name of God in vain. Passed into a law and enforced, no further taxation will be necessary in that State. - Report says that Gen. Babcock is to be defended in his approaching trial by ex-Attorney General Williams : an indication that legal ability is not his main reliance in time of need. - The Boston Republicana want the coming Republican National Convention held in Faneuil Hall, but are not likely to be gratified.


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Michigan Argus