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EDWARD DUFFY HA.8 JU8T BECEIVED AN Entirc Itfew Stock Of goods oonsisting of Teas, Coffses, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YOBKfnm first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them a o VHBÏ SLIliBT ADVANCB over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIEB and GKNTLEMEN'S WKAB in BOOTS & SHOES, AU of which he is nffcring VERY LOW FOR CASH. It pays everybody to buy their gooda for Casb. Cali and examine goods and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Goods delivered to anv part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'e cor. Main and Ann etreets 1534 Ann Arbor. Mich. 9 I 1 W 0 j ü o J E ÍÍCQÍ il Q & .(2) L „ Hg 12 Q f gg ff 4 L 1" OINSEY & ÖEABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0EERY -ANDKLOIIR & FKED STORE. We keep constnntly on nana, BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RKTAIL TRADB. We Bhall also ket?p a supply of DELHI FLOUI, . M. SWIFT & CU'S BK8T WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MKAL, FEED, A--.. tca. At wholesnle and rtail. A enernl stock of GROCEKIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, whu will be old on uk reaontble ti-riiiK as at any otber house in thi city. Caab paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country 'l'rnuoe generally. 3" Ooods delivered to any part of the city with ut extra charge. i:isi.y & 8EABOLT, Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1876. 1514tf 1TOTICÈT IA VING leased the Michigan Centrnl Enilrond Blevator and @cale& at this place, I am preared to handle trniin at reasonabln rates fot snipiers. Highebt murket price paid in coah for all Linda of grain. T. FOHEY. Ann Arbor, Not. lOth, 1875. BLY THE jSfitV Family Singer. 241,679 Sold ín 1874! And 148,652 mure tlian werc nld hy its kighext ronipctitor. WBILE THE Wheeler & Wilson eold oDly 92,827 Howe Mtichine Co. eatiinated 4',0'i0 Domeatio 22,700 Weed 20,495 Grover & Raker 20,01ú Remington x,i. i.' Andsoondown. 8o it appeare f rom the sales of the different Compamee thut THE SINGER Has More Friends and Adrairers Than all the others combined ! XACHIAES SOLD ON EASY TEEMS, All partjes buying a Sinter r.nd wishin? to excbane it t'or a Howe or Renilngtun within three months can do so without extra cost. I have also several uew Howe machioed, a Domostic, and a aamber of secoad hand machines in good order( which can be bougfat vltv cheáp. The very best NeedWfor allmíichincs at 40 cents Ser dozen. Set of four Hemmors and the ürinnell inderforall machines, $1,00- the tt-t srt in the niarkut, and ulso attachments for ncarly all machines. 1 1,. GRINNriL AKent. f1556) 2d door eastoi1 Postotöce, Aun Arbor, Mich. BAÍrÍMüi!l ÍÜilIO RAILBüAD. THE GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE WASHIAGTOV, BALTIIORE, PH-LAPELPHIA, UW YORK, The East and Northeast. ALL TRAINS VIA, WASHINGTON CÏTiT Among the characteristice of this favonte Route are Donblc Tracks, Steel Rails, Magniflcent Iron Brldves, Gorgeous Muuiitain Sceuery, Unrivaled Equiouient Lontrliridije Air Brakes, riisurpassed Eatinif Honses, (Üwned nnd Operatpd by tlie Company,) And in fact all the Modern Appli;ince8 that concouduce to SPEED. SAFETY and OOI'POBT. PULLMAN PALACE CARS RÚN THEO0GH AVith ut C han ge BÜTAERfí THE PKINCil'AL For Xhiough Tickets, Hifgage Checks, Movement f Wrains, riltïepin Cal Accnimodationa, etc., apply at Ticket Offices at nll l'rincipal FoinM, NORTH. SOUTH. EAST OR WL$f. E. K. DORSEY, L. 51. COI.K. Aas't Uim'l Ticket Agent, Gen'l Ticket Ag't. THOS. P. BAKUY, THOS K. fcHAKP, Western Passenger Ag't, Maater fo.Tnuisp'n gL MA1THOOD: How Lost, How Rcstorpd ! .ï u-t published, a new edition of ir. t'ulrcr utIPn ( cicbrah d Issii) on the icadical OVtÉt (without medicine} ol Stfiimaiouiíiiu r i ïtiitiiil weaknofes, lnvoluntury Seminal Loases. lmpoU-ncy. mental and l'Jiysicul incapacity, lm pcuimenta to mftiTiHe, etc. . tilso, Consuraption, Epilepsy and FitA, induced by Belf-indulgtince or sexiinl 'xtrüYHganct-, &c. frY rt Swed envelupe, only bix cents. The celubrated autlior, m l his admirable Ksbay, clcnrly demónstrale!, f rom a thirty years' saooeBatul praciice, ihat the alfttlliingdoiDMqtieDccs oí telfabusQ niH.v be rtuH ally cuxed without the the dangerous uae of internal medicine or the application of the knift ; pointinp out a m de of cure ut once simple, certain, aud efl'ectunl, by mean of which every Butferer,no mttter what his coudition may be, ntay cure himseifcheaply, privately, ; nd radically. 9T T his lectureahonM be in the hands of every youth and every inn in tlie land. Öent under setil, in pluiïi enve opa, to any address, post-paid, on receipt oí ix cents or two post stampa. Addreaa the publislurs, F. BBÜOMAN & SON. 4 I Au u St., iu York, Post OlBce Box, 4586 j jWi:i,!,l HiMSliS I (Ut SALG. Alargeand very wtH built brick house, with two or inore lots. Two large framed houses. Also a good sized briok house and frame house ; and a mail frame house on k gtod lot. intended for adding a front. For sale on fair term and a reaeionable credit. Alboother building, Iota, nnd property. MO.MiV UAXTEIÍ- So inany wibhing to bnrrow money applj to me that I can readily obtatnfor Unders ood satisfactory invostments at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MOIUiAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 18" 6. 1664 ï IVE UEKSE FEATHJÜK6 FIKST aXT-AIjIX"X' Coneisutlyonhand and lor walt by B ACH ir ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus