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NNUAL STATEMENT Yot tlie y car endiiig December 31st, A.I). 1875, of ihe cuiidition and aftairs of the (iEHMAX F Ve MKRS' FltïE LS. CO., Loeated at S"io, organized upder the laws of the stut' of -Míc1iki;ii, and iloinx business in tincounty of W&shten&w in siüil .Stat 8I.M0N K. HIRTII, President. Wi. K. JÍUS8, Secretary. MKMI1KKSHIPS. Nunibcr of niembtïra Dectnnber Sist of jirevious ycar 658 Niinii. r of membcrs addcl duriug the present Jtmt; 115 Total, 77 Dcduct number of members withdrawn iurin the year, and (.üinct'led poliiües by reason of sale or otherwisc, '28 NimilxT ut membOES now belonging to company, 74B 111SKS. Amount of pro]ity al risk Deo :ilst of previou year, $l,8G2,422.00 Amoont of risks addl during present year, 390,560.00 Total, &v_'-,:,982.u0 Oi-duct riks cancelüd, withdrawu, or tenniuated, $75,615.00 Nel amoont now at risk bj company, 82,177,367.00 KESIII Kil.-. Amount of premium or deposit notes uow in force, none. AmoUnt of cash premiums (or assessnienta) now on hand, $1,853.54 Ainouut of outstandtogaswasmenta aot cancelad, 89.19 Nature and amoimtof all othePTesources, viz : from asst'S.mout of Oct. 1871, loaned, 81,207.73 Total resources, Í3.150.46 I.IAHII.1TIKS. Ckiims forlossesdue and payable, noue. Claims for lottOBñot matared, $2,628.00 claims forlones resistcd none. Nature and ainount of all other claims, viz ; none. Total liabilities, 52,628.00 INCOMK. Aniimnt of premium on deposit notes lakrii durtng the jraar, nm Amount of cash premium received during the year, none. Amount collocted on assessments whieh were levied during the present year, Sl,853..4 Amount collected this year OD assett■ ments which werc levied in prior ycars, Done. Amount reccived from membership or policy lees, J328.50 Amount received from percentage on increased or decreasvtl insurauce, none. Iin-.ime from all othorsourucs, viz: from inoney loaned, interest, . 977.92 Total income for the year, 82,2.r9.iH KXPKSnmiRES. Amount paid for losses during the year (of which none occurred in prior years), S4V2.O0 Amount of salary and fees paid to ornear;- and rlirectors as per item-; in Schedule A, $407.31 Amount of all othcr cxpenditurcs during the year as per schedule B, $13.10 Total expenditures during year, $482.61 SCHEDULE A. NAME OF OFFICER OR DIRECTOR TO WHOM PAID. President, Siroon F. Hirth, $19.61 Secretary, Wm. F. Buw, 67.00 Treasurer, Wm. Aprill, 51.90 Director, John Schenk, 22.00 " Jacob Jedele, 42.00 " Michael Stabler, 21.00 Agent, John Kepnler, 19.00 " Danie] aelninger, 21.00 " Jacob Raab, 29.00 '■ Micliael Sehenk, 25.00 " A. L. Fcldkamp, 17.00 Jacob Raab, collecting Cees, 18.24 John Keppler, " " 4.63 Jacob Jedele, " " 19.4" Michael Schenk, " " 5.25 Wm. Aprill, " " 27.04 Total Schedule A, S407.S1 SCHEDULE B. ITEMS OF "AI.LuTllKIl KXI'KKSKS." Printing bill, 99.00 Stationery, i'go Total Schedule B, $13.10 MISCKLLANKOL'f? QUESTIONS. 1. How many assessments have been made durI ing the vear ? Ans. One. 2. What is the araount of all the assessments made during the year? Ans. 81,942 73. 3. What is therate per cent of such assessrnents n property inaurcd ? Ans. .001 percent. l. What is the rate per cent of sucn assessment on the premium or deposit notes ? Aus. ïto per cení. 5. Vhat amount was re-assessed for assessments tliat wurv not paid? Ans. None. 6. What amount of losscs are allowed to aceumulate before an assessment is levied? Ans Kone. 7. Does the company, in making an assessment, provide thereln for any surplus fund over the actual lossi's incurred ? lf so, how much ? Ans. Wh loases occur and the fuuds on hand do not cover them, an assessment is made at a certain percentage on the propcrty insurcd, and the surplus, if any, is let on interest for future use. S. What pronortion of the actual loss sustained by a pohcy-holder does the Company pay ? Ans The full loss covcred by policy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) COUNTY OF WaSHTEUAW, f83' Simon F. Hirth, President, and William F. Buss, Secrctary of said Company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, tliat they have read the foregoing statement, and know the contenta then-of, and that they have good reason to believe, and do bellere, said statement to be truc SIMON F. HIRTH, President Wm. F. BUSS, Secretary. bworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, 111 sala State and couuty, this seventccnth day 01 January, A. D. 1876. ' Notury l'ublic, Washtenaw County,Mich. " ' Estáte of Florian Muehllg. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtenuw, ' o ss. At a cesión of the Probato Court for the county of Wushtenaw, holden at the Probutc ' Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, I tho thirtyfirst day of January, in the yeur one thousand eight hundred and sevenly-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jndge of frobate. In the matter of the estáte of Florian Muehlif;, decyaaed ' Onreadingand fllin-t the petition duly ver'fled, ' of Rmanuel Mann, Adrainistrator de boni ntm with the will unnexed, praying that ho may be licenaefl to sell the real estáte whereof said deceabed died seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tnesday, the seventh day of March next. at ten o'clock in the iorcnoon be assigned lor the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legateei, and heirs at law oí said deceased, and all otber persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, If any tbere be, why the prayer of tïie petitioner sbould not be eranted : Anti it is furtfo-r nrd"red, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendericy of said petition, nnd the hcarintf thcreof , by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspttper priuted nnd ciroulated insaidcounty, four successivewoekn pryvious to said day of hearing (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, löüN Judge of Probate. Chancery Sale. PURSUANT to and by virtue of an order o) tho Circuit Court ior the Couuty of Washte nnw, m chancry( made on the thirty-ttrst day of December, A. D. 175, ïn a ciuiee therein pending, wherein Charles Thayer in complaïnant, and Ehjuh Nr. Morgan, survivin trustee of the Ann Arbor Land Company, is defendant: Notice is hereby 1:1 ven, that I shiill M'll fit public vendue to the highest bidder, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. ou the I8th day of March, 18"6, at tbe south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, all the fcllowing dcftcribed hmds situatcd in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County : Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and U, in block even south, range eight east ; also lots 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 10, l!, and 12, in block seven south, and range nine east ; also, lot 5 in block aeven suut.h, mnge eleven east. ; alo, lot 10 in block seven mmih, range twelve eutst ; and also, Iota 5,6,7,8, and 9. in block seven south range ten east ; also the Rotith one quarter -f lot uinr, in block jeven south, range nine ast ; and tbe tiiangular piece of land, being about three quartors of an acre, in the northeast corner of section thirty-two. Uated, January 18th, 1876. 1566 J, F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commr Washteuaw Co., Mich. j jV 1,1.1.1 ; HOlsi-;s FOR SALE. Alargeand very wll built bnek house, with two oí more Iota. Two large framed houses. Also i good sized brick houe and I 'ritme ; and n Binull frame house on a good lot, intejided for adiing ii front. For sale on fair terras and a reusonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. MONI2Y WASÏED- So many wishing to borrow money apply to me that I can readily btainfor tenders good satiafactory invoatmanta at :enpercent.mtere8t. E. w. M0B0AN. Ann Arbor, Jn. 8 , IK 6. 164 JVtortgage Sale. DEFAULThaving been made in the conditions of a certuiii rnortgage, made aud executed on the I8th day of July, Í872, by John Jacob Hut zei and Fredeiikc Hutzcl, to Thomas S. and Hlpha L. Banford, and recorded in the office of the Refrlrter of Oeeds for the Oounty of twhtenaw, in líber 48 oi mortgages, on pag2u-i. The Interest of Klphft L.Sanford in sata mortgage having been ansian d to the said TIioiiihb S, Santón! by deed ot HHsiyimit-nt, duted the 8th day of Muy, 1875, and recorred in the RegisteT'a otiiee, atorèmid, in liberi ol is ignments oí mortgage, on pugu7ii,by which íi-fuiii the power oi sale eontiiintjd Un uní ij comee opesative, and the urn of two thousand thrre hundxed iiiifi loriy -thrte dollars and forly-aeven oenfe o aimed as nuw due tht;ron, beitl-8 mi attorney fee of $4u, provided lor in BAid mortgage, and no uit or pro oeedings in Inw or eqnitv fiaving been mstitutt-d t ai erover the mortgage dobt, or any part thfcieof : Notice ia heruby giveu tht enid mortfíuge will be forecloHuii by H iilü of the mortgna-ud prèmiaes, "i Much part tbeïfeOi as luay bü BUtiicient to butity aaid uiortgage and all legal oosto, ;it public aootlon, to tlie bigbeet bidder, at tht; bouLL door ol the Court Houae tn wid oounty (thut being the place whore the Circuit -'ourt lor aaidcouuty is lield), on .'■ilunluy, the 2!Hh d-iy of April ncxt, al Ut o'elock in t hf foienoon ot thut day; Kaid mor tgagad pnmiaea beiuy deaoritoedaa follows to wit : The euuthwediquitrtur of the uurtheiiht Quartei mul tlu' Boutheast quurter oí' the portnwest quarter of afction 30 [axoept the weel eighteen acres of the laat deticribod p'irj4'lj, in townaDip numbt-r $ nouth, in range 5 eaat. in tlio towiiship of JxkIí, iu Waahtenaw the Ötateof Michigau. Ann Arbor, tab. 2. 1876. THOMAS s s.wiOKD, Morlifjijjee and Absinec. By Attorney. Uü8 Mortgage Sule. DBFAULT having buen made in the conditionj of a certain mortgage made and eccecuted by Edmund Hlood and öarab E. lllood, his wife, to William I'. Etarriman, and dated tbe27t dayol January, J871, and reoorded iu thu oiücc oi the Hegister oí' Deed lor the County of Waebtenaw, iu the State of Miobigan,, in liber 41 ol' mortgages, paffe 43, on the 27th day of Junusry, 1K71, at fwo oclock and forty minutes p. m. on that day, on which mortíive and note acoompanyfng thu saine thiírií is now due the sum oí íivtí hunxkied uid t?ixty-seven doliar and ninety six cents principal and interest and f oriy dolían M un aLtorney fee, provided for in said mortgagef by which default the power of sale contained in aaid mortgatffc liaa be come operatíve, and no proceedinge in la oí chancery hnvi ng been commenced to recover tlio debt senured by said mort(rtige, or any part thureof : Notice ia hereby given thitt said mortgage will be foreclosed by toe ale ol the ino tgaged premises, to-wit: Lot 4 in block one, Ín HisooeJtfBaeoond t'ddition to the (ïity of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, aud State oí Mfehigan. tiüid sale will take place at the front door ot' the Court linu-, , in the said city of Ann Arbor (luat beiny the place where the Circuit Court lor the county is held) on thellth day of February, 187C, at II u'clock iu the forenoon of said day, Dated Aun Arbor, November 12th, 1875. V. D. IIAKÜ1.M W, Zina P. Kino, ilorlgagee, Att'y for Mortgaee. i:,jH Mortgage Sale. DKFAUTr haring been made in the condition of a certain mortgnge, mude juuI Bxecuted by Willium Pitsgerald and Mary Pitzgenüd hú wife, of Northtield, county of WasLtenaw, and Btateof Michigan, on the ninetetntli duy of .September, in the year of our Lord one tnousund eight hundred and sixty-fívo, to John Lynch, of the fame place, and rticorded in the olüce ol" the register oí deèda lor the county of Wastonaw atoresaid, on the tenth day of January A. D. 18t.5, at 3 o'clock I'. M. of saidduy, in libtr -S oí Hortgages, in pago 1 . .". which 6iid mortvae waa duly asslgned bj John Lynch of the township of Js'orthfiekl, aforesnid, to Thomas Barl, ot tlie city of Ann Arbor, county and State aforeiitid, on the Khirteenth day of vemuer, a. ij. iöö, ana rccorüedin tne olncfc of the register of deeds for eaid county on tlie thirteenth da y of November, A. D. 1867,inliber nutuber one oí afwignmnta of mortgaes, on page 502 ; ano affafn wdgned by the said Thomas Earl lo Caroline il. Hennequin, of the city of Aun Arbyr, atoresaid, on the twenty-third day of December, 1S7Í, and recorded in the oflicc of the remist r of deeds for smd county on the twtnty-seveïith day of December, A. 1). 1875, in liber nuinüer .ve ol asmnments of mortages, on pufiethirty-three, Hnd tlmt tfiere is now claimed to te duu and unpaid ou said mortgage the sum of four hnndred und ninety-two dollars, including arensonablf atiorney'a or eolieitor'a fee for ioreeloeIng the same ; and no proeeedings in luw or tquitv ha ving been had to recover aaid eum o! money or any part thereof, therefore, notice is hereby givt?n, that by virtne of the power of sale il) said mortgage contained, I ahall sell at public auction to the hijrhest bidder on tbeiwenty-fllth day ot March, A. ï). L876, attwo oclock in the Hfternoou of said day, at tlie front door of the oourt houpe in the citj of Ann Arbor, county oí Wa&htenaw. and ta-leof .Mi higan,(that being the building in which the circuit rourt tor s;iid county is held,) the prenrisvs described in said mortgage. as buinif uil thut certain piece or purcel of land known and desciibed as followa, to-wit : The eaat half of the south-west quartr of section number urne !), in Ujwuyhip nu rubor oi.e(l) wouth in range number iix (6; eaat, being in Nortbtíeld, in the county of Washtenaw, and Statö of atichigan, eontiiiningeighty acres of land, moie or lesu. Dated Drcember 2ïth, 137ñ. CARüLINK M. HEXNEQUIN, Asisignee of taid Mortgngee. JoesM. Gott, Attorney for the atsignee ol said Mortj,'agee. Mortgage Sale. WIIKRICAS, Ruth O. Gregory and íohn V, N öregory, her busband, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Sftuthtenaw in 'the State of Michigan, on the iöurteenth day ! Octol er, n the yc:ir of our Ivord onu tliousanilViiü hundred and Mv.iiiy-four, executed a mortgage to I; tiques, (' t fit ■ ui Ann A.rbor,county of ':ih ■- huw, EAlchigan, tosecuje the pay ment i certaln principal and Interes! uaoney therern mentioued, whii-li ;ii-l rnort'ao was rocorded in the office of the Register of i,-, ,i n the county oí Washtenav aforesaid, on the I4th day of Ol-IoIht A. O. I874, in liberöl of mortati's. nn p;iL'' -11-i. And wl., default bas been made for inore than thirty dflya in the paymentdf sn tnstallment of ioteresi which became due on the Hth day of April, a. I. 1875, by reason wherenf and pursnantto the ternu of said mortgaKt'.tM mortgagee hereby el i thai so mach oi said principal as remaihs n tijci ui wiih all arrearages of interest thereof shall become due and payablc immediately. And whereas, Chete i cïnmed tobe due and nnpatd ou said morteage ;a the of this notice, eleven humlred and tw.-uty á for principal and interest, aho au attömey'a fee of fifly dollars in addition to all other should any proceediiiL's be taken to Fo same; and no suit or haring beeo Institutcd L'ithcr in law oremiiv Lu recover the ;i:nor any part thereof. Notice is therofore bereb) giveu. that on the lltli day of March, 1876, al two o'clock in tho afternoou of said day at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ano Arbor, county aforesaid, (that bcing the place in whioh the Circuit (Jourt for saideuuuty ia held J, and by virtue of tlie power of sale contalned tn said mortgage, 3 shall sellat public auction to the bighest bl the premises described in Baid mortgage, tosatisfy the amount of principal and Interest wlth the charges al'. salf and tho attömey'a fee of ftftj dollars, all that certain piece or parcel of land aituated in Ehe city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenav, and state ut' Michigan, known, Dounaed,and descrlbed as follows, to wit: Heilig lot nnmber two (2J in blocb number eleven (II) Itiscock's addition to tne city of Ann Arbor, acooixiing to the reeorded plat thereof. Dated, December 14, 1876. REBECCA HENRIQUES, Morl Joun N. Qott, Attornej for .Mm-uu Estáte of Samuel W. Dexter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Vohtenaw, S8. At a session of the Probate Court tor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otüce in the city oí Ann Arbor, ou Tl ursday, the twentieth dny tf Junuary, in the year one thousand eight hundred und EMV6nty-8Íx. PreBent, Xoah W. Cheever, Jude of Probate. In the matter of theesUte of Samuel W'. Dextor deceased. Millisent Dextfr and Wirt Dexter, pxecutoraof the Iat will and testament of aaid deceased, come into rourt and represent that they are now prö il to ronder their account as auch executors. Thercupon ït iaordored. that Vriday, the eigh teenthdayol Febrmiry noxt. at ten o'clock in tne aasigned for examimnji and allowinf? iuch uccount, and that the devisees, leiiatees, and lieirs at law of snid drecased, and all other persons interebted in said estáte, aron-quired tottppcar at a if.ssion of siiid Court, thrn to be holden at the Probate Offioe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said iouniy. and show cuusc, ifanythere be, why the taid account sliould not be al!owt;d : And it ís 'urthrr ordered that said oxecutors give notice ;o Uieperaona interested in aaid estáte, of fche fndoncy of eind account, and the hearing thereof, ly cuuflinf? a copy of fthlfl order to be published n the Mirhtijan Jnus, w uevspapdr printetl and lirculating in said county. Üiree succeasive weeks )revious to said day of hearing (Atruecopy.J M)A1L W CH BEVER, IMÖ Judge of Probate. Keal Estáte lor öale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Couoty of "Washteaaw.n. rn the matter of the eetate of Ulrich Luubennyer, deceased. Notice i htfreby {fiven, that in poisuanoe of un order vrantod to "tlie andertuff oed, admíDistratoi of the Mtateofsaid l irioh Laubengayer, by the Hon.Jadge of Probate for ihe Counly oï W, on fché twellth day of Jnnunry, A. D. 187G, theft wíl] aoid ut public vontluu to the higbeet bidder, ut the dweliinf?honse on the premisos hereinafter dtaeribi the Cuuntyof Washtenaw In said State, on Mondny the flrst dayof Murch, A. D. 1876. ut ton o'clork in tlie forenopn oí that day (subjtct to ;ill encunibriUicys by mortgngo or othi'rwisc pxistniK ut the time of the ilcalh oí said dtceased, lid alto aubject to theright ofdower oí the widow of anitl doceased therein), the folio wiiiL dMoribed real estáte to wil : The e&ftt half of the northwt Quarter and the north tweuly ocre of the west half of the Dortlteust aurter Beotton number twenty eix ftlso the wea half, and ftftoeo nor o i olf frum the north end of the 6aat half of the west half of the soutliwcst qoartar of section No. twenty three, all iu towu thiee BOUth, in range live east Tl-odij in the Btaíe oí MichiganDated, January 12lh, A. I). 187G. 1565 COMSTOCK F.HILL, Adminisirator. Estáte of Emuia L. Knight. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O as. At a session ot the IVobute Coiirt for the county of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Friday, tlie fourteenth day of January, in the year one thousand eipht hundrod nd eventy-six. Preeont, Noah W. Cheever, Judae of Probato. In the tnutter of the estáte oí Kmma L. Knlggt, decoawed . Alpheus Felch, Administrator of BaJd estáte, oomett into oouit and representa Üiat he is ow pre pared to reuder his iinal account as sucli administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuodn, the flfteenthday of Fcbruary, next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assignod for examining and such account, and that the heirs ai law of Biiid deceaaed and all other persons intercated in said estáte, are roquirt'd to appear at a aesion of eaid court, then to be holden at the i'robaie office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couiity, and show oaasO) i f any there be, why the Raid account should not be allowed: And it is turther ordered that said ftdminietrator give not'ce to the porsona intcrested n aaid estute, of the pendency of aaid account, snd the hvaring thcreof, by causing a copy of iliis order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a oewaptiper priuUid aud circuluting in said couiity three succeasive weeka previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1566w3 Judge of Probate,


Old News
Michigan Argus