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EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST EECEIVED AN Entir e New Stock Of gooda oonüistlog of Teas, Golfees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YOEK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them ai VERY SLIGHT ADVANCË over New York Oost. Aleo a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WKAIi in BOOTS & SÏÏOES, AU of which he in oifering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It pays everybody to buy their goods for Cash. Cali and examine gGoda aild pricee, and I WILL INSUEE SATISPACTION Goocl delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Muynard's Block,' cor. Main and Ann streets 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. BI Y THE SEW Family Singer. 241,679 Sold in 1874! And 118,852 ntwre tban were sold by liij; lus! competí tor. WHILE THE Wheeler & Wilson aold only 92,827 Howe Machine Co. estimaled 45,000 Domestio "22,700 Weed 20,495 Grover & Raker 20,000 Remington ]8,60e And so on down. Ho it appcars from the sales of the different Companies that THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admirers Than all the others combined I MACHLMES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. All partios buying a Singer end wishing to exchange it for a Howe or Remington within three months can do bo without efctra cost. _ 1 have also several new Howe machines, a Poniestic, and a nuniber of second hand machines in good order, which can be hought very chcap. The very best Needks for all machines at 40 cents per dozen. Set of four Hommen and the Grinnell Binder for all machines, $1,00- the bost set in the market, aud also attachiuents for nearly all machines. I. 1. c; it i i;i,i,, Agent. C1556) 2d door eaat of Postoflice, Ann Arbor, Mich. piNSET & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep conatantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE ahd RKTAIL TUADE. We shall alBo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAf FLOUR, KYE PLOUK, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUK, COUN MEAL, FEED, &o., &o. At wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonnble termö au at any other house in thie oity. Cash paid for Butter, EggB, and Country Produce generally. KF" Goods delivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. RINSEY & SDAltoi r. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. 1514tf EBERBACHl; CO., DRCG6ISTS AND PHAB1ACIST8 ifo. 12 South Main Streel. Ceeps on hand a largc and wcll sclccted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artists' & Wax Flower Materials TOILET ARTICLE8, TRUSSES, ETC. PURE VINE AND LIQUORS. Special attentlon paid to the furnishing of Physicions, Chenilsta, Schools, etc with Philosuphicul and Chemical Apparatua, Boheiuiau Chemical Glassware, I'orcelam Ware, Pure Itcagents. etc. Physiciaua prescriptious carefully prepared at all hours. 156-1 MANHOOD: How Lost How Restored ! Just published, r new otlition of Dr. Culver xrll rcltluaird I Ssa on the uadical cunK (without medicine) oí Spebmatoruuoea or Seminal wekneenf Involuntiiry Seminal LotïscB, Impotency, mental and l'hy&icul inenpacity, lmpodiments to marriage, etc. , also, Consumption, EpilepBy and l?its, induced by self-indulgence or saxunl extravagtmee , &c. KT PricE( in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Ës&ay, clcftrly deinonatrattít, from a thirty yeara' suoc:ssf ui prnctice, that the alarming consequenoes of selfabime may be radi' ally eurcd without the the dangorouB use uf internal medicine or the application of the kuift ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, aud offectaal, by means of whioh every 8uffercr,no matter what his condition may be, may cure himseifchoaply, privately, u nd radically. Bíi" This lecture should be in the hands of every youth und evory man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain enve ojia, to any address, posb-paid, on receipt of eix cfiit or two pont stampa. Addreas the publishera, F. BRUGMAN & SOX. 1 1 Ann st., Ttew York, Put Office Box, 4SS6


Old News
Michigan Argus