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The Weekly World

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HAVE YOU A DOLLAR ? FOR ONE DOLLAR"We will send, IPostage-iPaid, ONE YEAR. 1. It contains AI,!, THE NEWS of the past seven days, cotóted by the agents and correspondent of the New York Daily Worlü, and in fulliiess, uecuracy and enterprise in ibis respect is uncqualled. -'. lts AfiKICPIrURAL DEPAKTITTENT contains the latest news of farm experimenta at home and abroad, contribuiions by liome and foieign writers, full reporte oí the Farmers' Club of the American Instituto, and quotations of valuable and intercstug articlus appearing in the agricultural weeklios and magazines. 3. lts GRAN(i i: NEWS, to whicb attcntion is specially caïled, is a feature which can bcfound in no other paper. All the resources at the command of a great metropolitan newspaper are einployed in its cöllecUon, and the resul t is a page each week where the menibers ma y find a complete record of the work of the order in every State in the Union for the pastaeven days. In addition to this weekly record, The Wokld gives the cream of all the local grange papers in every State. This department is and will continue to be under tho charge of one of the active raembers of the order. 4. For tho r 1 It isl 1I DKPART1QEKT, in additiou to itis other attrat-tions, such as poetry, mtscellany, humorous extractH, Ac, during the coming year, there will be not lesa thau oue huudred short talca by tho btist writors of fiction in Egland and America. 5. The tlnrket Keport brought down to the hour of publication, are the best that can bc made. Each market i reported by oue whoso special knowledge and training make him the best authorlty upon that subject in the United States. For accuracy and completeness the market reX)rte of The Wokld are unrivalled. '■ The World is not only the hest but the cheapest newspaper ever offered the farmer." SEM I-WKEKLY (104 Non.) 2 A YEAR. aily (313 Nos.,) 1O per Year. Specimen copies seut upon applisation. AtUreis ({ THE WORTiP." S5 Park Row, Xew York