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Senator Christiancy Made A

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speech on Monday agninst the admisBion of Pinchback to a seat in that body. Sexator Ferry, by his own request preferred on Tuesday, waa relieved from service on the Cominittee on Finance, and Senator Cooper was given the vacant place. The Republican State Convention, to elect delegates to the National Convention and appoint a new State Committee, has been called to be held at Grand Rápida on the lOth of May. This county is entitled to twelve delegates, - four for each Republican journal (unless they are all bagged by one). If the Washington Star is to be believe, Senator Sharon, of Nevada, feels somo conscientious scruples about holding an office he doos not fill and drawing pay for work he does not do, and would be glad to resign aud go home and " attend to his own private affnirs,' that is if the Governor, who is a Deinocrat, wouldn't appoint a Democrat to succeed him. Couldn't he buy up the Governor as he did the Legislatura ? On Thursday of last week the House passed a bilí, reported by the Democratie chairman of a Democratie oommittee for the payment of fourteen disablee Union 8oldiers on the rolls and in the service of the House. Won't our Republican friends give that " Confedérate " body credit for just a little pat riotism, especially as thoy have given their readers to understand that the Union soldiers had all been dischargec from the House service and no new ones appointed ? WRITINO of the various candidate entered for the Fresidential race, the New York Etening Post classifies a "good," Blaine, Bristow, Washburne Tilden, and Bayard, with a reservation against Thurman, because of " his un fortúnate deliquescence into thin butte during the heat of the Ohio canvass. Conkling and Morgan it brands " mod erate ; " Hartranft, Hayes, Hanckock " indifferent ; " Morton, Hendricks, Al len, and Grant, "bad." Another jour nal of more positivo political proclivi ties 'would turn the classification tai to. Senator English, of Conneoticut, has sent to Mrs. Ferry about $600, the amount of salary accruing f rom the time of her husband's death, in November, to tae first of January, some three weeks after he (Englisb) was elected and took his seat ; and Representativo Kiddle, of Tennessee, has turned over to the families of his two predecessors who died before the session comme nced the portion of pay accruing to each before his death, and to the State that part of the salary acoruing after the death of his last predecessor and before his own election. Who says that all legialators are salary grabbers ? To employ " apt alliteratioii'a artful aid how would this Prcsidential ticket do for th centennial year Senator Frehnghuysen fo President and Senator Ferry for Vice Pres ilmit ? Then again there is Blaine and 13 ri tow, Morton and Morrill, and so on to the ene of the list of generáis, congressmen andstates men. Who will faTor us with an alliterativ political poeni for 1876. - Allegan Journal. Let us " alliterate " a little for th benefit of the Jourruil : Conkling am Cameron, Hamlin and Harían, Wash burne and Whipper, Sherman and Spen eer, Hartranft and Haralson, Sharo and Schenck, Butler and Burrow Morton and Moses, Fenton and Fíele Pinchback and Pratt. How do thes combinations strike you, Don ? Mr. Morrison, of the House, " pu his foot in it" on Friday last, by charg iug that a certain applicant for a pen sion, who having enlisted in the Con fedérate service afterward deserted aac joined the Union army, in which h was wounded and disabled, " had bro ken nis faith, was a scoundrel, and no deserving of a pension." Üetting a li' tle new light he retraced his steps an voted for the pension. If the Demo cratio leaders would cultívate the habi of thinking before speaking, the: friends out of Congress, and especial]; those of the Democratie press, wouldn' have to spend so much time in explain ing away their foolish utterances. Dk. Hambleton, the clerk of Mr Morrison's Committee on Ways anx Means, wbo has been charged wit naming a son after J. Wilkes Booth has writtan a letter to the New Yor World, in which he charges the pater nity of the story upon a former notori ous carpet-bag Governor of Georgia Itufua H. Bullock. Iu again denyin the truth of the charge Mr. Hamblt ton says that he has a son named Ben jamin and another named Oliver, anc for fear that some future enomy ma; maliciously charge that they wer named after or for either Butler o Morton, he wishes to put his protest o record now and save them froin suc disgraco. A capital rejoinder. It 18 understood that the Seeretary of the Treasury, yielding to the gen eral demand for retrenchment anc economy, " has decided to recommenc the abolition of all custom-houses in the United States where the amount o expenditures for the past year were in excess of the recoipts." These cuatom houses, mere hospitals for dilapidatec politicianB, are fifty-soven in number and the aggregate deficiency s large that at Brownsville, Texas, alon amounting to $24,505.68. Maine wil lose seven and ex-Speaker Blaine a cor respondingly large force of wire-pul] erg and caucus managers who draw their pay regularly with nothing to do Massachusetts will lose four and Rhod Island two. And then just think of re tiring the custom-house politicians a New Albany, Ind.; St. Joseph and Kan Bas City, Mo.; Keokuk, Iowa ; Selma, Ala.; and other like important points. Won't the local politicians howl and the smugglers thrive and fatten ? No wonder that Sacretary Bristow is reported in bad odor. In the House, on Tuesday, a bilí was passed, by a vote of 186 to "5 epealing the Bankruptcy act of 1867 nd all laws and parts of laws amraatory thereof or supplomental theroto. Suits now pending are to be prosecuted and closed up as if tho repoaling law had not been enacted ; but as the repealing law does not take effuct until Jan. 1, 1877, wo are at a loss to know, in the absenoe of the full text of the bill, whothor or no that word " now " means at the date of approviug the bill or the date it is made to take effect. If the latter, time is left for malicious and evil-disposed creditors to work a vast ainount of injury before the millstone is taken from the necks of the business community. The involuntary clause of the Bankruptcy aot is one of the great hindrances to new business enterprises. All of the Michigan delegation exoept Messrs. Hubbell and Wm. B. Williams voted for the r6pealing bill. In the Sonate on the 2d inst., Mr. Saulsbury submitted a resolution directing the Sucretary of the Sunato to pay Francia W. Sykes, late contestant for a seat from the State of Alabama, the inileage and pay of a Senator from ilarch 4, 1873, to May 28, 1874," or in the neighborhood, of $6,000 for making claim to a Beat which he did not get. We are aware that it is the practice of Congress, both the Senate and House, to give contestants full pay whether adniitted or rejected, but it is a practioe which cannot be stopped too soon. Contestants who fail to mako their claims good should reoeive no pay. To pay them in full, when defeated, is to offer a reward for contests. If a defeated candidate can trump up a claim to a Beat and draw bis pay when failing to make it good there is no proteotiou to the treasury vaults. The tax-payers have rights moro sacred than those of rejected contestante An exchange says that " the Iowa House of Representativos has passed a bilí requiring that all oonditions of insuranoe policies shall be printed in type not smaller than ' long primer,' and that tho use of smaller type shall render the polioies void : " which is uve nonsense. as many Diiua, misieaa ing, oontradictory, and uninterprotable " conditions " caá be put into " long primer " tppe as into " nonpareil " o " pearl." Larger type is not the reme dy : what is wanted is fewer condition in plainer language. The several State should enaot statutes definitely preacrib ing the conditions to ba embodied in insurance policies, conditiona favoring neither the insurer nor polioy-holder, bu fair and just to both; and then any an all ccmpanies doing business in a Stat having auch a statute ahould be requir ed to insert such conditions, and n others, in their policies. These condi tions being statutory and uniform would soon come to be thoroughly un derstood, the rights of all partios woulc be generally known and as generall; protected , and a vast amount of expen sive litigation saved. At present insu ranee, both fire and life, approximate a delusion and a dream. Hon. W. W. Muhpiiy, of this State and well-known to many Argus read ers, late Consul-Genernl at Frankfort on-the-Main, has been enlightening th Committee on State Department Expen ditures at Washington ; and his testi inony, like that of another experience witnesa, Mr. Parrell, indicatea the direc tion in which money has been thrown away upon worthlesB favoritos supposee to be abroad in the interest of thei country. Of one Steinberger, wh filled a roving commission or mission - akin to that of Parson Newinan - Mr Murphy's report is thus aummarized " The bilis of this bright diplomatic or nament, the witness said, frequently ex oeeded $30 a day, and probably average( $25. Steinberger said he was requirec to keep up the dignity of his position and obliged to entertain his friends in suniptuous manner. What service th extravagant Steinborgor rendered hi country was never known to Mr. Mur phy." When our Eepublican friends o the Michigan press level their big gun at a Democratio House for attemptiu economy in the diplomatio appropria tion bill, let them rembember that Mr Mukphy is not a Democrat, and tha he is a radioal Kepublican. The special friends of a protectiv tariff, that is a tariff which levies dutie for the express purpose of preventing the importation of articles upon whicl they are laid, are cying out againsc th propoaed renewal of the old duty on tea and coffeo, and lustily ring th changes on a " free broakfast table. Now the duty was taken off from tea and coffee not in the interest of the con aumer, for the price of those article has not been materially affected b; their transfer to the free list, but as an excuse for levying large duties upon other articles, not in the interest o revenue but for the benefit of certain manufacturera. The price of the table the table spread, the table furniture and of the numerous ingredients whicl enter into the composition of breakfasi dinner, and supper, hare been increaaec under the pretenso of cheapening te and coffoo, and without aucomplishini that object. If we are to be taxed on food, drink, or raiment, we prefer to pay the tax to the Government instoat of to third persons. A tax on tea anc coffüe ia essentially a revenue tax ; it i eaBily and cheaply collected ; and fo every dollar paid into the treaaury the consumer is not robbed of three dollars for the benefit of some one olse whohas Bucceeded in quartering himself upon the treasury, by the levying of legal but unjust contributions upon the public. Don't be fooled by the cry of " a free broakfast table." If WE are correctly advised the Jaokson Patriot ia in error in Btating that declarations of intentiona to become citi.cns must now be made in open oourt, and not before the clerk. At the present session of (Jongress a bill bas been passed remedying the blunder made in the Kevised Statues, and we presume has heen signed by the President and become a law.


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