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University Notes And Gossip

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- The junior hop on Friday evening laat was votod a success. It wae a godsend to " ye Jenkinees" of the press. - The Students' Scientilic Society h;is luid au increaae of two members : W. C. Carpenter and U. S. Uomatock, both juniors. - The Sodality boys have made au en;ietnent to furnish the music tor tlie ComiBg junior exhibition of the High School. - The f reshman class has a niember born in China, his father boing an Irishman (a clergymau and missionary), and his mother au American ladv. - The boat club gets tl 14, the net procneds of the Sodality and Glee Club concert, givon en the evening of the 17th. The concert was m uch better than the attondance. - Misa Helen I'otter failed to meet her engagement for last Wednesday eveniug. The boston Philharmonic Club are next on the list, - for Thursday eveningnext, March 2d. B - At a recent meeting ot the Branch County Medical Society resolutions were tabled ceusuriug the medical department for some imaginary couneotion with or taint of homeopathy. - Dr. J. H. Beech, of Coldwater, is to deliver the address to the graduatiug class the coming Medical Commencement. Dr. B. is a gentleman of culture and one of the best read physicians in the State. - Wedneaday next will be observed as the day of special prayer for colleges and other institutions of learning. There will be a meeting for prayer and conference at 9 1-2 A. M. At 3 p. at. Dr. Gocker will preaoh. The public are invited to these services. - The Tribune (its correspondent can't be at fault) pri'ises the " theological" exercises of the juniors during the last semester, and speaks of the work done as " worth more than years of theological training." If the typo hadn't badly blundered, it would have read rheturical aud been understaudable. - At the regular meeting of the Students' Scientiflc Society held on Saturday last, papers were read by O. C. Simonds, on " graphy ; by Henry S. Farsons, on the " Production of Alcohohc Liquors ; " and by V. C. Vaughán, on the " Stemum of the Goose." Mr. F. H. Kimball read the scientific news of the week, and Mr R. W. Corwin exhibited a piaster cast of a deformad Chinese foot, trom a girl 14 years old in a Cantón hospital. It is of the Stere collection. - It may not be inappropriate in this column to pass along to the front the following conundrum which the Marshall Statesman propounds: " By what authority do President Angelí and Prof. Mo3es Coit Tyler pronounce the word hterature as though it wore spelled ht-ei-a.-chure, with the accent on the last syllable ? Neither Worcester, Webster, nor Soule & Wheeler hint, even, at any other pronunciation than -er-a-ture, the "u" long, and the accent ou the ürst syllable. It is not probable that men of such rare attaiuments, wheu speaking upon literary topics, speak unadvisedly. We, therefore, ask seriously for information." - The junior8 (according to the Chronicle) have petitioned Dr. Cocker to have his notes on metaphysics printed, the labor of copying being too great. Wouldn't it be gratifyuig to the 8tudents to have the professors furnish each one with an amanuensis, to do their readiug, writing, and reciting; bo that they (the studente) could devote more of their time to nobler employments: batting, boating, billiards, bunimiug. Seriously, taking notas and writing them out is the very drill the student needs, and is an invaluable aid in making his own what the lecturer collates not simply for his hearing. - The Boston Pliilharincmic Ulub, whose entertainment in Uuiversity Hali last June gave such excellent enjoyraent, will give an instrumental and vocal concert in Umversity Hall, Thursday Evening, March 2d, under the auspices of the Leeture Association. The members of the club are assisted by the soprano, Miss Laura Schirmer. Messrs. B. aud T. Listemann, violin soloists ; Adolph Hartdegen, vioIoncello soloist ; Eugene Weiner, flute soloist ; Emil Gramm, viola and violiu. soloiat; and Adolph Belz, Freuch horu soloist, are the members of this well-known club. The programme is a uew and popular one, and one that was especial !y arranged for this entertainment: