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Real Estate Sales

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The following transactions in real estatt havfl been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, during the past two weeks . John Osterlo to Juhn A. Kalambach, 80 acres off HBotioua 10 and 11, Sylvan. $1,500. Daniel McLoughlin to Charlea H. Kempf, 80 acres off southwest quarter of section lió, Lyndon. $2,000. Harvey 13yd to John Boyle, lot G in block 14, villaje of Sylvan. töü. Harrison A. Weeks to Almon B Steven, lots 68fi and 087, Norria' easteru addition to Ypsilanti. Y1,200. Almon B. Stevens to Harrison A. Wenks, lot ") and part of lot li, Davis' addition to Ypsianti. f2,200. Gottleib Bauer tn Oscar L. Robinson, 88 1-4 icres olï sections 33 and 31, Lodi. $6,200. Snth E. Engle to Margaret Schelp, lot 4x10 roda off section 3, villaje of Saline. $1,200. Harvey Bonnett to Mary F. Hoyt, lot containing '20 rods of land in Bennett's addition to Saline. $700. Mary F. Hoyt to Harrey Bennett, 2 acres off southwest quarter of section 1, Saline. $1,200. John Ess to Edward Hammond, the undivided halt interest in 9 aerea off section 14, Lodi. $1,500. Chas. T. Henion to Hebron Hurd, 27 acres off northeast quarter of section 6, Pittsflold. $1,917. Abram S. Polhemus and Andrew ST. Eogers to Juue V. Polhemus 1(50 acres off section '21, Scio. $10,400. A. Vandicar to D. Vandicar, 3 acres off the southeast quarter of section 30, Augusta. $50. unas. M. Halsey to John P. Dale, Iot 4 in Jarvia' addition to Ypailanti. $1,000. Mary Ann Knapp to Jacob F. Brown, 25 acres off southwest quarter of section 13, Northfield. $1,300. Boccena B. Norria to John Krosa, Iota 576 and 577, Norria' western addition to Ypsilanti. $200. Uhri8tian Weber to John A. Kalambach, 120 acres off sectiona ltí and 21, Sylyan. 85,043. ' 3 Louis Poor to James A. Blackmar, lot 8x10 rods on Eiver street, Ypsilanti. f 1,200. Win. W. Bale to Chas. M. Fellows, 6 acres off southeast quarter of asction 31, Freedom. 1250. Michael Maulbetsch to Geo. Mast, 10 acres off northwest nuarter of section 36, Scio 1,150. George Maat to Michael Maulbetsch, 40 acre off northwest quarter of section 30, Salem. $1,475. Sarah F. Simpson to John S. Lang, Iota 63 and 64 in Huuter'a addition to Ypsilanti $700. Wm. Derindinger to Mary Ann Armstrong, tlie undivided half interest in lot 1, section 4, Tillage of Saline. $1,600.